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1. 1 ? 25X1' Approved For Release 2007/10/23: CIA-RDP75B00326R000200210039-8 WORKING PAPE12 Destr or Contyo. Copy NRO review(s) completed. by-- 125X1_ MEMORANDUM FOR: Director, National Reconnaissance Office SUBJECT Recommendations For Changes In Agency Contracting In Support Of The NRO Special Activities. In addition to 1. Because of the decision to transfer the IDEALIST program to the Air Force, I plan to abolish the Office of IDEALIST, OSA is responsible for the ~program, thel (program, and other miscellaneous contracts in support of 25X1 the NRO. My recommendations for the transition of IDEALIST NRO 10 ~ programs and activities are given below. I plan to transfer ;F1c to the Air Force and for disposition of these remaining the Agency contract responsibility for all continuing activities in support of the NRO to the Office of Development and Engineering on 1 July 1974. IDEALIST Program Under the IDEALIST program which now consists of overall support for the Agency's U-2 aircraft, there ~~ has already been a gradual shift-of U-2 supportive 25X1 1%"P ? - activity to the Air Force. The latest understanding will lead to a transfer of all CIA U-2 assets to the 25X1 2525X1 Approved For Release 2007/10/23: CIA-RDP75B00326R000200210039-8 I , 25X1 r f ?SUI Approved For Release 2007/10/23: CIA-RDP75B00326R000200210039-8 ctin - - - --- -'C 1-1 g In Sport of the NRO Ira* ; Air Force as soon as practicable. From a contractual standpoint, all IDEALIST field service support contracts will be extended three to six months in order to permit appropriate phase-out 1 % 13 ,~y l 75 ecc activities. The funding for these extensions will be provided by the Air Force through Director, Program D. t$,%4 All other contracts will expire at the completion dates specified therein, unless earlier termination .is requested by the Air Force. With few exceptions, these-contracts should be completed by 30 June 1974. a basis for justifying the CIA's handling In the past the CORONA represented of the the total Currently, SAFSP has responsibility for operational satellite reconnaisance systems employing photographic film. Unless there are special reasons which you may be aware of for deg 2 L t'. 'i 37 C.v' L,' " Approved For Release 2007/10/23: CIA-RDP75B00326R000200210039-8 2F25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2007/10/23: CIA-RDP75B00326R000200210039-8 SUBJECT: -Recomm1ations for Changes in Agcy Contracting In`Support of the NRO CIA to continue handling I?recommend that this responsibility be transferred to SAFSP effective 1 July 1974. Paae 25X1 25X1 NRO 25X1 3 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2007/10/23: CIA-RDP75B00326R000200210039-8 Approved For Release 2007/10/23: CIA-RDP75B00326R000200210039-8 SUBJi ui: urianges in gv ecy contracting in Sup Tort of the NRO 25X1 NRO I recommend that this activity remain intact and be placed under the admini?stra-t-i-on of the Office of ELINT, which is physically collocated with the The Office of ELINT is the most logical office within the Directorate for Science and Technology to perform this function, since it has the operational responsibility for the operations in general. and technical 25X1 NRO 25X1 2525X1 ga e Approved For Release 2007/10/23: CIA-RDP75B00326R000200210039-8 sliE~ Approved For Release 2007/10/23: CIA-RDP75B00326R000200210039-8 sting in, Sort of the NRO Other Contracts There are a number of other miscellaneous contracts which the Office of Special Activities handles on behalf of various NRO activities. I propose that we examine these on'a case-by-case .basis and that I provide you with my recommendations for each of these by :L June 1974. CARL E. DUCKETT Deputy Director for Science and Technology Distribution: Orig & 1 - Addse Cy 3 - DD/NRO Cy 4 - DD/SET Cy 5 - DD/SF,T Registry Cy 6 - DD/S&T Registry Cy 7 - D/OEL Cy 8 - D/ODEE Chrono Cy DD/S&T/OD&E (9 Apr 74) Page 5 'IM Qrprl'~7 2E2 X1 Approved For Release 2007/10/23: CIA-RDP75B00326R000200210039-8 r l/.J .,A N . i Approved For Release 2007/10/23: CIA-RDP75B00326R000200210039-8 Noe Copy 11 April 1974 Special Action 6taff/OSA SUBJECT CMD/OSA Comments Relative to Reference REFERENCE Memorandum for Director/NRO Subject: Recommendations for Changes in Agency Contracting in Support of the NRO (Working Paper/9 April 1974) In response to the request for comments on referenced memorandum, attached are summary schedules by program of ac- tive contracts; i.e., those in which technical performance. has not been completed to date. At the present time, there are approximatelysuch contracts, of which have peri- 25X1 ods of performance ex ending beyond 1 July 197 Of these 32 contracts, there are which have completion dates prior to 31 December 1974, an i would appear to be in the best inter- est of the Government not to terminate them. However, there are 13 which the Air Force might consider terminating prior to dates specified in the contracts. IDEALIST Program (Tab 2) There are active contracts in this program, of which only two exten eyond 30 June 1974. It is suggested that, since the contract expires 31 July 1974, the Agency retain contract administration responsibility for this contract. The only other contract extending beyond 30 June 1974 is 25X1 which is a facility and property accountabils.ty- and obviously ought to be assumed by the Air Force. The comment in subject reference that "there has already been a gradual shift of U-2 supportive activity to the Air Force," I believe, refers to the 1 July 1973 takeover by the Air Force of the Common Account responsibilities. Approved For Release 2007/10/23: CIA-RDP75B00326R000200210039-8 Cr(`Rrv Approved For Release 2007/10/23: CIA-RDP75B00326R000200210039-8 Field Service Support Contracts (Tab 2b) This schedule shows the number of active contracts that will require Agency contractual coverage for the proposed three to six month extension. In view of the fact that the Air Force currently has certain similar field service support contracts in the Common Account, it seems that'the six month extension of Agency contracts will be sufficient time to allow the Air Force to prepare for follow-on contracts. However, during this interim period, very close coordination must be maintained between the Air Force and Agency contracting officers and ap- propriate funding procedures must be specifically identified to meet.FY-75 appropriation coverage. (Tab 4) There are 15 active contracts, of which there are eight with expiration dates after 30 June 1974. (See Tab 4a showing actual completion dates.) If Air Force becomes responsible for the entire program, it may be best that Agency procurement handle final settlement on those 7 contracts that expire before the end of calendar year 74 and terminate the remaining 8 con- tracts at an appropriate time. KOBOLD Program (Tab 3) There areElactive contracts (see Tab 3a) for this pro- gram, seven of which extend beyond 30 June 1974 and all will expire prior to 30 June 1975. No Agency contract management problems are anticipated for these contracts if the proposed recommendation is accepted. OSA contract management group has no involvement in the contract support for this activity. t Upon completion of study, close attention will be required to preserve Security procedures relative to the Agency's involvement. Others (Tab 5) There are active contracts under this category, of which have completion dates beyond 30 June 1974; however, 9 of these will expire prior to 31 December 1974. It would appear that most of these contracts ought to be administered through Approved For Release 2007/10/23: CIA-RDP75B00326R000200210039-8 Approved For Release 2007/10/23: CIA-RDP75B00326R000200210039-8 SECRET final closeout by the Agency contracting office, especially since most of these will be completed by September 1974. The remaining 6 that extend into calendar year 75 can be treated individually. The Agency is currently performing contracting services 25X1 for the Air Force Consideration ought to be treated with respect to the u ure contractual role of the Agency on this program. Chief, Contracts Management Division/OSA Approved For Release 2007/10/23: CIA-RDP75B00326R000200210039-8