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December 19, 2016
Document Release Date:
September 21, 2006
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Publication Date:
March 4, 1964
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Approved For Release 2006/09/21: CIA-RDP75BOO159R000400010008-9
4 Marc ii 1964
MEMORANDUM FOR: Assistant Director, Office of Special Activities
SUBJECT: DOD-CIA Equipment Loan Agreement
REFERENCE: Agreement between"the-Secretaryof Defense and
the Director of Central Intelligence on Responsibility
for Equipment on Loan, undated, (BPAM-64-0027)
1. On 3 March Col. Giller convened a conference in his office con-
cerning the subject agreement. Persons in attendance in addition to
25X1 ller included Mr. Robert Fuchs, Mr. John M. Clarke,
and the undersigned.
2. You will recall recent uncertainty as to the scope of the subject
agreement, particularly as it might apply to the assets within the
National Reconnaissance Program. With that in mind in discussions with
Larry Houston we inserted a sentence in the first paragraph, ''The
NRO program is not within the purview of this agreement.
3. Mr. Robert Fuchs presented this modification to Mr. Hoover,
representing the Departmentof Defense. Mr. Hoover suggested in turn
that such an inclusion was a one-way street with everything favoring CIA.
This brought into issue the loan of a U-2 to SAC which was subsequently
lost in the fall of 1963, and whether it would be included as a loss to be
borne by this Agency. In addition, Mr. Hoover suggested inclusion of
NRO constituted a security difficulty as the agreement. did receive rather
wide- distribution. Everyone has agreed the latter point is a mere
administrative difficulty.
4. I believe the participants also agreed that the proposed approach is,
in fact, weighted in favor of the Agency. The result of the discus.ion-i. s
to suggest a compromise.
a. The retro-active provision (effective date 1 July 1963) will be
removed,as a result present arrangements regarding replacemcnt: of
the U-2 lost in Cuba are not effective.
Approved For Release 2006/09/21: CIA-RDP75B00159R000400010008-9
OSA-i?_("? ?6=
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b. General Carter, in his transmittal letter to Mr. Vance,
call out the view that NRP assets are unique and we do not regard
them as part of the equipment intended to be covered by the_agreemenc.
c. Hereafter when we loan a unique piece of equipment that caiuiot.
be readily replaced, we will consider the agreement and determine
whether it is necessary to make as a condition of the loan exclusion
of the equipment from this arrangement.
touch to identify any variation from the above.
5. Mr. John M. Clarke has the responsibility for drafting the
communications to DOD for General Carter's signature. I will keep in
25X1 iie rograms a
(Special Activities)
PS/OSA March 64)
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