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Approved For Release 2002/01/02 : CIA-RDP75B00380R000500340011-2 Weekly Gompilation of C H-j I, I I L - n - I A` -'Ar' N or a Monday, April 2, 1973 Volume 9 ? Number 13 . , Pages 299-319 Approved For Release 2002/01/02 : CIA-RDP75B0038OR000500340011-2 ~S~ It Approved For Release 2002/01/02 : CIA-RDP75B0038OR000500340011-2 306 PRESIDENTIAL DOCUMENTS, RICHARD NIXON, 1973 resources are being marshaled in the most intensive cam- paign ever waged against malignant disease. I have on numerous occasions expressed my strong, personal commitment to the attack on cancer. Cancer is now killing Americans at the rate of 350,000 a year and causing untold suffering for many others. Everything that can effectively be done to find better ways of detecting, treating, and ultimately preventing cancer must be done so that we can substantially reduce its impact. As a means of giving continued emphasis to the cancer problem, the Congress, by a joint resolution of March 28, 1938 (52 Stat. 148), requested the President to issue annually a proclamation setting aside the month of April as Cancer Control Month. Now, THEREFORE, I, RICHARD NIXON, President of the United States of America, do hereby proclaim the month of April, 1973, as Cancer Control Month, and I invite the Governors of the States and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and the appropriate officials of all other areas under the United States flag to issue similar proclamations. To give new emphasis to this serious problem, and to encourage the determination of the American people to meet it, I also ask the medical and health professions, the communications industries, and all other interested per- sons and groups to unite during this appointed time in public reaffirmation of our Nation's strong commitment to control cancer. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this twenty-eighth day of March, in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred seventy-three, and of the Independence of the United States of America the one hundred ninety- seventh. RICHARD NIXON [Filed with the Office of the Federal Register, 10:22 a.m., March 29, 1973] JDrug Law Enforcement Reorganization The President's Message to the Congress Transmitting Reorganization Plan No. 2 of 1973 To Establish the Drug Enforcement Administration in the Department of Justice. March 28, 1973 To the Congress of the United States: Drug abuse is one of the most vicious and corrosive forces attacking the foundations of American society today. It is a major cause of crime and a merciless de- stroyer of human lives. We must fight it with all of the resources at our command. ll t lobal war 1 d d evidence of significant progress on a number of fronts in that war. Both the rate of new addiction to heroin and the num- ber of narcotic-related deaths showed an encouraging downturn last year. More drug addicts and abusers are in treatment and rehabilitation programs than ever before. Progress in pinching off the supply of illicit drugs was evident in last year's stepped-up volume of drug seizures worldwide-which more than doubled in 1972- over the 1971 level. Arrests of traffickers have risen by more than one-third since 1971. Prompt Congressional action on my proposal for mandatory minimum sentences for pushers of hard drugs will help ensure that convictions stemming from such arrests lead to actual imprisonment of the guilty. Notwithstanding these gains, much more must be done. The resilience of the international drug trade remains ti grimly impressive-current estimates suggest that we still intercept only a small fraction of all the heroin and cocaine entering this country. Local police still find that more than one of every three suspects arrested for street crimes is a narcotic abuser or addict. And the total num- ber of Americans addicted to narcotics, suffering terribly themselves and inflicting their suffering on countless others, still stands in the hundreds of thousands. A UNIFIED COMMAND FOR DRUG ENFORCEMENT Seeking ways to intensify our counteroffensive against this menace, I am asking the Congress today to join with this Administration in strengthening and streamlining the Federal drug law enforcement effort. Funding for this effort has increased sevenfold during the past five years, from $36 million in fiscal year 1969 to $257 million in fiscal year 1974-more money is not the most pressing enforcement need at present. Nor is there a primary need for more manpower working on the prob- lem, over 2100 new agents having already been added to the Federal drug enforcement agencies under this Ad- ministration, an increase of more than 250 percent over the 1969 level. The enforcement work could benefit significantly, how- ever, from consolidation of our anti-drug forces under a single unified command. Right now the Federal Govern- ment is fighting the war on drug abuse under a distinct handicap, for its efforts are those of a loosely confederated alliance facing a resourceful, elusive, worldwide enemy. Admiral Mahan, the master naval strategist, described this handicap precisely when he wrote that "Granting the same aggregate of force, it is never as great in two hands as in one, because it is not perfectly concentrated." More specifically, the drug law enforcement activities a cc are This Administratio' has on the drug menace. :Xi&-R QRZiS 34991?1l2two hands but this month in my State of the Union message, there is in half a dozen. Within the Department of justice, with Approved For Release 2002/01/02 : CIA-RDP75B00380R000500340011-2 PRESIDENTIAL DOCUMENTS, RICHARD NIXON, 1973 -development of overall Federal drug law enforce- ment strategy, programs, planning, and evaluation; -full investigation and preparation for prosecution of suspects for violations under all Federal drug traf- ficking laws; -full investigation and preparation for prosecution of suspects connected with illicit drugs seized at U.S. ports-of-entry and international borders; -conduct of all relations with drug law enforcement officials of foreign governments, under the policy guidance of the Cabinet Committee on International Narcotics Control; -full coordination and cooperation with State and local law enforcement officials on joint drug enforce- ment efforts; and -regulation of the legal manufacture of drugs and other controlled substances under Federal regulations. f The Attorney General, working closely with the Ad- ministrator of this new agency, would have authority to make needed program adjustments. He would take steps within the Department of Justice to ensure that high priority emphasis is placed on the prosecution and sen- tencing of drug traffickers following their apprehension by the enforcement organization. He would also have the authority and responsibility for securing the fullest pos- sible cooperation-particularly with respect to collection of drug intelligence-from all Federal departments and agencies which can contribute to the anti-drug work, including the Internal Revenue Service and the Federal Bureau of Investigation. My proposals would make possible a more effective anti-drug role for the FBI, especially in dealing with the relationship between drug trafficking and organized crime. I intend to see that the resources of the FBI are fully committed to assist in supporting the new Drug En- forcement Administration. The consolidation effected under Reorganization Plan No. 2 would reinforce the basic law enforcement and criminal justice mission of the Department of Justice. With worldwide drug law enforcement responsibilities no longer divided among several organizations in two dif- ferent Cabinet departments, more complete and cumu- lative drug law enforcement intelligence could be com- piled. Patterns of international and domestic illicit drug production, distribution and sale could be more directly compared and interpreted. Case-by-case drug law en- forcement activities could be more comprehensively linked, cross-referenced, and coordinated into a single, organic enforcement operation. In short, drug law en- forcement officers would be able to spend more time going after the traffickers and less time coordinating with one another. The major responsibilities of the Drug Enforcement Such ro ress could be especially, helpful on the inter- Administration w6~Rl lticTfics Releas 2002/01/02: C14 IN WOMi plans, developed no overall direction below the level of the Attorney Gen- eral, these fragmented forces include the Bureau of Nar- cotics and Dangerous Drugs, the Office for Drug Abuse Law Enforcement, the Office of National Narcotics Intel- ligence, and certain activities of the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration. The Treasury Department is also heavily engaged in enforcement work through the Bureau of Customs. This aggregation of Federal activities has grown up rapidly over the past few years in response to the urgent need for stronger anti-drug measures. It has enabled us to make a very encouraging beginning in the accelerated drug enforcement drive of this Administration. But it also has serious operational and organizational shortcomings. Certainly the cold-blooded underworld networks that funnel narcotics from suppliers all over the world into the veins of American drug victims are no respecters of the bureaucratic dividing lines that now complicate our anti-drug efforts. On the contrary, these modern-day slave traders can derive only advantage from the limitations of the existing organizational patch- work. Experience has now given us a good basis for cor- recting those limitations, and it is time to do so. I therefore propose creation of a single, comprehensive Federal agency within the Department of justice to lead the war against illicit drug traffic. Reorganization Plan No. 2 of 1973, which I am trans- mitting to the Congress with this message, would establish such an agency, to be called the Drug Enforcement Administration. It would be headed by an Administrator reporting directly to the Attorney General. The Drug Enforcement Administration would carry out the following anti-drug functions, and would absorb the associated manpower and budgets : -All functions of the Bureau of Narcotics and Dan- gerous Drugs (which would be abolished as a sepa- rate entity by the reorganization plan) ; -Those functions of the Bureau of Customs pertaining to drug investigations and intelligence (to he trans- ferred from the Treasury Department to the Attor- ney General by the reorganization plan) ; -All functions of the Office for Drug Abuse Law Enforcement; and -All functions of the Office of National Narcotics Intelligence. Merger of the latter two organizations into the new agency would be effected by an executive order dis- solving them and transferring their functions, to take effect upon approval of Reorganization Plan No. 2 by the Congress. Drug law enforcement research currently funded by the Law Enforcement Assistance Administra- tion and other agencies would also be transferred to the new agency by executive action. Approved For Release 2002/01/02 : CIA-RDP75B0038OR000500340011-2 PRESIDENTIAL DOCUMENTS: RICHARD NIXON, 1973 under the leadership of the Cabinet Committee on Inter- national Narcotics Control, are now being carried out by U.S. officials in cooperation with host governments in 59 countries around the world. This wide-ranging effort to cut off drug supplies before they ever reach U.S. borders or streets is just now beginning to bear fruit. We can enhance its effectiveness, with little disruption of ongoing enforcement activities, by merging both the highly effec- tive narcotics force of overseas Customs agents and the rapidly developing international activities of the Bureau of Narcotics and :Dangerous Drugs into the Drug Enforce- ment Administration. The new agency would work closely with the Cabinet Committee under the active leadership of the U.S. Ambassador in each country where anti-drug programs are underway. Two years ago, when I established the Special Action Office for Drug Abuse Prevention within the Executive Office of the President, we gained an organization with the necessary resources, breadth, and leadership capacity to begin dealing decisively with the "demand" side of the drug abuse problem-treatment and rehabilitation for those who have been drug victims, and preventive pro- grams for potential drug abusers. This year, by permitting my reorganization proposals to take effect, the Congress can help provide a similar capability on the "supply" side. The proposed Drug Enforcement Administration, working as a team with the Special Action Office, would arm Americans with a potent one-two punch to help us fight back against the deadly menace of drug abuse. I ask full Congressional cooperation in its establishment. IMPROVING PORT-OF-ENTRY INSPECTIONS No heroin or cocaine is produced within the United States; domestic availability of these substances results solely from their illegal importation. The careful and complete inspection of all persons and goods coming into the United States is therefore an integral part of effective Federal drug law enforcement. At the present time, however, Federal responsibility for conducting port-of-entry inspections is awkwardly divided among several Cabinet departments. The prin- cipal agencies involved are the Treasury Department's Bureau of Customs, which inspects goods, and the justice Department's Immigration and Naturalization Service, which inspects persons and their papers. The two utilize separate inspection procedures, hold differing views of inspection priorities, and employ dissimilar personnel management practices. To reduce the possibility that illicit drugs will escape detection at ports-of-entry because of divided responsibil- ity, and to enhance the effectiveness of the Drug Enforce- ment Administration, the reorganization plan which I am proposing today would transfer to the Secretary of the Treasury all functiAR12fi a O%F~+st , t 004iW ment officials to inspect persons, or the documents of persons. When the plan takes effect, it is my intention to direct the Secretary of the Treasury to use the resources so trans- ferred-including some 1,000 employees of the Immigra- tion and Naturalization Service-to augment the staff and budget of the Bureau of Customs. The Bureau's primary responsibilities would then include: -inspection of all persons and goods entering the United States; -valuation of goods being imported, and assessment of appropriate tariff duties; -interception of contraband being smuggled into the United States; -enforcement of U.S. laws governing the international movement of goods, except the investigation of con- traband drugs and narcotics; and -turning over the investigation responsibility for p1l drug law enforcement cases to the Department of Justice. The reorganization would thus group most port-of- entry inspection functions in a single Cabinet department. It would reduce the need for much day-to-day inter- departmental coordination, allow more efficient staffing at some field locations, and remove the basis for damaging inter-agency rivalries. It would also give the Secretary of the Treasury the authority and flexibility to meet changing requirements in inspecting the international flow of people and goods. An important by-product of the change would be more convenient service for travellers entering and leaving the country. ,For these reasons, I am convinced that inspection activities at U.S. ports-of-entry can more effectively sup- port our drug law enforcement efforts if concentrated in a single agency. The processing of persons at ports-of- entry is too closely interrelated with the inspection of goods to remain organizationally separated from it any longer. Both types of inspections have numerous objec- tives besides drug law enforcement, so it is logical to vest them in the Treasury Department, which has long had the principal responsibility for port-of-entry inspection of goods, including goods being transported in connection with persons. As long as the inspections are conducted with full awareness of related drug concerns it is neither necessary nor desirable that they be made a responsibilityof the primary drug enforcement organization. After investigation, I have found that each action included in Reorganization Plan No. 2 of 1973 is neces- sary to accomplish one or more of the purposes set forth in ? Section 901 (a) of Title 5 of the United States Code. In particular, the plan is responsive to the intention of the Ch@n~SkR~(~5Q690Q(1~}~1) : "to promote Approved For Release 2002/01/02 : CIA-RDP75B0038OR000500340011-2 PRESIDENTIAL DOCUMENTSs RICHARD NIXON, 1973 309 better execution of the laws, more effective manage- ment of the executive branch and of its agencies and func- tions, and expeditious administration of the public busi- ness;" Section 901 (a) (3) : "to increase the efficiency of the operations of the Government to the fullest extent practicable;" Section 901 (a) (5) : "to reduce the num- ber of agencies by consolidating those having similar functions under a single head, and to abolish such agen- cies or functions as may not be necessary for the efficient conduct of the Government;" and Section 901 (a) (6) : "to eliminate overlapping and duplication of effort." As required by law, the plan has one logically con- sistent subject matter: consolidation of Federal drug law enforcement activities in a manner designed to increase their effectiveness. The plan would establish in the Department of justice a new Administration designated as the Drug Enforce- ment Administration. The reorganizations provided for in the plan make necessary the appointment and com- pensation of new officers as specified in Section 5 of the plan. The rates of compensation fixed for these officers would be comparable to those fixed for officers in the executive branch who have similar responsibilities. While it is riot practicable to specify all of the expend- iture reductions and other economies which may result from the actions proposed, some savings may be antici- pated in administrative costs now associated with the functions being transferred and consolidated. The proposed reorganization is a necessary step in upgrading the effectiveness of our Nation's drug law enforcement effort. Both of the proposed changes would build on the strengths of established agencies, yielding maximum gains in the battle against drug abuse with minimum loss of time and momentum in the transition. I am confident that this reorganization plan would significantly increase the overall efficiency and effective- ness of the Federal Government. I urge the Congress to allow it to become effective. RICHARD NIXON The White House, March 28, 1973. REORGANIZATION PLAN No. 2 oir 1973 Prepared by the President and transmitted to the Senate and the House of Representatives in Congress assembled, March 28, 1973, pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 9 of Title 5 of the United States Code. SECTION 1. Transfers to the Attorney General. There are hereby transferred from the Secretary of the Treas- ury, the Department of the Treasury, and any other officer or any agency of the Department of the Treasury, to the Attorney General all intelligence, investigative, and the Department, officers, or agencies which relate to the suppression of illicit traffic in narcotics, dangerous drugs, or marihuana, except that the Secretary shall retain, and continue to perform, those functions, to the extent that they relate to searches and seizures of illicit narcotics, dangerous drugs, or marihuana or to the apprehension or detention of persons in connection therewith, at regular inspection locations at ports of entry or anywhere along the land or water borders of the United States: Provided, that any illicit narcotics, dangerous drugs, marihuana, or related evidence seized, and any person apprehended or detained by the Secretary or any officer of the Depart- ment of the Treasury, pursuant to the authority retained in them by virtue of this section, shall be turned over forthwith to the jurisdiction of the Attorney General; Provided further, that nothing in this section shall be construed as limiting in any way any authority vested by law in the Secretary of the Treasury, the Department of the Treasury, or any other officer or any agency of ,that Department on the effective date of this Plan with respect to contraband other than illicit narcotics, dangerous drugs, and marihuana: and Provided further, that noth- ing in this section shall be construed as limiting in any way any authority the Attorney General, the Department of Justice, or any other officer or any agency of that Depart- ment may otherwise have to make investigations or engage in law enforcement activities, including activities relating to the suppression of illicit traffic in narcotics, dangerous drugs, and marihuana, at ports of entry or along the land and water borders of the United States. SEC. 2. Transfers to the Secretary of the Treasury. There are hereby transferred to the Secretary of the Treas- ury all functions vested by law in the Attorney General, the Department of justice, or any other officer or any agency of that Department, with respect to the inspection at regular inspection locations at ports of entry of persons, and documents of persons, entering or leaving the United States: Provided, that any person apprehended or de- tained by the Secretary or his designee pursuant to this section shall he turned over forthwith to the jurisdiction of the Attorney General : and, Provided further, that nothing in this section shall be construed as limiting, in any way, any other authority that the Attorney General may have with respect to the enforcement, at ports of entry or elsewhere, of laws relating to persons entering or leaving the United States. SEC. 3. Abolition. The Bureau of Narcotics and Dan- gerous Drugs, including the Office of Director thereof, is hereby abolished, and section 3(a) of Reorganization Plan No. 1 of 1968 is hereby repealed. The Attorney General shall make such provision as he may deem nec- essary with respect to terminating those affairs of the Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs not otherwise law enforcemezA16pTdiLe4 F~tef i~Ob1 i LyCIA-R~9Rrl~5$ 8 X693 49 Pan. Approved For Release 2002/01/02 : CIA-RDP75B0038OR000500340011-2 PRESIDENTIAL DOCUMENTS, RICHARD NIXON, 1973 SEC. 4. Drug Enforcement Administration. There is established in the :Department of Justice an agency which shall be known as the Drug Enforcement Administration, hereinafter referred to as "the Administration." SEC. 5. Officers of the Administration. (a) There shall be at the head of the Administration the Administrator of Drug Enforcement, hereinafter referred to as "the Administrator." The Administrator shall be appointed by the President by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, and shall receive compensation at the rate now or hereafter prescribed by law for positions of level III of the Executive Schedule Pay Rates (5 U.S.C. 5314). He shall perform such functions as the Attorney General shall from time to time direct. (b) There shall be in the Administration a Deputy Administrator of the Drug Enforcement Administration, hereinafter referred to as "the Deputy Administrator," who shall be appointed by the President by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, shall perform such functions as the Attorney General may from time to time direct, and shall receive compensation at the rate now or hereafter prescribed by law for positions of level V of the Executive Schedule Pay Rates (5 U.S.C. 5316). (c) The Deputy Administrator or such other official of the Department of justice as the Attorney General shall from time to time designate shall act as Adminis- trator during the absence or disability of the Administra- tor or in the event of a vacancy in the office of Administrator. SEC. 6. Performance of transferred functions. (a) The Attorney General may from time to time make such provisions as he shall deem appropriate authorizing the performance of any of the functions transferred to him by the provisions of this Reorganization Plan by any officer, employee, or agency of the Department of justice. (b) The Secretary of the Treasury may from time to merit and Budget shall determine shall be transferred to the Department of justice and to the Department of the Treasury, respectively, at such time or times as the Direc- tor shall direct. (b) Such further measures and dispositions as the Director of the Office of Management and Budget shall deem to be necessary in order to effectuate transfers referred to in subsection (a) of this section shall be car- ried out in such manner as he shall direct and by such Federal agencies as he shall designate. SEC. 9. Interim Officers. (a) The President may au- thorize any person who, immediately prior to the effective date of this Reorganization Plan, held a position in the Executive Branch of the Government to act as Adminis- trator until the office of Administrator is for the first time filled pursuant to the provisions of this Reorganization Plan or by recess appointment as the case may be. (b) The President may similarly authorize any such person to act as Deputy Administrator. (c) The President may authorize any person who serves in an acting capacity under the foregoing provi- sions of this section to receive the compensation attached to the office in respect to which he so serves. Such compen- sation, if authorized, shall be in lieu of, but not in addi- tion to, other compensation from the United States to which such person may be entitled. SEC. 10. Effective date. The provisions of this Rcorgl- nization Plan shall take effect as provided by section 906(a) of title 5 of the United States Code or on July 1973, whichever is later. Crime Statistics time make such provisions as he shall deem appropriate Statement by the President on the FBI's Uniform authorizing the performance of any of the functions Crime Reports for 1972. March 28, 1973 transferred to him by the provisions of this Reorganiza- tion Plan by any officer, employee, or agency of the De- The crime figures released today by the Depart partment of the Treasury. of justice are very heartening. SEC. 7. Coordination. The Attorney General, acting The FBI's Uniform Crime Reports indicate tha through the Administrator and such other officials of the the first time in 17 years, America has experience Department of Justice as he may designate, shall provide absolute decrease in serious crime. ment t i(-r d an for the coordination of all drug law enforcement func- In 1972, serious crime decreased by 3 percent oMrr tions vested in the Attorney General so as to assure maxi-. 1971. In the last quarter of 1972, there was a full 3 pei.. mum cooperation between and among the Administra- cent decrease. tion, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and other units Reflected in these figures is a pattern of steadyprrrr_* of the Department involved in the performance of these over the past 4 years. In 1968, serious crime increa.,ni by and related functions. 17 percent, the largest rate of increase in the list gtiarer SEC. 8. Incidental transfers. (a) So much of the per- century. Gradually that rate of increase has been reducrrl. sonnel, property, records, and unexpended balances of coming down to 11 percent in 1970, 6 percent in 1931, appropriations, allocations, and other funds employed, and finally to this complete reversal in 1972. a a Bute to the men and w in used, held, available or to be m av~}l ble in It Lion with the function~rt$rt~ie) ~orny >er1/02thAre IA PaAQi?ixw mfr 'C' eral and to the Secretary of the Treasury by this Reorga- ment officers. Public opinion is untying their hates-,% snd nization Plan as the Director of the Ae o Mnnrcre are once again being given the public wppl'r rb" ^'?"" wCLASSI FI II--II INTERNAL ~proved~.F~r UNeoNgy2002/01/02 : CIA-RDQB61bW40011-2 ^ SECRET ROUTING AND RECORD SHEET SUBJECT: (Optional) FROM: L i l EXTENSION NO. OLC 73-0193 eg s ative Counsel 6136 DATE 13 March 1973 TO: (Officer designation, room number, and Luilding) DATE OFFICER'S COMMENTS (Number each comment to show from whom RECEIVED FORWARDED INITIALS to whom. Draw a line across column after each comment.) DD/M&S We would appreciate your 2. comments and suggestions for the preparation of a reply to STATI Senator Ervin. 3. E 4. Assist nt Legislative Counsel 5. att. 6. Also coordinated with: STATI DDI STATI 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Approved For Re ease 209 2/01/02 1: CIA-RD 75B00380R000500340011-2 FORM 61 O USE PREVIOUS SECRET INTERNAL 3-62 EDITIONS F1 ^ CONFIDENTIAL [] USE ONLY ^ UNCLASSIFIED TL TL TL STATI .~/UBJECT: (Optional) S. 942 Acting Executive Officer Office of Security STATI (Officer designation, room number, and DATE building) -V,'%LASSI FII E&pprove ft 2002/01/02: CIA-RCP 5E~bMHMb340011-2^ SECRET U 19 ROUTING AND RECORD SHEET FROM: EXTENSION NO. DATE 5861 3 0 MAR 1973 OFFICER'S COMMENTS (Number each comment to show from whom RECEIVED FORWARDED INITIALS to whom. Draw a line across column after each comment.) 1. II, Assistant to e Executive Officer, y'r11 93 From an Office of Security 2. DD/MFRS standpoint, we have no speci- fic comments on S. 942. 3. The Bill is principally an effort to consolidate present drug and narcotics 4. Mr. Harold Brownman, activities into one govern- Deputy Director for 'Z additions ment What Management and role the Agency will play 5. Services depends on Presidential action (Section 10). We anticipate the Agency will 6. most likely have a leading role on the Policy Committee, particularly as it affects 7. our overseas areas invol$~~I intelligence sources. 8. Office of Legislativ Counsel 9. Acting Executive Officer 10. Office of Security 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Approved For Re ease 20 02/01/02 1: CIA-RD 75B00380R000500340011-2 3-2M 610 USE [_1 SECRET ^ CONFIDENTIAL TL X^ INTERNAL UNCLASSIFIED USE ONLY