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Publication Date: 
May 4, 1972
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Approved For Release 2004/02/24 :CIA-.RDP75B00380R000100020049-0 SE~~~ 4 May 1972 MEMORANDUM FOR THE RECORD SUBJECT: Briefing of the Full House Armed Services Committee-- 4 May 1972 1. On 4 May 1972, Mr. George Carver, SA VA, briefed the full House Armed Services Committee on the current situation in Vietnam. The meeting lasted from 1010 hours until 1230 hours. room was kept under technical monitoring throughout. Discussions included Top Seeret/Sensitive material. A transcript was taken and is on file with the prepared statement in the Office of Legislative Counsel. 2. .Present for all or part of the session were: F, Edward Hebert (D. , La. ), Chairman Melvin Price (D. , Ill. ) O. C. Fisher (D. , Texas) Charles E. Bennett (D. , FIa. ) Samuel S. Stratton (D. , N. Y. ) Otis G, Pike (D. , N. Y. ) Richard H, Ichord (D. , Mo. ) Alton Lennon (D. , N. C. ) William J. Randall (D. , Mo. ) G, Elliott Hagan {D. , Ga. ) Robert L. Leggett (D. , Calif. ) Floyd V. Hicks (D. , Wash. ) William Nichols (D. , Ala, ) Jack T. Brinkley (D. , Ga. ) Robert H. {Bob) Mollohan (D. , W. Va. ) W. C. (Dan Daniel.~~. , Va. ) G. V. {Sonny) Montgomery (D. , Miss. ) Michael J. Harrington (D. , Mass. ) Les Aspin (D. , Wis. ) 25X1 Approved For Release 200~02/~4 : ~IA-RDP75B00380R0001000~OIT49~19/2003 Approved For Release 2004/02/24 : ~1~~00380R000100020049-0 Leslie C. Arends {R., Ill. ) Alvin E. O'Konski (R. , Wis< ) Robert C. Wilson (R. , Calif. ) Charles S. Gubser (R. , Calif. ) Alexander Pirnie (R. , N. Y. ) .Durward G. Hall (R. , Mo. ) Donald D. Clancy (R. , Ohio) Carleton J. King (R. , N. Y. ) William L. Dickinson (R. , Ala. ) John E. Hunt (R. , N. J. ) G. William Whitehurst (R. , Va. ) C. bY. Bill Young (R. , Fla. ) Floyd D. Spence (R. , S. C. ) Walter E, Powell (R. , Ohio) 3. Present from the Committee staff were: Frank M. Slatinshek Earl J. Morgan William H. Cook Ralph Marshall John J. Ford George Norris James F. Shumate, Jr. William H. Hogan, Jr. H. Hollister Cantus John T. M, Reddan John F, Lally Richard A. Ransom Oneta L. Stockstill 4. Accompanying Mr, Carver was: John M. Maury, Legislative Counsel 5. The Chairman opened with a stern ten minute .admonition to the Committee regarc~irig security. He commented that a story in yesterday's Washington Post regarding what had transpired in an executive session of the Committee couldn't have been more accurate or complete if he had written it himself. He said the Cammittee could not continue to operate if its security procedures were ignored and if a similiar leak occurred in the future he might follow the practice of the late Chairman Vinson where no one but the Chair- man knew what was going on, He said that if there was further trouble about security he would put every member-.under.. oath and interrogate him. Mr. King Approved For Release 2004/02/24 :CIA-RDP75B00380R000100020049-0 2 s~c~~T Approved For Release 2004/02/ -~ DP75B00380R000100020049-0 supported him and Mr, Gubser said that such leaks inevitably inhibit Com- mittee witnesses and thus cut off valuable inforrnatian from the Committee. 6. Mr, Carver then delivered the prepared statement, text of which is on file in the Office of Legislative Counsel. Questions and answers in the ensuing discussion are reported in the Committee transcript, also on file in OLC. 7. Follow-up action: a, Mr. Clancy asked how long Agency reports.. had shown in excess of 500 tanks in the North Vietnamese inventory,.- and also asked for the precise figures on how many North Vietnamese regulars were in South Vietnam now, and how many were there as of 1 March of this year. Mr. Carver promised to provide the answers. b. Mr, Stratton said he was still puzzled by the widely varying reports on the effects of the bombing of North Vietnam logistical targets and would like a detailed briefing on the subject. He said there was a widespread impression that CIA felt such bombing was almost completely ineffective, but he found it difficult to believe this was true. I told Mr. Stratton we would be glad to arrange a private briefing on this subject and asked him to let me know when it would be convenient. 25X1A c. Mr. Young and Mr. Spence asked if they could be provided with copies of statements from the. U. S. press and by U. S. public .figures which had been exploited by the North Vietnamese for propaganda purposes to illustrate the unpopularity of the war in the U. S. 1VIr. Carver said he saw no reason why we could not provide -such material. JOHN M. MAURY Legislative Counsel 25X1 A Distribution: Original -Subject Briefing file 1 - Ex/Dir 1 - DDI 1 - SA VA 1 - (Security) I - LC Chrono SECRET Approved For Release 2004/02/24 :CIA-RDP75B00380R000100020049-0