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February 28, 2002
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March 6, 1967
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Approved elf BO
6 March 1967
I have looked into the problem you referred to regarding
e of a non-standard pressure suit while flyin
? . ve satisfied myself that his particular activities require
the action he has taken.
The major problem involved is that he flees all types of our aircraft
FA and Palxndiale. in addition, he is valuating what
I consider to be a very important modification to the helmet which
provides the only real answer I know of to the night glare problem.
Several years ago we developed the use of a separate oxygen mask in
conjunction with an automatic visor so that the pilot would have the
helmet completely enclosed only in an emergency. I strongly recom-
mend this improvement for all suits in use. Certainly the pilots at
Beale who will engage in night refuelings would find definite benefit
Following is a summary concernin = pressure suit 25X1 A
requirements and experience,
1.. He has two tzsti -made rear-entry Lull pressure
zcttve assemblies (the rubberised garments), Type GN-S97'Ji
two helmet assembles, Type GN-ACS-$83 (face seal type helmets),
which he used for several years but does not now use; two helmet
assemblies, Phase II (oxy :en-maok typ helmet), which he has used for
the past year and a half; two aluminised HT outer garments (non-
integrated), which he uses while flying the A-IZ. '' T-l2A or SR-71,
serials #Z-016 and earlier; one aluminized ITT outer garment (special),
integrated ha:rnoes type, for use on SR-71's #2017 and subsequent; two
pair of custom gloves; and one pair of standard gloves, Type K. which
he now uses with any of the, above configurations of full pressure suits..
Approved For Release 2002/06/24: CIA-RDP75B00285R000400130006-8
Approved F "M 2002/06/24: CIA-RDP75B0Ut85R000400130006-8
Z. In August 1965. throug coordination, 25X1A
Lockheed acquired for the project at six o1 a helmet assemblies. 25X1 A
Phase U. for experimental purposes, with a view toward improving upon
the earlier helmet assemblies, the principal deficiencies cited by the
pilots being glare off the faceplate, and too much heat, especially at high
speeds. A few of the pilots have tried the new arrangement, but only Mr.
have extensive experience with both
systems, has used this system exclusively for over one
and a half years. Bot plots are strongly convinced that the Phase U
angement is superior.
3. At present, one o Phases II helmets 25X1 A
~s at the PSD (Physiological Support Dtvisloa at swards Force Base,
with most of his other pressure suit equipment. The other Phase
present at the PSD at Beale A?B undergoing.a modification
betant#a Improvement upon the David Clark suspension system. Mr.
have bad modify their helmets, and I am told that the
Clark Company agrees that this modification of the suspension system
suspension system by MIAF. Most of the Beale AFB 25X1A
s not flown this latest Modification, but many of the Be siepilots
have to they assert it to be much superior.
?#,. has a special aluminised MT outer gar -
d harxress type, s ce it was much more economical to use
the same rubberised garments (Type OW-97O) for the integrated harness
typo of aircraft as with the earlier aircraft. Irrespective of the type of
ejection seat, the same rubberized garment, custom, may be used; only
the aluminized HT outer garment need be changed. This outer garment,
integrated harness type, has a special pocket in the inboard side of the
left lower leg, which change was app"-ovcd by the SPO. The reason for
this is that, for tall pilots, the lower forward left leg pocket to apt to
actuate the restart switches (particularly on the YF ?lZA), and Mr.
wished to evaluate this proposed modification in the location of
the pocket. I am advised th&tF- -1 Edwards AFB,
would wrap tape around his leg to prevent possible inadvertent actuation
teheg. vas the first pilot to fly and evaluate the
ated harness, stn red seat cockpit arrangement.
5. has not in recent months found it neces-
sary to carry the pressure suit the trunk of his car. This requirement
arose because it was necessary, on, very short notice, to fly in the
Edwards-Palmdale area, If some item of the pressure
suit to under repair, or back at the -tory, then having only one p essure
suit available, to avoid setting up special aircraft to transport the suit
back and forth between loc $tienas, the beat solution was deemed to be to
Approved For Release 2002/06/24: CIA-RDP75B00285R000400130006-8
Approved Release 2002/06/24: CIA-RDP75B0M5R000400130006-8
in the special David. Clark conta ne
k of the ear
e trun
carry it t
in order to be able to. cover flights on very short notice in either location.
6. ;dace the Phase It type helmet is a special arrange-
d the David Clark Company to writ a letter outlining,
Mont, x hazy as
the precise checkout procedure reonunended to be forwarded to the PSI)
e Bas-
(Physiological Support Division at Edwards Air
7. c4DmmentS on the mer=its of the Phase
as mask type helmet) are as tallow:
It is Much superior to the old system. It takes;
awhile to get used to it, but he feels that if this system. rather than the
face seal system., had been used earlier# instead of the other way around.,
it would have been very difficult to persuade the pilots to use the face
s*4 system. By far the biggest advantage' Of the Phasc II system is the
elirniaaation of glare, both for day woad night flying, which is a Constant'
source of Irritation and annoyance, and the 1-lirntu stion of the tendency
toward claustrophobia when enveloped behind the face plate. In short,
it is as comfortable and convenient as the low altitude flying suit arrange-
ment, such as for flying the T-33.
b. The second major advantage of the Phase II
t is *um t the pilot is cooler, especially at high speed. The pit
face is closest proximity to the uninsulated side windows which are
the worst source of radiation., and, with the face plate downs, the face
heat from the visor supplements the radiation and the vent air goes over-
board at the regulator, at the right abdomen. With the Phase U system,
the visor is up, there is no beating of the pilot by the visor beating system.
and, most important, the vent air finds the path of least resistance to be
around the neck and open face of the helmet, thus cooling the pilot in the
otherwise unvented face area.
C, In addition, since glare is no longer a problem,
the black sunshade may be placed between the pilot's face and that part
of the windshield which is closest, to black radiatool. In the event of
rapid decompression, the aneroid device snaps shut at cabin pressure
of 30, 000 feet. At very high altitude unstarts this has occurred fre-
quently, with perfect automatic operation. After the unstart is cleared,
and cabin pressure regained, the visor may be raised and the aneroid
recookeed, as initially.
Approved For Release 2002/06/24: CIA-RDP75B00285R000400130006-8
Y. Approved Fit Release 2002/06/24: CIA-RDP75B00?,5R000400130006-8
d. Tbo i rtanc s of tb 41
p#c"y it is t j :$ts t. for all xi bt fl'
3a the S R-71 is cleariod spin to S.
m of toolin , tb- pilot adequately will L,,-- more Scutt. mid the advanta
ms U systeru over the 44t r systszi will s i t * .
rasa f syst na are stlkar to
ch I will to.-ward t
sh, I -will ask bim to write a letter
fore otx , I think y *u will agree th"ere sr* aettb
ne bra't's tin *your, also, a i **sure you that I rn sally
for many years to time problem or(
possible s+ Its, rac tee * other $lot 3n rir r'!'
passible for us to buy, conceive of, or design.
Approved For Release 2002/06/24: CIA-RDP75B00285R000400130006-8