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Approved Fo ase 2003/01/28: CIA-RDP75B00326V#0300120020-8 Supplerr: t -~;c HOST/TENANT SUPPORT AGRE'E'NIENT between AIR FORCE FLIGHT TEST CENTER, EDWARDS AIR FORCE BASE WEAT'ZER RECONNAISSANCE SQUADRON-PROV (IV) On file USAF release instructions apply. Approved For Release 2003/01/28 : CIA-RDP75B00326R000300120020-8 Approved For se 2003/01/28 : CIA-RDP75B003260300120020-8 Teriant Mission: Classified. P. This agreement is subject to an annual review to verify support arrangements and planning factors. C. Aircraft: 1. Mission Aircraft - AFFTC has no responsibilities as regards support of the tenant's mission aircraft. 2. Support Aircraft - Support aircraft are coded "S F". AFFV'C responsibli- tieo are as stated in Paraaranh "D". The Single Mann c r Concept does not apply of 24 January 1967. D. Pertinent information regarding support. SUPPORT 'FUNCTION HOST BASE WILL Accounting Provisions of AFR ll--;A do not and Finance apply. Host will provide the following services only: 1. Maintain payroll for mili- tary personnel only and make payments based on MPOs. 2. Process M POs and vouchers of arriving and departing military personnel, their dependents and household effects. Administrative Provisions of AFR 11-4A apply Services except that tenant will, not require staging area or print- ing and duplicating support. .Civil Provisions of AFR 11-LA apply and Engineering will include insect and rodent control for the tenant assigned area as well as the inspection, maintenance , and refilling of carbon dioxide cylinders for life rafts. However, the host will pint provido custodial services. TENTAIN'T UNIT WILL STAT Provisions of AFR 11-4A do not apply. The tenant will provide host Military Pay orders of assigned military personnel. Provide host with necessary infor- mation to process PCS Ms and ,orders for reassignments of mili- tary personnel. iiq USAF will provide all other accounting and finance functions with the exception of those specifically listed as under responsibility.of host base. Provisions of AFR 11-4A apply except t at t e tenant will provide for its o,::, staging area through the Hq USAF and wil.1 provide s own .reproduction, utilizing off ce machines. Provisions of AFR ll-1+A apply and the tenant will provide for cus- todial services for all real property assigned to tenant. Approved For Release 2003/01/28 : CIA-RDP75B00326R000300120020-8 Approved Ford use 2003/01/28: CIA-RDP75B00326 300120020-8 UPPORT FUNCTION Civilian Provis ions of A V . . R 11-A do not Personnel Provisions of AFR -1-1-4A do not apply. Have no respons~bi';~ nrrt i_1-4A pply ervice.; excerpt r*riut local release of Provisions of AFR 11-4A apply. in.('orr rt;on items pertainj,lg to the tenant will be released only requested by the tenant. Judge Drn_4 4 Advocate L Mki1ntenance Provisions of AFR 11-4A apply for Provisions only support aircraft, AGE equip_ svof APR 1-~A apply for ment, and personal, equipment support aircraft only. Tenant wi11 (parachutes) radios and beacons not require field maintenance sup-.'. port from the host for mission aircraft Organizational Perform organizational mainten- Maintenance ance, beyond the tenant crew chief capability, for support aircraft . Medical ?rovisions of AFR 11-A aply Services except that the host will not maintain medical and dental records of tenant military person- nel. As clarification, the host will f urnish the tenant medical supply items on a reimbursable basis. apply, slons of AFR 11-LA do not apply- Hq USAF will retain C ourts Provide only legal assistance to tive actions pertinent thereto. military personnel as may be requested. ",Waiver granted by Hq AFSC message SCSST 39808 dtd 5 Nov 65. Perform organizational maintenance for mission aircraft and furnish a crew chief for support aircraft. Provisions of AFR 11-2+A apply and the tenant will maintain medical and dental records of tenant mili- tary personnel. Waiver for records granted by Hq AFSC message SCSST 39508 std 5 Nov 65. Approved For Release 2003/01128 : CIA-RDP75B00326R000300120020-8 y apply. Perform al functions. Waiver granted by Hq AFSC message SCSST 39508 dtd 5 Nov 1965. ~.szons of AFR U-4 A do not a rovi -1 BASE WILL TENAT~Tm UTjIT WILL Approved For Rise 2003/01/28: CIA-RDP75B0032SW300120020-8 SUP PORT FUNC'J'TON HOST BASE WILL TENANT UNIT WILL Military Provisions of AFR 11-4A do not Provisions of AFR 11-4A do not 1'e r:onnel apply. apply. Perform hinctions except military personnel reenlistment Provide only reenlistment and and discharge services.. discharge services. Waiver granted by Hq AFSC message SCSST 39808 dtd 5 Nov 65. Security and Provisions of AIR 11-4A apply; Provisions of AFR ll-4A apply; Law Enforce- however, the host will provide however, the tenant will be solely ment normal base security only, namely, responsible for internal security perimeter security. of facilities. Supply Provisions of AIR 11-4A apply Provisions of AFR 11-4A apply except except that Engineering Data and that Engineering Data and Explosive Explosive Ordnance Disposal are Ordnance Disposal are not required. not required by tenant and In addition the tenant will provide supply support for aircraft will all support for mission aircraft be only for support aircraft. As and mission equipment and supplies a matter of clarification, through Hq USAF. Program require- equipment and supplies will be pro- ments to coincide with the host video; on a non-reimbursable basis budget cycle. in accordance with He AFSC (SCCPM) letter of 24 July 1967. Safety Implement the AFFTC Safety Pro- Comply with the AFFTC Safety Program gram in accordance with applicable in accordance with applicable USAF, USAF, AFSC and AFFTC Safety AFSC and AFFTC Safety Publication' Publications with the exception with the exception of he special of the special provisions listed provisions listed below: below: Flight Implement and conduct a flying Comply with AFFTC flyi,; safety pro- Safety safety program IAW applicable AF, gram IAW applicable USA_, AFSC and AFSC and AFFTC flying safety direc- AFFTC safety directives, however, the tives, however, unless specifi- tenant will perform, those functions cally requested to do so by the listed in para 10, AFR 127-4. When tenant, the host will not perform host assistance is desired, the tenan those functions listed in para- will request specific assistance graph 10, AFR 127-i. desired from, the appropriate host nggency. The tenant unit Flight Safet, Officer or his alternate will attend the base flight safety meetings. The tenant Flight Safety Officer or his alternate will disseminate flight safety information to appropriate tenant personnel. Approved For Release 2003/01/28 : CIA-RDP75B00326R000300120020-8 Approved For UTP0Y T FUNCTION SAFETY (Copt' d ) Ground Safety se 2003/01/2 . 8: CIA-RDP75B00324300120020-8 Implement and conduct a ground safety program l W AF and AF SC directives in the 127 series as well as A: 1'C safety directives. Include tenant personnel in the Traffic Safety Training Program conducted lAW AFR 50-24. Investigate and, report ground accidents IAW AFR 127-4, involving tenant personnel and equipment which occur outside the tenant restricted area. Tenant acci- dents and exposures will not be consolidated with those of host. Conduct accident preven- tion surveys (AFM 127-101) for the tenant facilities outside the tenant restricted area on the same frequency as host units. TENANT T .1.., Comply with the AF7,!'C safety program IAW applicable USAF, AFSC and AFFTC safety directives. Coordinate tenant activities with the host Ground Safety Director. Advise host of occurrence of ;round accidents whether inside or outside the tenant restricted area. Investigate ground accidents that occur inside the tenant restricted area. Forward accident reports to parent command. Prepare AF Form 74+0 and forward copies to host base and tenant parent command. Approved For Release 2003/01/28 : CIA-RDP75BOO326R000300120020-8 Approved For, -Rse 2003/01/28: CIA-RDP75B00326R300120020-8 AFSC SUPPORT MANPOWER REQUIREMENTS HOST TENANT ORGANIZATION AIR FORCE FLIGHT TEST CENTER WEATHER RECON PROV - IV Funct Funct Title Manpower Equiv Code (AFM 300-4) Off Amn Civ 1020 Judge Advocate 1510 Accounting and Finance 2200 Field Maintenance 2300 Org Maint, 2400 Comm Arm & Elec Maint 4100 Supply 4230 Terminal Service 19 SEP 67 REVISED DATE STAT Provides modifications i s required and t:. achutes. repack services for 31 Provides maintenance on 30 URT-21 beacons, 35 URC-4 radios and 25 URC-10 radios. Provide approximately 6000 line items of reimbursable parchases per year. Provide commercial and r-ilitary transporta- tion services for 1.2 m4.llion lbs cargo per year. Approved For Release 2003/01/28 : CIA-RDP75B00326R000300120020-8 Approved For/ease 2003/01/28 : CIA=RDP75B00326R$0300120020-8 Funct Funct Title Manpower Equiv Code (AFM 300-4) Off Amn Civ Workload Justification STAT 2 O Transportation Maintenance 4350 Pass & Registration 4400 ? Civil Engineering Provide maintenance and repair ofl24,377 sq ft of tenant occupied buildings. Pi ovide 2080 manhours of draftir.,.S, cations, inspection and acceptance o-L~`:ew construction. `Provide inspection, maintenance and refill 40 C0-2 cylinder for life rafts. Provide inspection and rodent control for the tenant assigned area. 4500 Personnel Services 5000 Medical Services Total Manpower Equivalents in support of tenant: Approved For Release 2003/01/28 : CIA-RDP75B00326R00030012002',0-8