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September 17, 1973
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Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 3
Monday - 17 September 1973
7. (Secret - JGO) Met with Ralph Preston, House Appropriations
Committee staff, and left with him the Director's er
to Chairman Mahon concerning
I briefed Preston orally on the use of the funds. He had no questions.
25X1 Preston told me that Representative Dan Flood (D. , Pa.) has
asked him to inquire about recent news reports relating to small-scale
invasions of Haiti. He is interested in the participants and some detail 25X1
on these activities. Preston noted that Representative Flood maintains
active interest in Caribbean and Latin American Affairs.
WH Division, has been advised.
I reviewed with Preston our previous discussions concerning Chairman
Mahon's very strong objections to transportation of foreign-made vehicles
and asked if there had been any change in the Committee position. Chairman
Mahon is still firm in his position. He noted, however, that Representative
John Slack (D. , W. Va.) has been chairing the State, Justice, Commerce,
and the Judiciary Subcommittee and possibly some modification had been
worked out with that Committee. He suggested that I t lk directly to
Jay Howe, of the Subcommittee staff. DDM&S, has been
I briefed Preston on the Italian seizure of Strela missiles near
Rome, and the Soviet supply of Scud tactical missiles to Egypt.
8. (Confidential - JGO) Met with Chairman Lucien Nedzi, Intelligence
Subcommittee, House Armed Services Committee, who agreed to meet with
the Senior Seminar on Wednesday, 14 November, 9:30 to 10:30 a. rn. at
Headquarters. OTR, has been advised.
I also closed out a previous discussion with Nedzi about Asrencv
As a final item I reviewed with him briefly the Andrew Hamilton
article "The CIA's Dirty Tricks Under Fire--At Last" which was entered
in the Congressional Record by Representative Badillo (D. , N. Y.) on
6 September. I pointed out to him Hamilton.'s disclaimer that he had "had
a limited contact with CIA intelligence analysts when I served as a member
of the National Security Council staff in 1970-1971, I had no contact with the
clandestine organization or activities of the CIA. " His article was
assembled from the public record and from interviews conducted over a
period of several years. Nedzi agreed that we withhold comments on the
article at least for the present,
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Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 4
Monday - 17 September 1973
9. (Confidential - JGO) Met with George Berdes, National
Security Policy and Scientific Developments Subcommittee staff, House
Foreign Affairs Committee, who told me that Chairman Clement Zablocki
has asked him about the recent press items concerning Soviet missiles
as related to the briefing given the Subcommittee on 24 July 1973. I told
Berdes I would check the questions and be back in touch with him.
10. (Internal Use Only - JGO) Picked up from Pat Coombe,
Secretary to Representative William Minshall (R. , Ohio), various
travel items for delivery to Mr. Maury.
11. (Internal Use Only - LLM) Ms. Celia MacFarland,
Administrative Assistant to Representative Paul N. McCloskey, Jr.
(R. , Calif, ), said that McCloskey wanted to know what the Agency
had on "executions" in Chile. After checking with OCI
Chile analyst, I told her, for McCloskey's information only, that we
had no evidence of "executions" in Chile along the lines that were
carried out in Cuba under Fidel Castro; but that the junta has issued
strict edicts concerning possession of firearms and curfew and
violators have been shot on sight. When MacFarland pressed for other
information, such as the junta's relationship with the academic community,
etc. , I referred her to State where she had a call pending. 25X1
12. (Confidential - LLM) With our concurrence,
CCS, cleared a report by State responding to Representative Bella
Abzug' s (D. , N. Y.) request for information on U. S. Government
personnel in Southeast Asia. The report will specifically note that
CIA figures are not included.
13. (Unclassified - RJK) Talked with Marjorie Crain, Executive
Assistant to Representative Marjorie Holt (R. , Md. ), and told her that
the Federal Mapping Task Force Report is in the process of being de-
classified and will be released when appropriate by Office of Management
and Budget, which is heading up the task force. A constituent was interested
in getting a copy of the unclassified report.
CRC, 8/15/2003
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