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5BO026LOO3oo:170:006- OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF DEFENSE WASHINGTON 25, D. C. MEMORANDUM FOR The Secretary of the The Secretary of the 14 June M2 Trhe rotary of the it Force 25X1 The Special Assistant to the Secretary of Defense The Director, Defense Intelligence Agency The Director, National Security Agency Affairs) The Assistant Secretary of Defense (Dep The General Counsel The Director of Defense i= ese arch Engineering The Ch;; irxt, Joint Chiefs of staff The Assistant Secretary of Defense (hgomtionrll Security Affairs) The Asa1 tart S retary of Defense Public SUBJECT: (TS) DOD-CIA Agree ent The attached agreement between the Secretary of Defense and the Director of Central Intelligence an responsibilities of the (S) National heconnaissance mice, dated 2 May 1982, supersedes Secretary of Defense memorandum of September 1901 entitled (TS) ? Assistant for Reconnaissance" and its attached DOD-CD!. Agreement entitled "Manage- ment of the National Reconnaissance .z rogram, " dated 6 September 1901. All Department of Defense satellite and overflight photographic reconnaissance, mapping, geodesy and electronic signal collection projects will be handled in accordance with the attached agreement, and existing project assignments will be brought into conformity and present conflicting directives will be revised at the earliest date. In order to ensure full compliance with the terms and intent of the Agree- ment, the Secretaries of the Military Departments and the heads of other DOD components will, carefully monitor their departmental pro- grams so as to avoid conflict with the (TS) Nati4rAl Reconwissance program which is the exclusive responsibility of the (S) National Recon- naissance Office. NRO and OSD review(s) completed. 25 pproved For Release 2004 O6I24,:=( I~ Pi 5B00326R00030 170006-9 W k~ ..~~ ~ ontroll~o Approved For ease 2004/061j 326 00300170006-9 The establish ent and gerier;1 m n~agenxent philosophy of the (3) National R~ecossnaissa ce Office are covered by the attached .Trop Secret DOD) Directly*, subject, (3) National - ecoan. issance Office. The (S) Director, National Reconnaissance JIfice is designated by the attached Secret memorandum of the Secretary of ,-_~efvase entitled, N (3 t ) a ional }ec al once Mee. The (TS) National Reconnaissance Program does not include peripheral reconnaissanee activities. These remain the responsi- bilities of the Military Departments. -iavwever, the (3) Director, National econnai ce Office Is responsible for establishing and maintaining a suitable interface between the (TS) National Reconnaissance rogram and such peripheral reconnaissance activities and for coord , +- nating those activities with the projects of the (S) National .reconnaissance Office. 2 lads 8igcisd Iaoawell Gilpatric 1. DOD-CIA tgreement r did 2 May 62 re N.~:O Deputy Secretary of efextse 2. DOD Dir.. TS-5105.22 dtd 14 -Tune 62 Approved For Release 2004/06/24: CIA-F DR75B00326R000300170006-9 "'.E CLi ' A proves tir`I REGRADING r ) U; 52uU._ DC~E. P; T APPLY e~ .2004/ / 4 : CIA-RDP75BOO326ROQj00170006-9 _ ~ j ~ 'EC ll~~ L June 14, 1962 NUMBER TS 5105. 23 GC, DoD Department of Defense Directive (S) National Reconnaissance Office Pursuant to the authority vested in the Secretary of Defense and the provisions of the National Security Act of 1947, as amended, including the Department of Defense Reorganization Act of 1958, a (S) National Reconnaissance Office is hereby established as an operating agency of the Department of Defense, under the direction and supervision of the Secretary of Defense. II. ORGANIZATION AND RESPONSIBILITY The (S) National Reconnaissance Office will be organized separately within the Department .of Defense under a (S) Director, National Reconnaissance Office, appointed by the Secretary of Defense. The Director will be responsible for consolidation of all Department of Defense satellite and air vehicle overflight projects for intelligence, geodesy and mapping photography and electronic signal collection into a single program, defined as the (TS) National Recon- naissance Program, and for the complete management and conduct of this Program in accordance with policy guidance and decisions of the Secretary of Defense. M. RELATIONSHIPS A. In carrying out his responsibilities for the (TS) National Reconnaissance Program, the (S) Director, National Reconnaissance Office shall: TADS ,-T p mSd. Rele e /06/2,t0fI ftRDP75B0032` W&f 63~ 1* 600629 Approved For Iase .2004TOGP4 &45800326100300170006-9 1. Keep the Director of Defense Research and Engineering and the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Comptroller) personally informed on a regular basis on the status of projects of the (TS) National Reconnaissance Program. 2. Similarly inform other Department of Defense personnel as he may determine necessary in the course of carrying out specific project matters. 3. Establish appropriate interfaces between the (S) National Reconnaissance Office and the United States Intelligence Board, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Defense Intelligence Agency; and the National Security Agency. 4. Where appropriate, make use of qualified personnel of services and agencies of the Department of Defense as full time members of the (S) National Reconnaissance Office. B. Officials of the Office of the Secretary of Defense, military departments, and other DOD agencies shall provide support within their respective fields of responsibility, to the (S) Director, National Recon- naissance Office as may be necessary for the Director to carry out his assigned responsibilities and functions. Streamlined management procedures will be utilized whereby individual project directors will report directly to the (S) Director, National Reconnaissance Office. The (S) Director, National Reconnaissance Office will be given support as required from normal ,staff elements of the military departments and agencies concerned, although these staff elements will not participate in these project matters except as he specifically requests, and these projects will not be subject to normal Department of Defense staff review.. IV. AUTHORITIES A. The (S) Director, National Reconnaissance Office, in connection with his assigned responsibilities for the Approved For Release 20047[p@:4 . - r T5B00326R000300170006-9 Approved For Fuse 20 ( / t 4i RbP75B00326S0300179006-9 62 un 14, TS 5105. 23 (S) National Reconnaissance Office and the (TS) National Reconnaissance Program, is hereby specific- ally delegated authority to: 1. Organize, staff, and supervise the (S) National Reconnaissance Office. 2. Establish, manage and conduct the (TS) National Reconnaissance Program. 3. Assist the Secretary of Defense in the super- vision of aircraft, drone and satellite recon- naissance, mapping and geodesy matters, including both photographic and electronic signal projects, and be his direct representative on these matters both within and outside the Department of Defense. 4. .Review all Department of Defense budget requests and expenditures for any items falling within the definition of the (TS) National Reconnaissance Program, including studies and preliminary research and development of components and techniques to support such existing or future projects. B. Other authorities specifically delegated to the (S) Director, National Reconnaissance Office by the Secre- tary of Defense will be referenced in numbered enclos- ures to this directive. V. PROJECT ASSIGNMENTS All projects falling within the definition of the (TS) National Reconnaissance Program are assigned to that program and will be managed as outlined herein unless specific. exception is made by the (S) Director, National Reconnaissance Office. Announcements of any such exceptions will be made by numbered enclosures to this directive. Approved For Release 20044(?4?4 f IB'-M P5B00326R000300170006-9 Approved For Fase 2004/0/`!003260300170006-9 VI. SECURITY The (S) Director, National Reconnaissance Office will establish the security procedures to be. followed for all matters of the (TS) National Reconnaissance Program, including suitable unclassified names and functions to protect all elements of the (S) National Reconnaissance Office. 'VII. EFFECTIVE DATE This Directive is effective upon publication. 25X1 NRO Acting Secretary of Defense Approved For Release 2004TUP t,A- B00326R000300170006-9 Approved For Rase 2004/06/ DP75B00326R 00300170006-9 OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF DEFENSE WASHINGTON 25. D. C. 14 June 1962 '_ U M P J N, e ~; ar:ke.,:rect r D*irectar, ti 'a Auld= to Us oV.,or ut s, Jr. J -1 V. C .ryk. is 4?;r bi' Signed Roswell Gilpatric Deputy Secretary of Defense a -1 5200. AB8 vg -, q pse 2004/06/2.4..: CIA-RDP75B00326R000300170006-9 DOD DIR. 10