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November 9, 1972
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Approved For Release 2006/11/15: CIA-RDP75B00380R000300040039-7 JOURNAL Contacts: 4 nails: G Ins: 1 Outs:. 0 OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL Thursday - 9 November 1972 1? GLC) Had lunch with Bill Woodruff, Counsel, Senate Appropriations ommittee, today. He told me that he and Senator McClellan plan to leave 18 or 19 November on a trip to Honolulu, Korea, and Japan. 25x1 Woodruff said he had been very much impressed b the briefing fro some years ago 0 structure and thought Senator McClellan won nave imi ar brie tin g. I told him I would also look into the possibilities I told Woodruff we had been interested in getting Senator McClellan out to Headquarters for a briefing and wondered if he would be in town long enough to come out to 25X1 the Agency before their departure on this trip. Woodruff said he was not yet certain of the Senator's plans between now and then but expected to find out something in the next day or two and said he would let me know. 1 told him we were interested in getting some other members, such as Senators Stennis, Pastore and Thurmond, out for briefings during the adjournment and he said he doubted that many of them (with the exeption of Senator Stennis) would be in town before the first of the year. Woodruff said he was quite certain he would not be able to make the briefing tomorrow and I told him we would have him out with Ed Braswell, Senate Armed Services Committee staff, at a later date, perhaps next week. I talked with Woodruff about the provisions in the conference report on the State, Judiciary, and Related Agencies Appropriations bill prohibiting the payment of transportation expenses from overseas positions to the U. S. and asked him about relief for those persons who had purchased foreign made automobiles prior to the issuance of the conference report. Woodruff said this had been a matter of concern to the House (Appropriations) Committee and we should take it up with Ralph Preston, House Appropriations Committee staff. He added that he thought we should follow the procedures of the State Department in this regard since their situation most closely resembled ours. CRC, 7/28/2003 MORI/CDF Pages _1 and 3 Approved For Release 2006/11/15: CIA-RDP75B00380R000300040039-7 Approved For Release 2006/11/15: CIA RDP_75B00380R000300040039-7 Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 2 Thursday - 9 November 1972 2. - GLC) Picked up from the office of Dorothy Fosdick, Staff Director, Senate Subcommittee on National Security and International Operations staff, the text of some material which Senator Jackson has asked us to translate. This was forwarded t J O /DDI. They would cf- like to have the translations by next Tuesday. I also obtained access to the itinerary for Senator Jackson's overseas travel and have made this available to DDP, wh x1 is preparing a cable for the stations concerned. 25X1 3. - GLC) Made arrangements fo of OCI, and I to meet with Charles Stevenson, Research Assistant to Senator Harold E. Hughes (D. , Iowa) tomorrow at 3 p. m. 25x1 4.1 Accompanie who met with Senator Hubert Humphrey and Mr. John ar o the i rary of Congress staff, for discussion preparatory to a trip to the Soviet Union by Senators Humphrey and Henry Bellmon. The Senators will be accompanied by Mr. Hardt who is coordinating their briefings. As a member of the Agriculture and Joint Economic Committees, Senator Humphrey was particularly interested in the Soviet agricultural situation in general and the Soviet/U. S. wheat transaction in particular. He asked a number of questions about the Agency's record in forecasting the Soviet grain crisis, and the immediate and long-term prospects for Soviet agriculture. He explained he was not looking for "crooks" in the U. S who might have taken advantage of the situation, but that the Agriculture Subcommittee needed to understand what had happened, and what might lie ahead, in order to draft sensible legislation in the next session regarding wheat quotas, etc. The Senator asked a number of questions about what Soviet officials he should see and what questions he should raise with them, to which we promised to furnish written suggestions to Mr. Hardt. The Senator also asked questions about the Soviet leadership and the Soviet defense effort which were responded to b In closing, he promised to make available to us the results o his trip, which, he said, might include a stop in Poland and possibly some 25x1 other Eastern European countries. CRC, 7/28/2003 Approved For Release 2006/11/15: CIA-RDP75B00380R000300040039-7 Approved For Release 2006/11/15: CIA-RDP75B00380R000300040039-7 Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Thursday - 9 November 1972 Page 3 5. JMM) Cliff Hackett, House Foreign Affairs Committee staff, called to suggest anew date of the afternoon of Tuesday, 14 November for our briefing of Representative Donald Fraser on the CPSU. He said he hoped other members might be present. 6. - JGO) Met with Mr. Ralph Preston, Staff Assistant House Appropriations ommittee, and reviewed with him Appropriations Committee instructions that have been written into the conference report on the State, Judiciary, and Related Agencies Appropriations concerning payment of transportation of foreign made vehicles and furniture. In brief, Mr. Preston told me that the Department of Defense had violated a written directive from Chairman Mahon and in defense of their action had claimed in part that civilian agencies were not subject to the same instructions. As a result the Chairman inserted the language in the State, Judiciary, and Related Agencies Appropriation bill with the unanimous consent of all conferees. In Mr. Preston's judgment the Chairman intends a final cut-off date of 31 December 1972 and does not feel that there should be any exceptions. I Ihas been advised. cc: O/DDCI Mr. Houston Mr. Thuermer I DDI DDS DDS&T EA/DDP OPPB .}Legislative Counsel Approved For Release 2006/11/15: CIA-RDP75B00380R000300040039-7