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August 27, 1968
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Approved For Release 2006-4110~~ :CIA-RDP75B00159 000100070009-5 catiee ?;~_ sCy I- - 4 27 August 1968 MEMORANDUM. FOR: Deputy Director for Science and Technology SUBJECT: DCI Report on the Community to the President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board 1. Confirming the discussion at he staff meeting this morning, it would be very helpful to have a short statement for incorporation in the Director's annual report to 'C'AB on "Coordination of the U. S. Foreign Intelligence _Ho.` ..'` The rele- vant headings of the report on which DDS&T submiz~ .c.,_; would be helpful are: a. Major problems existing in the coci:dination of the intelligence community. b. Significant gaps, deficiencies and undesirable duplication of the various U. S. intelligence agencies. c. Specific actions to strengthen the effectiveness of the over-all intelligence effort. 2. We are all agreed that this report should be short. The submissions .mom DDS&T don't need to be more than two or three pages. 3. Ruf Taylor may well have been right in that the report can be made more meaningful, as well as sheis is not exactly what I meant to say. Personally I think the ea_: -eports were excel!--lit and very informative, but I am of course lD_~?,:judiced. In the previous reports, however, I did come down rather heavily on such questions as the needs of the community for activities; the problem of allocating resources; the functioning of USIB committees; information handling; etc. This year it occurred to me that it might be possible to give the report a somewhat more substantive flavor or at least better focus on problems relating to the actual analysis and disse..uination of 1f a ..I/CDF Pages 112 Approved For Rase 21006/11/06: CIA-RDP75B00159~00100070009-5 substantive information. Some of the material already submitted in connection with the Agency's report to the PFIAB may be relevant. Both OSI and FMSAC probably have some material, however, that is directly relevant to the subject of this report. 4. I am attaching a copy of last year's report for what interest it may have. Attachment 4552-67 JOHN A. BROSS D/DCI/NIPE AnnrnvPri Fnr RPIPAsP 2fln6/11/flri CIA-RIlP75RClfl15ARn0n1nOn7nOfl -5 proVied For Release 2006/11/06: CIA-RDP75B00159R00010001 3 Sept. 68 Office of the DD/S&T TO: D/OSA SUBJECT: Additional Information for PFIAB Attached is a memorandum from John Bross to the DDS&T asking for additional information for the PFIAB on the subject-of "coordination of the U. S. foreign intelligence effort." The memorandum indicates that the contribution does not have to be extensive, but we would appreciate any comments you may wish to submit by c.o.b. Thursday, 5 September. 25x1 Approved For Release 2006/11/06: CIA-9 ROOM NO. BUILDING I EXTENSION FORM RM O G`t I REPLACES FORM 36-8 (47) WHICH,MAY BE USED.