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December 13, 1973
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Approved For Release 2006/02/09 : CIA-RDP75B00380R000400050013
December 13, 1973
Honorable Jack Brooks
Chairman, Government Activities
Subcommittee of the Committee
on Government Operations
U.S. House of Representat'i;vda
Washington, D. C. 20515'
C 7~-l3Jf
This has reference to your letter of November 7, 1973, to the
General Services Administration concerning the sale of Air America
and Southern Air Transport.. By letter dated November 29, 1973, GSA
referred your letter to the Board.
Air America does not hold any operating authority from the Board.
However, as your letter recognizes, Southern Air Transport holds
certificates of public convenience and necessity as a supplemental
air carrier, and proceedings for acquisition of the control of the
carrier by Mr..Stanley G. Williams are in progress before an
administrative law judge of the Board. However, on December 3, 1973,
the carrier filed a petition (copy enclosed) requesting the Board to
cancel its certificates and other operating authority issued by the
Board effective as of December 30, 1973. It also has filed a motion
for leave 'to' tthdraw the application in the acquisition proceeding.
In accordance with established Board procedures, all interested
persons may file comments on whether the Board should grant Southern's
petition for cancellation of its certificates, and the Board will
serve copies of all notices and orders which it issues with respect
to this matter upon the appropriate governmental agencies.
Encl. sure
C airman
cc: Honorable William E. Colby, Director
Central Intelligence Agency
Honorable Arthur F. Sampson
General Services Administration
Approved For Release 2006/02/09 : CIA-RDP75B00380R000400050013-3
Approved For R Reli6'92 MV 942d 8 O3 6kdOO400050013-3
a~~ 3 4 32 13
CtidtLAE~4hAL't,~5 SgbRD
In the matter of the Petition of
or cancellation of the certificates
of public convenience and_ necessity
=authorizing it-to engage-in supplemental
^Air-transportation and termination -
Docket No. / -
Communications with respect to this
Petition should be sent to:
1701 Pennsylvania Avenue, N. W.
Washington, D. C. 20006
At-torneys for Southern Air Transport, Ii
Post Office $ox 1266
Miami, Florida 33148
December ~`',Apprro-gd.F_or Release-2006102/09-:-CIA-RDP75B00380R000400050013-3
Approved Fsikg@/ 9I:nAB00380R000400050013-3
----------------------- ---------
I-n the matter of the Petition of
for cancellation of the certificates
of public convenience and-necessity
authorizing it to engage in supplemental:
air transportation and termination
ofall_exemDtions------ __________ __-
Docket No.
Southern Air Transport hereby petitions the Board for
cancellation of the certificates-of public convenience and ne-
cdssity authorizing it to engage in Supplemental Air Transpor-
tation and for termination of all outstanding exemption authority,
such cancellation and termination to be effective December 30,
1973. In support of'this petition Southern states as follows:
1. Southern is an air carrier holding certificates of
public convenience and necessity authorizing it to engage in
Supplemental Air Transportation (including inclusive tour
charter authority) with respect to persons and property (1) be-
tween any point in any state in the United States or the District
of Columbia, and any other point in any state of the United States
or the District of Columbia (excluding intra-Alaskan operations);
(2) between any point in any state in the United States or the
District ogp~~~~Re'~set6~S? R~~03~b040~1t3 Is
land, the Marshall Islands, Okinawa, Wake Island, and points in
Approved For Release 2006/02/09 : CIA-RDP75B00380R000400050013-3
Australasia, Indonesia and Asia as far hest as longitude 70
degrees east via a Trans-Pacific routing; (3) between any
point in any state of the United-.States or the District of
Columbia, and points in.Jamaica,?the Bahama Islands, Bermuda,
Haiti, the Dominican Republic, Puerto Rica, the Virgin Islands,
Trinidad, Aruba, the Leeward and Windward Islands and any other-
place located in the. Gulf of Mexico or the Caribbean Sea;
(4) Worldwide pursuant to contracts with the Department of
Defense. Southern also holds blanket exemption authority to -
engage in Supplemental Air Transportation of property in the
Intra-Caribbean area, between the United States and Central and
South America with piston aircraft, and outsize cargo movements
with Lockheed Hercules L-100 type aircraft worldwide, cargo wet
lease services for ALM between Miami and the Netherland Antilles
and five cargo flights per month for Frigorifico between Santa
Marta, Columbia and San Juan, Puerto Rica. A more complete-
description of Southern's certificate and exemption authority
together with citations to the CAB Docket and Order Numbers is
set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof.
2. On March 1, 1973 Stanley G. Williams and Southern Air
Transport filed an application pursuant to Section 408 of the
Federal Aviation Act of 1958, as amended, seeking approval of
Mr. Williams' acquisition of control of Southern. Hearings
were held on that application during June and the matter is now
pending before Administrative Law Judge Shapiro. A number of
supplemental. air carriers and scheduled air carriers are oppo-
Approved For Release 2006/02/09 : CIA-RDP75B00380R000400050013-3
s i.fzg the acgAi~1:btd&SoraFfel t286610Z/ff9 SC?t#tlRp- 5qgp3 1?00fA( loa(~3-3
it would appear that final decision on the contested application
wiil be extensively delayed by litigation. The parties to the
acquisition feel that it would be'to the best interest of. all
concerned if Southern seek cancellation of all of its Board au-
thority and thereby terminate its status as an air carrier and
accordingly the need for Board approval of the proposed acquisition.
3. Concurrently herewith, Southern has filed a motion
for leave to withdraw its applications in the Supplemental Renewal
Proceeding, Docket 23944 for inter alia renewal of its Trans-
Pacific and Caribbean area certificate 'Authority. These cer
tificates have expired and such authority has continued beyond
such expiration date by virtue of the pending applications for
renewal and the terms of Section 9(b) of the Administrative
Procedure Act. Upon withdrawl of the applications for renewal
Southern's domestic inclusive tour certificate and its Trans-Pa-
cific and Caribbean area certificates will terminate. Also, concur-
rently herewith Southern and Mr. Stanley G. Williams have filed a
=motion for leave to withdraw their joint application in Docket
25264 for approval of the acquisition of control of Southern by
"i? Williams. Southern has no commitments to provide supplemental
transportation beyond December 30, 1973 and can phase-out its
s`'PPlemental carrier operations now conducted pursuant to its
Certificates and exemption authority by December 30, 1973. Sou-
rhern will continue operations beyond December 30, 1973 as a
Lirp,e Commercial Operator pursuant to Part 121 of the Federal
"'Zation Administration Regulations.
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Approved For Release 2006/02/09 : CIA-RDP75B0038OR000400050013-3
WHEREFORE, Southern Air Transport respectfully requests
the Civil Aeronautics Board to cancel certificates of public con-
venience and necessity and terminate all of the authority which
it holds pursuant to exemptions, such cancellation and termina-
tion to be effective December 30, 1973.
Respectfully submitted,
James H. Bastian
Attorneys-for Southern Air Transport, I
Approved For Release 2006/02/09 : CIA-RDP75B0038OR000400050013-3
Approved For Release 2006/02/09 : CIA-RDP77~5gg0038OR000400050013-3
Certificate Authority
To engage in supplemental air transportation (including in-
clusive tour charter authority) with respect to persons and property
between any point and any state of the United States or the District
of Columbia, and any other point in any state of the United States
or the District of Columbia (excluding intra-Alaskan operations).
(Docket No. 13795 et al, Order No. E-23350, March 11, 1966). In-
clusive tour authority expired on May 13, 1971 and has been continued
by virtue of Section 9(b) of the Administrative Procedure Act and
the Application for Renewal of that Authority which was consolidated
in the Supplemental Renewal Proceeding Docket 23944. December 3,
1973 Southern filed a motion for leave to withdraw its Renewal
Application which when granted will terminate its domestic in-
clusive tour authority.
To engage in supplemental air transportation (including in-
clusive tour charter authority) with respect to persons and
property between any point in any state of the United States or
the District of Columbia and American Samoa, Guam, Johnston Is-
land, the Marshall Islands, Okinawa, Wake Island, and points in
Australasia, Indonesia, and Asia as far west as longitude 70?degrees
east via a Trans-Pacific routing. (Docket No. 13795 et al, Order
No. E-24237, September 30, 1966). The Trans-Pacific Authority
expired September 26, 1973 and has been continued by virtue of
Section 9(b) of the Administrative Procedure Act and the Applica-
tion for Renewal of that Authority which was consolidated in the
Supplemental Renewal Proceeding Docket 23944. December 3, 1973
Southern filed a motion for leave to withdraw its Renewal Appli-
cation which when granted will terminate its Trans-Pacific area
To engage in supplemental air transportation (including in-
clusive tour charters) with respect to persons and property between
any point in any state of the United States of the District of
Columbia, and points in Jamaica, the Bahama Islands,-Bermuda,
Haiti, the Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands,
and any other place located in the Gulf of Mexico or the Caribbean
Sea. (Docket No. 13795 et al, Order No. E-24237, September 30,
1966). The Caribbean area Authority expired September 26, 1973
and has been continued by virtue of Section 9(b) of the Admini-
strative rrac drFoh R616 1?&2Q06 ff t2 x!49' A- 75 MY Q
aT4 V1 3
which was conso idate in t e
prryoe 0 Docket 23944. December 3, 1973 Southern filed a motion
. for leave to - J.M@ ort l ft2 O IGJe 5BO OOO oO 3. led
'will terminate its Caribbean area authority.
DOD Contract
To engage in overseas and foreign air transportation, and
in air transportation between places in the same territory or
possession of the United States pursuant to contracts with the
Department of Defense. (Docket No. 13795 et al, Order No.
E-24237, September 30, 1966.).
Blanket Exemption Authority
Intra-Caribbean Cargo
To engage in supplemental air transportation of property with-
in Puerto Rico, within the Virgini Islands, between Puerto Rico.
and the Virgin Islands, and between Puerto Rico and the Virgin
Islands, on the one hand, and Jamaica and the Bahama Islands,
Bermuda, Haiti, the Dominican Republic, Trinidad, Arbua, the Lee-
ward and Windward Islands, and any other place located in the
Gulf of Mexico or the Caribbean Sea, on the other hand. (Docket
No. 23856, Order 71-12-6, December 1, 1971).
Outsize Cargo.
To engage in supplemental air transportation of "outsize
cargo" with Lockheed Hercules L100 type aircraft between points in
the United States, on the one hand, and points in Central and
South America, Mexico, Canada, Greenland, Iceland, the Azores,
Europe, Africa and Asia as far east as (and including) India, on
the other hand. This authority when taken together with Southern's
Certificate Authority provides Southern with authority to perform
"outsize cargo" operations worldwide. (Docket No. 21391, Order
No. 72-4-70, April 14, 1972).
Central and South American Cargo with Piston Aircraft.
To engage in supplemental air transportation of property
using- piston -aircraft between _the United... States, on .the one hand,
and Central and South America, on the other hand. (Docket No. 19648,
,Order No. 72-3-93, April 18, 1972).
Santa Marta Cargo Charters.
To perform five single entity cargo charter flights per month
between Santa Marta, Columbia and San Juan, Puerto Rica on behalf
of Frigorifico Cerra Meat Market. (Docket No. 25319, Order No.
73-5-65, May 10, 1973).
ALM Car o Charters.
To perform for ALM Dutch Antillean Airlines cargo charter
Approved For Release 2006/02/09 : CIA-RDP75B0038OR000400050013-3
Approved For Release 2006/02/09 : CIA-RDP75B0038OR000400050013-3
service from Miami, Florida to Netherland's Antilles pursuant to
Wet Lease Agreement CAB 23413-A2. (Docket No. 25599, Order 73-7-82,
July 17, 1973).
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