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Approved-For Reie"e 2003/09/26 : CIA-RDP75B00621R0Q 0100001-4 NRO REVIEW COMPLETED ARCHIVES COMIREX-M-6.3 Control Number Date C2 25X1 Document Number and Subject '12 Oct 62 32 COMOR-D-63, subj: Coverage of North Korea ARCHIVES COMIREX-M-64 Control Number Date Copy 25X1 Document Number and Subject 12 Dec 62 34 COMOR-D-64, subj: Possible Deployment of Soviet MRBMs and IRBMs Outside the Eurasian-Soviet Bloc Approved For Release 2003/09/26 : CIA-RDP75B00621 R000200100001-4 Approve or FFEps 7R 6 I CIA-RDP75B0 21 R000200100001-4 12: October 196Z 20(l 25X1 CollvloC'._) - t 3 MEMORANDUM FOR: Committee on Overhead Reconnaissance SUBJECT: Coverage of North Korea The attached paper was referred to the Working Group and is sent to you for your reference and information. 25X1A Acting Chairman Commi ttee on Overhead Reconnaissance 25X1A Attachment: Subject Paper 4---DIA Copies:2, 3--State TCO 5, 6, 7, 8--DIA TCO 9--OACSI TCO 10--ONI` TCO 11, 1.2--AFCIN TCO 13,14--NSA TCO 15--NRO TCO 25X1 25X1A py 32 of 33 25X1 Approved For RerF 203L/ q a e a 621 R0002001000- 25X1 25X1 Approve4or Mdse g fUME'6 Coverage of North Korea 25X1 D 25X1 D 25X1 D 1. You will recall the difficulty under which we labored in interpreting recent photography of the Taiwan Straits area because of the long time that had elapsed since our previous photography. Our base lines were too old to be useful and we we_ce unable to determine whether or not certain of the facilities photographed represented new construction and were indicative of a recent buildup. This experience highlighted for us the importance of getting periodic coverage of certain critical. areas including those which might be temporarily quiescent. North Korea is another example of a critical area in which Soviet Bloc and Western forces are directly opposed. It is, therefore, one of the places in which drastic action might occur during a period of heightened tension. 2. In spite of the potentially explosive nature of North Korea, there has been no real photographic coverage for almost ten years. We have some recent KH coverage of North Korea and some peripheral photography. These holdings, however, are limited and do not re re- sent the complete and up-tq- a e coverage that we should have. Recent deliveries of Soviet jet bombers and new radars, such as TALL KING and SPOON REST, which the Communist Chinese do not have, underscore the Soviet Bloc's continuing interest in preserving a capability for mischief in the area. We lack, however, the necessary information on the numbers and locations of such equipment and there are serious gaps in our know- ledge of military installations such as airfields. We have no evidence to connect the SPOON REST to a potential surface-to-air missile capa- bility and no knowledge that short range surface--to-surface missiles may be deployed in North Korea. However, it is our belief that only overhead photography will give us this information. In view of the current buildup of tension over Berlin and Cuba, it would be highly desirable to provide. ourselves with a good up-to-date base line of photography covering North Kor ea in order to be able to assess changes in order-of-battle, to serve as a basis for estimating the general state of forces in the area., and to provide the military with detailed information for contingency planning. 25X1 25X1A Approved For Reynp2003g+!%E:~C 25X1 D 25X1 25X1 Approved., ar F ie 2~1~ : 3. I feel strongly that we should take the earliest practical opportunity to cover North Korea with good quality U-2 photography. On the other hand, in view of the recent loss of a U-2 and the threat to the U-2 from surface-to-air missiles, I believe that it would be unwise for us to schedule a mis sion;,.over North Korea in the present world situation without having a reasonably clear idea about the existence or non-existence of surface-to-air missiles in the area. We could probably determine whether such missiles are present and the nature of their deployment from good TKH cover. I recommend, therefore, that we proceed to get full coverage of North Korea on the first CORONA mission that can be programmed for this purpose. (I assume that we will have achieved coverage of Kamchatka by the time that this can be done. In the event that this has not been accomplished, however, I recommend that Kamchatka remain the prime objective until the advent of winter weather and high latitude darkness.) Once we have obtained CORONA coverage of North Korea we will then be in a position to: a. determine how many of the required answers can be obtained from it; b. the importance of getting more detailed coverage; and, c. the location of any surface-to-air missile sites and other elements of the North Korean air defense net to permit sound planning for any subsequest U-2 flights in the area. Once these steps have been accomplished, I believe that we should make a new assessment of the situation to see whether we should make a recommendation for U-2 coverage at that time. 25X1A 25X1 I ARW HANDLE VIA C-OMINT TA.L.,FNT KEG' HOLE SYSTEMS Approved For r se S3/RE/?'6 : 9I F5B00621 R000200100001-4 25X1 25X1 Approveor Sp3l FF6 Copies: 1--DCI TCO 16; 17--DIR NPIC 18- -C /CIA/PAD(NP].C) 19--C/DMD/NP.IC 20- - LS /CIA/ PAD(NPIC) 21--TSO CIA 22--DDI TCO 23--OCI TCO 24--OSI TCO 25--ORR TCO 26--DDP TCO 27--DDR 28--AD/OSA 29--Intel/OSA 30- -SO /OSA 31-33--C/SRS/DDR 25X1A O 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For R e -