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5 and 6 October 19514
reported that relocation of air conditioning units was con
2. Jim also advised that the Logistics Office was staffing out a paper at
the reauest of the DD/P area to provide for the purchase of quarters
also spoke to me about this and action will have to be expedited when
I finally get the request. It probably will be necessary to touch base with the
Bureau of the Budget.
would be published as soon as possible inasmuch as he believed that it would go
a long way toward implementing proper support planning. 25X1
4. General Cabell spoke to me about "in casual - out casual"
paper. Apparently he is intensely interested in having some procedure such as
this worked out in the DD/P area. He said that he intended to talk to Dick Helms
about it and would give me instructions as to whether and how to proceed after
this discussion.
5. Dr. Tietjen reports that he has set up a series of meetings with vari-
ous echelons of the Office of Personnel in order to smooth out the working rela-
tionship between the two Offices. He believes that everything will work out all
right. Harry Reynolds also confirmed with me that he believed the relationship
between the Medical Office and the Office of Personnel was smoothing out satis-
6. I approved of Dr. Tietjen forwarding a request to the Office of Train-
ing for0 to take a course in psychoanalysis one hour per day, five days
per week, for one year (at such times. as would not interfere with his regular
duties) at a cost of not more than $4,000.
7. telephoned to say that he expected to have a meeting on
the "cover" paper sometime soon and asked me to send a representative. I told
him that Colonel Edwards could represent the DD/A element and that no one else
need be concerned,
8. Spoke to Harry Reynolds about the apparent trend by the Office of Per-
sonnel to require all career boards to keep their own records. I told him that
the card system which we had devised with his Office was used about eighty-five
per cent for placement purposes and fifteen per cent for other purposes and that
Approved For Release 2007/10/23: CIA-RDP76-00183R000100010070-6
Approved For Release 2007/10/23: CIA-RDP76-00183R000100010070-6
I thought his people were moving in the wrong direction. I, personally, believe
that the Office of Personnel should keep all of these records and service the
various career boards. If it does not, certainly we are going to have a dupli-
cation of records and Personnel type activities all over the Agency. Harry in-
dicated that he agreed with this and would look into the matter. 25X1
9. Discussed with the principle of the Comptroller concurring
in changes deviating more than 50,000 in approved project budgets. He wanted
to talk to Dick Helms about it and later advised me that Dick would like to dis-
cuss the matter with me personally. The Administrative Plan for Project
illustrates the principle in question.
and decided that he should not go until he had proven himself in Headquarters 25X1
over a longer period of time.
10. Discussed with) Ithe propriety of sending
12. Jim and I discussed the Industrial Audit Branch, Office of the Comptrol-
ler, and its relationship to the contract activities in the Logistics Office,
He definitely believes that some change should be made in the head of this Branch
but feels very Strongly that (who is the No. 2 man) would not be as
satisfactory as is 25X1
Approved For Release 2007/10/23: CIA-RDP76-00183R000100010070-6
Approved For Release 2007/10/23: CIA-RDP76-00183R000100010070-6
of 1~"~
k -Iowt
tai f.4m-Atuw,~*OUAS
- Fat 'white Aeum
X200 i.. - LAS 4t Orit"auOu (.
Approved For Release 2007/10/23: CIA-RDP76-00183R000100010070-6
Approved For Release 2007/10/23: CIA-RDP76-00183R000100010070-6
E" October 1954
Ori.ginatin` Office Sub ect
~~/Corm Memorandum for Depixt- Director (Administration) Signed by AD/Cocc_rnc
4 Oct 54 subject: "Peguect &.r Increase in personnel Ceiling," OLL e_,J w/att n,-)-to
w/att riemo for T)D/ EC/Co me same sub j, dtd by SRS and fwded to
9 Aud 41; . ER-6 0?31 C/M-rrt Staff for re-
view , reco'wiendat
Memorandum for Chief Management Staff, subject: Signed by DD,/:A. Ori?
"Study of Integrati:- System," requesting that w/basic to adse. cc
he look into matter- )nd give opinion on advisibi.lityto AD/P; DDA sub j
of presenting specific proposals and recommendations (08M2) and chrono.
,to the Director. ER-6-0920
s'xec- Officer/SO M morandum to Office of Comptroller, subject:
4 Oct 54 "Penalty Mail - Qua'terly Certification," watt
certification. ER-6-0948
1. Oct 54
Memoranda for Secretary of the Project Review
Committee, subject::::"Project
"Project 0" ER-6-0886 and 0887
Orin; w/or a-%2 of att
noted by RBS and
fwded to Compt. lcc-
25X1 DDA sub J (Comoro).
lcc of each noted by
RBS and routed to
for info
C/Mgmt Staff Memorandum for Deputy Director (Administration),
22 Sept 54 subject: "OCD T/O Icrease Under Provisions of
NSC - 169," w/basic, ER-6-0448
5 Oct 54
Letter to The Honorle William E. Jenner, Chair-
Approved by DD/A 5
Oct 54. Appved
orally by DDCI 40ct5
Orig&l w/basic to AD
P;2ccs-Asst to DDT
(Adair.,); cc-Compt;C/
mgmt Staff; DDA sub j
(0&M5) and chrona.
Joint Committee on Printing, designating Signed by DCI. Orig
y to the staff in
to serve in an advisory capae- and 1 given to Mr.
its survey. 0 to handcarry
ER-6-496A to alse. lcc-LO; ice
w/basis - TR&P; I
copy-Mr. Fforzhe l rrrer
2ccs-DDA subj(Prine.
and tiepro) & chrono.
AC/TO Div Memorandum for Deputy Director (Administration) Concurred in by DD/P
27 Sept 54 subject: "Increase in TO Division Table of Admire: noted by DD/A
Organization." 10 skts and fwcied to C/Mgrrt
ER-6-0919 Staff for comment en,,
reeo:yirrendation. Sent
by spec. messenger.
Approved For Release 2007/10/23: CIA-RDP76-00183R000100010070-6
Approved For Release 2007/10/23: CIA-RDP76-00183R000100010070-6
Distribution 93c,--d of recu latory issuances No thane made
w-thin Office of the DD/A. present distribi ti
lttER-6-C44Q Schedule ret'd +-n
Originating Office Sub j ect
COA/DDP Memorandum for the'Fecord, subject: "Management
4 Oct 54 Staff Activities,"I w/att memo for the record,
subj "Managment St*`f/I&R Relationship" (Draft
of FI memo . ER-6-1050
25X1 25X1
Ori g w/att to
"see no objec
memo unle
you do or wish to
expand it. ..ret to
me w;/a.ny comment yo
can make."
Ori,; w;/att file on
sub] and. blue memo
fr )D/A. handcarried
to ?")CI reouest .rev
app-3. of c1aa--r-ge-cPf
to ~,:rense . lcc -1Dv/
blue memo-PDA car,n,-
19 Aug 54 subject: I ~' - appropriate
settlement of the c :1.standing accounts.
2, Au 54
JO t' -
posed FN.
17 Sept 54
concurrence sheet and pro-
Travel Crder (SE-34f>5 Amend. #1) for
Memorandum fort Chief,
6 Oct 5 Services Branch, Ei oyee Services Division,
Office of Personnels subject: "Additional Receipts
from Advance Gifts *(:Iicitation, Deputy Ddirector
(Administration) Orts:nization," w/att envelopes
containing checks, )edges, and cash in amt of
$941.00. ER 6-1071
Concurred in by DD/'
5 Oct 54. Or125X1/a to (!/RCS fwdedyto C l
RCS for publication.
Already authent i cate
by DD/P. ice of C1: t;
memo and cc-.s of DDAI
trans slip-sub j (Tray
6) and c!irono.
Authorized by Dn/A
4 Oct 54. Complete
form sent to Central
Signed by JAC. O- ?_; ~-
and 1 w/att envelope
sent to adse via FR
special. messenger
2ccs-DfA subj ,Pers
and chrono.
Approved For Release 2007/10/23: CIA-RDP76-00183R000100010070-6
Approved For Release 2007/10/23: CIA-RDP76-00183R000100010070-6
O ?iginating Office
6 October 54
Memorandum for Ass:* ant Director for
Security Office, fo the Program for Career
Development of Junir Personnel."
subject: "Applicant of
Signed by JAC. trig
and 1 to arise. ccs
to: C;/JOTD; D/Sec ; TL SO; Sub j' s Pers file;
1 w/Pers file and
applications to Mr.
for action;
DDA sutb j (Train. 3-re
and chrono;_-JAC.
6 Oct 54
6 Oct 54
Memorandum for Dire e `.or of Training, subject:
"Junior Officer Tr -iing Program, If re status
of program and nee or additional positions.
Memorandum for the ;Icord, subject: "OO/C Contact
with Aliens ," - di:.,ussion between
Office. (R 6o-iio . ER-6-10 7
Col. White, and
Col. Edwards,
Letter to Mr. Edm F. Marsure in reply to Mr.
Mansure's ltr of 24 Sept re PL 766, 83rd Congress,
stating that it is }uestio ble whether this
Agency can partici t4Ln centrally operated pool
JAC suggests review
of JOT population
around Apr 55. Orig
w/basic to adse. cc:
sub- (Train 3-2) s,nc