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Approved For Release 2007/10/23 :CIA-RDP76-001838000100010022-9 DIARY NOTES DD A 9, 10, and 12 November 1954 1. Had lunch with) at which time we discussed the personnel ceiling aad T/0 problems. I thinly that the Management Staff will have seething cc~.crete to propose within the next few days. 2. Expressed my dissatisfaction to Matt Baird and Harry Reynolds concern- ing the way i.n which a meeting of the Screening Panel for the selection of can- didates to the Harvard School of Advanced Business Administration was conducted and requested that Harry call a meeting of the Career Council to consider the candidates screened by the Panel and to seek any policy guidance which the Panel thought it needed. 25X1 3. I tookl lin to see General Cabell at which time he briefed him on the medical support situation in the Far East. General Cabell commented to me later that he was most favorably impressed with 25X1 !~. Attended a meeting in Mr. Kirkpatrickts office to discuss the charter of the Mark Clark Study Group. 5. John Warner, Gates Lloyd, and I met with Lyman Kirkpatrick and his Staff to discuss claims against the .Agency which may not. be su ortable legally. Noth- ing specific came out of the meeting except that was asked tv draw up a procedural paper which would insure that proper coordination was effected be- tween components of the DD/.~ area and the Inspector General's Staff as the study of a particular claim progressed. This should minimize the possibility of the Inspector General and the Deputy Director (Administration) finding themselves in disagreement on a partie~lar case: the resolution of which can be decided only by the Director. 6. Conducted a DD/A Staff Meeting. (See Minutes.) 7. Immediately after the DD/A Staff Meeting I conducted a special. meeting to coordinate a proposed Regulation on "Agency Relations with Staff Personnel. Necessary concurrences were obtained and the next step is to present the paper to General Cabell; if he approves it will be ready for publication. 8, I advised the Director that inasmuch as many inquiries from within the .Agency indicated that personnel were inclined to believe that articles currenttly appearis~ in the Saturday Evening Post had been approved for publication I Approved For Release 2007/10/23 :CIA-RDP76-001838000100010022-9 Approved For Release 2007/10/23 :CIA-RDP76-001838000100010022-9 thought some action should be taken to disspel.l this f?e3..ing,. Iie directed Mr. Kirkpatrick to try his hand at drafting a proposed Notice on the subject. 9. Colonel Edwards talked to sae about the propriety of placing a notation in the personnel file of any individual. who had had three security violatiaris and I approved of this action, 25X1 10. ~ Senior Representative was is He was particularly interested in discussing educational benefits and I told him that I thought we would have policy approval to contiAlLB "as is'~ verg shortlg. He said that this would fa3.l. to take care of quite a fir people, particularly Communications em- ployees who were generally on a relative lovers ' scale. According to his explanation these o l , pe p e are under and if we could permit acme S.L'LOWA]']f!Q ~F'Ar orann!~~~ nY..,'1 L._.-_r~ i. _ - ..~ vw+uyaiq~J1C vV 4ilVS8 1FAlCII .Leg'ti~mA'tie Companies t fi do ~ ~ ~ ? t c o y- ve per cen o cases. I tol him t hat I v~ould t~ o th3.s,e loo~k into . Matt Baird telephoned to ask me to give consideration to making 1~r. a DD/A representat3.ve in the Office of Tra~ng~ I ~,1 have to discuss this with Ed Saunders and others. a Approved For Release 2007/10/23 :CIA-RDP76-001838000100010022-9 Approved For Release 2007/10/23 :CIA-RDP76-001838000100010022-9 Approved For Release 2007/10/23 :CIA-RDP76-001838000100010022-9 Approved For Release 2007/10/23 :CIA-RDP76-001838000100010022-9 !_~;iri