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Document Creation Date:
December 15, 2016
Document Release Date:
November 17, 2003
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Publication Date:
October 21, 1973
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!Approved For Release 2003/12/02: CIA-RD@T5 6 NTdR000200050
,:7 UIN UpjZ9 V1.,1V.U
alt L 1 I
?a TAS 'ME United States, through tics, but it also helps in understanding Centt?ai Intelligence A ency
g settlement on the compensation
s to
and reconstructing the administration'
or o(:lcercvtse, directly involved in th
evcnis that led to the re pokey of bringing paid for xraionalized American property
bloody coup d'etat bas
about Allende 's and a renegotiation of States. $1.7 bil.
is Chile last Sept. 11? fall one way or another, lion debt to the United Saieg
Actual involvement In the mi"litar We are apprised not only that tiro
rc;c, Y CIA's estimate of the number'of vie. A lOTO".IIell) Polley
ohition that ousted the late President
NNIvadov Allende tiros of the Military government's re- Cj`UALLY, the basic U., , lrusLure
Gossens a Soeitllst, pression is four times the official San. was set furih by
has bceu rdby tlxe Nixon g toward. Allende
oll roundly o n and denied en CIA in tia o figures but that the United States, Henry A.
in effect, condones mass executions and curitY }f oxrse afairs as a backgro nd ion efinQ
Hilt given the CIA's track record in imprisonments in Chile because a civil
overthrowing or A' tiny Tess i at a beck
p b to over- war there remains "a real th ? for the press in Chicago on a plur ity i ,
foreign govcrnnlents-Iran Guate- Y
ll"O for Bay of Figs, Taos and soon ri ebjlunt
12 days after Aleawewon a mina?nlity ill ill ill "OW
ay even Colby ressiod that t the junta tit he elections and awaited :z rmW-olf vot;ff
deep suspicions have Y "overdo" repression.
the. p Su persisted that Colby's and Davis' testinton Ah Congress. cosi confirmed, said
Cou t}tat if
ltou, e direct}ve,er has tinder
mWhite ore picunclear and y" parts a regime were conrge in a Communist much than an irectivesohas been r of the Chilean contradictory, offered e Agent ewould Boliva and P e.".ru bile and might fol?
w of le CIA's activities 9 Cane ow t1ii
scene since Allerxde's election in 1970, between Allen de's election in 1974 and
Cen days ago, the CIA rather sur the Sept. 1,1 coup ranging from the low this example.
l,rT nglcl if most reluctantl penetration of all the major Chilean For the next three y
tile U.S.
ears, to confirm many of went euuize. political parties, support for anti-regimo`, policy developed along twos principal
a way It did so in many testimony on demonstrations and financing of the op? -'lines. One was the denial of all credits
ions. 11, before so secret Subcommittee testimony n tofore Press and other Agency to the Allende govern Mon _
thc Ofore merican to here- ton even blocked ggra vaby nternatior al
Affairs by its di- in financial negotiations betweenvWWasht
rector on I11e e4Viliiarx E. Colby, and Frederick ' inst3tu+?ens--to agrgravato C.ta}lo'3 e 0-
rect0 I? iilj ington and Santiago in last 1972 and nomrc situation when Allende hi,n