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Document Release Date: 
December 4, 2001
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Publication Date: 
July 26, 1972
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Approved For Release 2001/12/12 :CIA-RDP75B00380R000100030102-9 ~~~RE~` OLC 72-0837 26 July 1972 MEMORANDUM FOR THE RECORD SUBJECT: Director's Briefing of Full House Armed Services Committee - 26 July 1972 1, The Director briefed the full House Armed Services Committee on SALT verification and the recent developments in Soviet strategic weaponsv The meeting lasted from 1040 hours until 1230 hours. A technical sweep of the room, 2118 Rayburn House Office Building, was conducted and the room was kept under technical monitoring throughout, Discussions included SI, TKH and -rrla terial. A transcript was taken and is on file in the Office of Legislative Counsel with a copy of the Director's prepared statement. 2, Presen~ nor all or part of the session were: F. Edward Hebert (D. , La, ), Chairman Melvin Price (D. , Ill. ) O. C. Fisher (D. , Texas) Charles E. Bennett (D. , Fla. ) James A. Byrne (D. , Pa, ) Samuel S. Stratton (D. , N. Y. ) Otis G. Pike (D. , N. Y. ) Richard H. Ichord (D. , Mo. ) Alton Lennon (D. , N. C. ) William J. Randall (D. , Mo. ) Robert L. Leggett (D. , Calif, ) Floyd V. Hicks (D. , Wash. ) Richard C. White (D. , Texas} William Nichols (D. , Ala. ) Jack T, Brinkley (D. , Ga. ) Rabert H. (Bob) Mollohan (D. , W. C. (Dan) Daniel (D. , Va. ) W, Va. ) G, V.(Sonny) Montgomery (D., Miss. Michael J. Harrington (D. , Mass. ) Harald Runnels (D. , N. M. ) Les Aspin (D. , Wis. ) CLnSStF(f?.f3 f1Y _Signer ____ ex~ml~r re()^a crr,Fr,n1, tn;cLnsstFlrnnuN SC1fELlULL OF E U 1tr.S-'. (?~13~.A11"11(1N CA"ikGURY~ 5iG(1), ~, (a) or (;) (?r,ir r,nc ur more) AUTOn1.41+t/,LLY G1~t1 A:,;,1PIL?U UN Approval of DCI Approved For Release 2001/12/12 :CIA-RDF}~~Rn~'~~~r~r79'P~1?~a Q'll~~g9?r event) Approved For Release Q1/1~~ CIA-RDP75B00380R000100030102-9 Leslie C. Arends (R. , Ill, ) William G. Bray (R. , Ind. ) Robert C. Wilson (R. , Calif, j Charles S. Gubser (R. , Calif, ) Alexander Pirnie (R. , N. Y. ) Durward G. Hall (R. , Mo. ) Carleton J. King (R. , N. Y. ) William L. Dickinson (R. , Ala, ) John E. Hunt (R. , N. J. } G, William Whitehurst (R. , Va. ) C. W. Bill Young (R. , Fla. ) Floyd D, Spence (R. , 5. C. ) Walter E. Powell (R. , Ohio) William S. Conover (R. , Pa. ) Frank M. Slatinshek Earl J. Morgan William H. Cook Ralph Marshall George Norris James F. Shumate William H. Hogan H. Hollister Cantus John T, M. Reddan Richard A. Ransom William B. Short Sanford T, Saunders Oneta L. Stockstill 4, Accompanying the Director were: Carl Duckett, DDS&T OS R OCI John M. Maury, Legislative Counsel Approved For Release 2001/12/12 :CIA-RDP75B00380R000100030102-9 Approved For Release 2001/12/12 :CIA-RDP75B00380R000100030102-9 5a There were no follow up actionso Distribution: Original -~ Subject Briefing file 1 -~ DC I 1 -~ DDS&T 1 -~ OS R 1 -~ DDI 1 -~ 1 -~ LC Chrono rOHN M. MAURY 'JL,egislative Counsel Approved For Release 2001/12/12 :CIA-RDP75B00380R000100030102-9