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Approved For Release 2006/11/08: CIA-RDP75B00159R000400040045-5 ? TOP SECRET 40 Copy No. 47 of 76 25X1 25X1 USIB-D-41. 11/7 (COMOR-D-36/7) 3 May 1967 Limited Distribution UNITED STATES I'NT ELLIGENCE BOA.RD MEMORANDUM FOR THE UNITED STATES INTELLIGENCE BOARD SUBJECT Overseas Handling, Processing and Reporting of Sensitive Photography REFERENCES : a. b. c. USIB-D-41. 11/4 (COMOR-D-36/4), 1 June 1965 USIB-D-41. 11/5 (COMOR-D-36/5), 11 June 1965 Memorandum for Holders of USIB-D-41. 11/5, 6 July 1965 USIB-D-41. 11/6 (COMOR-D-36/6), 24 August 1965, Limited Distribution Item 2, USIB-M-402, 16 September USIB-D-69.3 / 1, 17 January 1967, Limited Distribution USIB-D-5. 1/7, 3 May 1967 1965 1. During the USIB Meeting of 16 September 1965 (reference e. ), it was agreed that it would be best to defer completion of USIB action on the report by the Ad Hoc Committee on Overseas Processing and Reporting chaired by the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) (reference a. ) pending completion of a major study of photo-interpretation facilities which had been requested by the Bureau of the Budget. 2. The results of this study were contained in the report of the Joint Imagery Interpretation Review Group ( JIIRG ). The Director of Central Intelligence in reference f. informed the Board of the approval by him and the Deputy Secretary of Defense of the recommendations by the JIIRG. As indicated therein, the USIB was identified as the authority responsible for monitoring and coordinating the implementation and ., execution of the N ti n al Tasking Plan. The National Tasking Plan provides that tasking of 25X1 will be in consonance with USIB decisions, and that first-phase exploitation TOP SECRET Excluded from automatic downgrading and declassification Approved For Release 2006/11/08: CIA-RDP75B00159R000400040045-5 0 TOP SECRET 0 USIB-D-41. 11/7 25X1 (COMOR-D-36/7) 3 May 1967 Limited Distribution of USIB-tasked Penetration missions processed overseas will be conducted by the appropriate in accordance with USIB-approved procedures. 25X1 3. Mr. Helms also informed the Board that he was asking Mr. John Bross, his Deputy for National Intelligence Programs Evaluation, to review and make recommendations to USIB on the way the Board manages its responsibilities related to overhead reconnaissance and its exploitation. By separate memorandum (reference g. ), the USIB is being asked to consider recommendations by Mr. Bross for the establishment of a Committee on Imagery Requirements and Exploitation (COMIREX) which would, in addition to other duties, assist the Board in carrying out its responsibilities based on the JIIRG report. 4. The Chairman of USIB also requested that the Executive Secretary undertake those actions necessary to permit final consideration by the USIB of the subject of I I, 25X1 taking into account the approved Recommendation 4. of the JIIRG. 5. Following consultation with representatives of CIA, DIA, and NRO it is recommended that the USIB now take the following actions with respect to the Recommendations of the Ad Hoc Committee on Overseas Processing and Reporting contained in paragraphs 11. a. through e. respectively of Enclosure B to reference a. : a. Approve the statement on "Policy and Procedures for Overseas Handling, Processing and Reporting on Selected Nationally Programmed Photographic Reconnaissance Missions (Excluding Satellite Reconnaissance), " in Tab A of that Enclosure, subject to the following amendments: (1) Assign the tasks specified in paragraph 5. b. to the Committee on Imagery Requirements and Exploitation (COMIREX) in place of the Committee on Overhead Reconnaissance (COMOR). 25X - 2 - TOP SECRET Approved For Release 2006/11/08: CIA-RDP75BOO159R000400040045-5 0 TOP SECRET 0 USIB-D-41. 11/7 (COMOR-D-36/7) 3 May 1967 Limited Distribution (2) Revise paragraph 5. d. (2) (a) by adding "through Unified and Specified Commands" as requested by DIA in reference d. (A copy of that statement as amended is shown in the attachment hereto. ) b. Concur thati for the processing and reporting of the photographic results of nationally programmed reconnaissance missions in the Far East, as assigned and certified after technical review by NRO_ Concur that the be designate&X1 or European theater, its certification to await 25X1 a technical review by NRO. d. Concur that the NRO give consideration to readjustment in the present arrangements for processing of Far Eastern II reconnaissance missions looking.. toward the utilization of 1 whenever this is advantageous, and that at the 4 institution of any new program the use of ~e given prime consideration. e. Direct that the Committee on Imagery Requirements and Exploitation (COMIREX), in consultation with recon- naissance management authorities, should continually review and update policies and procedures of mutual concern relating to the effective interface of overseas operational, processing, exploitation, and reporting activities involving This review should include comments and recom- 25X1 mendations concerning the adequacy of thIprogram. 25X1 (This paragraph is in accordance with Recommendation 4 of the JIIRG report, and is a substitute for paragraph 11. e. of the Ad Hoc Committee report. ) TOP SECRET Approved For Release 2006/11/08: CIA-RDP75BOOl59R000400040045-5 Approved For Release 2006/11/08: CIA-RDP75BOO159R000400040045-5 0 TOP SECRET 0 USIB-D-41. 11/7 25X1 (COMOR-D- 36/ 7) 3 May 1967 Limited Distribution USIB Action Requested 6. Board members are requested to advise the USIB Secretariat by close of business 18 May of their concurrence in or other views on the proposed actions contained in paragraph 5 of the :above. xecu ive ecr a y r/ _..... - 4 - TOP SECRET