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Approved For Rele s, 2000/08/27 : CIA-RDP75-0066,?000100160010-6 SECURITY INFORM THOIT Atteclu lent OUTLINL?' FOR JUSTIFIeATIO1'T OF SECURITY LIST ITfl&S (To be followed in docuzientin.g items for Technic-a Manuel, and to be used as basis for justifying revisions or additions of security list items. Definition of Items List No. A. Description 6. 1, State what the item is if not fully explained by tl.e definition itself, or if this is a now item, a,md describe important varia- tions in grade, size, or ;:~oCel of the item. 2. Identify the m re in i ortant elements covered by the definition, iwe~,: 50,,000 ?.nti 25,000 K11 generators t1.thougl. the definition covers those of 500 121 -,ad over. Tell what it does,, or how it is used operation-lly,asu1 what advantages or dis:ati me ;es it Sias over otlier items, with similar or closely allied uses. To what axtent .ir hi6lly skilled l-abor ne ded? tihat level of technology is required in its production? Give ex-ripleo of its use in U.S. industry' and other OoCom B, Strategic Significance (Describe in sufficient detail to make an impressive statement) Direct U.S.. I kAlttary,, AE, BXI. or CZ uses of the item, if there 1, Military uueo by_.tl~-e Soviet Bloc. 2, Results of analysis of captured enemy equipment Other strategic uses 6Jl.zt strategic j..iateria].s 'or'strategic coriponent parts are used in its production? .*NOW* SECURITY INFORMATION *DOC Exempt Letter on File* %' (p'roved For Release 2000/08/27 : CIA-RDP75-00662R000100160010-6 Approved For Rdse 2000/08/27 : CIA-RDP75-00@62R000100160010-6 SECURITY INFOTION B, (continued) .ttachment I To what extent are these i.iaterials used? are, they essential or can they be substituted satisfactorily? C. Sources of SEpriy Outside the Soviet Bloc 1, bhich non-Soviet countries produce the item, and which are the chief prod-a.-ors quantitatively? 2. WhIch non-Soviet countries produce the best grades or Models of the iten? Which non-Soviet countries export the item, and which are the Liajor exporting countries? 4, Which non.-Soviet countries export the item to the various countries in the Bloc. and is this a traditional trade pattern or a recent development? 5. What is extent of U.S. exports of the item to the-friendly country exporting the sane iteLi to the Blocj D. Soviet Bloc Needs and Availabilities (including CoLinunist Ciiina and North Korea) 1. In-.which countries.of, the Bloc is the iteLl produced, and in w1hat quantities? 2, Indi_ca.tions>,of eccurul .tecl stocks, if ant's 3. Indications of shhortae of supply, if zny, in various coun- tries of the B oI c; (a). Statistics on iLiports under ;send Lease, end stater?ent regarding Soviet shortage during I.`orld. War Iii (b) St?tistics on imports into the Bloc during 1951, and during the first six months of; 1952, by Soviet Bloc country of destination,' of if statistics are not available, a.gener.al statement, as to which countries in the Soviet Bloc probably import the, item frou the outside, 2 r SECURITY INFORMATION V.roved For Release 2000/08/27 : CIA-RDP75-00662R000100160010-6 . Approved For ReleJ 2000/08/27 : CIA-RDP75-006600100160010-6 U( SECURITY INFORIvIATION Attacluient I (c) Statements concerning (1) the degree of urgency of Soviet attempts to procure the item outside the Bloc, (2) whether or not the Soviets offer premium prices prices or offer strategic goods in ex- change n ~ it , ant (3) whether or not the Soviet s try to buy the item outside theBloc by indirect means through middlemen or third countries, (d) Any other statements concerning a shortage in supply: (1) of the item, (2) of basic Liaterials needed for its production, (3) (if the item is a piece of machinery or equipment) indications of shortages in the goods manufactured on this machinery, (e) Indications of Soviet weaknesses in production of the item or of items closely relatecl to it, as for examples deficiencies in quality, or shortages of skilled labor or technical per- sonnel. 4. If no evidences of shortage can be listed, as suggested above, have domestic Soviet requirements for the item been met in the past year from indigenous production without imports from out- side the Bloc and without diminution of stocks? (answer this separately for the USSR, the European satellites and China, if possible). 5. Can Soviet domestic requirements for the item be :let during the coming year from indigenous production without imports from out- side the Bloc, without diminution of stocks or without diver- sion of manufacturing facilities from other important activities? (Answer this separately for the USSR, the European satellites and China, if possible). During a full-scale wax, if _ll supplies from outside the Bloc were cut off, which, if any countries of the Bloc would be short of the goods manufactured on the item? How soon would such P. shortage occur, and haws serious would be the effect on the prosecution of the war? ~i/WT S CUBIT Y IId FOtBi ATI ON 3roved For Release 2000/08/27: CIA-RDP75-00662R000100160010-6 Approved For Release 2000/08/27 : CIA-RDP75-00662000100160010-6 SLCURITY INFORiiATIO`.l Attachment II RATING CRITERIA Although the CoCom cou,ztries have not formally establis.aed rating criteria they have t& en.note.of criteria that guided the Jnited States, United Kingdom and France in Tripartite negotiations. on the strategic lists. The Tripartite notes were based on the U.S, criteria, a_ity BARGO CO TTROL`, /L I. US I Al-',,D US 1A.), 0'ollowiiig are the US 1A criteria, which are in substance the same as those noted by CoCom for I/L I), Class IA includes all., imiaterials:or equipment which may contribute to the war potential of the Soviet Bloc to such a great extent that no export of such materials or equipment should be permitted to the Soviet Bloc. One of the following criteria must be met for Class IA: (a) Materials or equipment which are designed or used principally for the production and/or development of arms, a:-.Imu:.tition and implements of war, (b) Materials or equipment which would contribute significaatly to the war potential of the Soviet Bloc where the items incorporate advanced techno- logy or unique technological know-how, It applies only to goods sufficiently important to the war potential of the Soviet Bloc that the absence of an embargo would permit a significant advance in Soviet Bloc technology over its present level of develop- nent, (c) Materials or equipment which would. con tribute signi- fimantly to the war potential of the Soviet Bloc in that the items, if ei:lbargoed, would maintain or create a critical deficiency in the war potential of the soviet Bloc. The United States has adopted the following explanatory notes for use b,r tic US, only: 1, Criteria (b) and (c) may be qualified in cases where the materials or equipment arc available from outside the con- trolled areas (the U,S,,RP countries and any other SECURITY IIFOR;,AKIO T proved For Release 2000/08/27 : CIA-RDP75-00662R000100160010-6 Approved For R se,2000/08/27 : CIA-RDP75-00442R000100160010-6 4WOMT SECURITY IiTFORij:ATIOIv At t aciarient II 1. (continued) countries that control exports to the Soviet Bloc) in quantities sufficient to i.ieet the im,)ort demands of. the Soviet Bloc, and on conditi.tas as to quality of product and timing of delivery approximating those obtaining in the controlled area. 2. ;iihcre a materials or equipment iten on the IA List includes more and less advanced t3tpcs, and only the more advanced types fall under criterion (b) above, a cut-off point should. be established and the 1A rating applied to the types above the cut-off point under this criterion, Where such a cut-off point cannot be established, the items should be rated 1B and in licensing, applications for exporting the mare advanced tyrpes to the Soviet Bloc should be denied.. QUANTITA'1'IVL CO]27TRO (I/Is II. US II ALD US IIB Items which are highly important from the point of view of their contribu- tion to the war pots tial of the Soviet Bloc and of which the high strategic character is directly related to the quantitative extol-it to which they may be exported to the Soviet Bloc, The, export of items 'in class IIB from the United States should be restricted to the smallest possible consistent c=ith the overall policy. The last sentence in the quantitative criterion is, of course, eliminated from the international criterion. 1.C" Al'GL 01' I o2i.ATION (I /L. III) Items of '6otential strategic significance for rlhich information presently available on the Soviet Bloc needs is insu..ffidiont to establish clearly the necessity for control otypes indicated. '.life CoCori countries have taken note of the following in connection with all criteria: The trorc'_s "wa. potential!' used in the above criteria should be interpreted as meani g the followin'; War potential is to be viewed from both the short term and the long term aspects. It includes (a) items of direct ,.military application, It may also include amongst others, selected items which represent (b) sec- tors of industry in which strategic and industrial interests are very closely i.ain;led1 and whore the ite_:is concerned can easily and 2 P SECURITY II 1'Odt 'iATIO3 proved For Release: 2000/08/27 : CIA-RDP75-00662R000100160010-6 , Approved For Rele she 2000/08/27 : CIA-RDP75-0066000100160010-6 ~! C SECURITY IPTORIviATION Attachment II quickly be turned over from peacei'ul uses to the manufacture of war ecla-ipment or other direct military application; and (c) other industrial fields which serve to support the basic economy of a country and which t1ierefore support either a peacetime or wartime economy , US LIST IC List IC Includes materials and equipment (not on U.S, List I, II1 IA or 113) which may support military activityr and the export of which to the Soviet Bloc should be ,restricted, The US IC list has not been submitted to other nations, -3- 7 pproved For Release 2000/08/27 : CIA-RDP75-00662R000100160010-6