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Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP75-00399R000100120001-3 F TAB Approved For Release 2006/09/25 : CIA-RDP75-00399R000100120001-3 Approved For Release p 9f4~ g W,,75-00399R000100120001-3 T REPORTS INVENTORY, SUMMARY TABULATION Supply Division Annual Cost I Proposed Savings Goals Report 1. Weekly Activity 2. Significant Accomplishments 3. Monthly Activity 4. Records Management Report 5.. Destruction Report 25X1 Ordnance Status Report (Weekly) Ordnance Status Report (Monthly) Ordnance Status Report (Semiannual) 9. Airborne Status Report 25X1 10. Ordnance & Airborne Stock Objectives 11. Cargo Status Report 12. Backorder Reconciliation Request 13. Excess, Acquisition 14. Value of Property On Hand Report 145X1 Inventory Analysis Report Manually Produced XX XX Approved For Release 2 '/?'/~q Computer Produced Man Hours ' -Dollars 798 5,371.24 54 409.52 649 3,456.88 108 460.66 45 252.14 481 2,820.48 64 404.11 1 10.36 48 371.04 321 2,286.40 243 1,109.68 102 372.96 24 .75.60 12 46.68 192 746.88 k4-00399R00 c100120001-3 Man Hours Dollars 24 80.32 Approved For Releas0c0(99q-FF75-003998000100120001-3. REPORTS INVENTORY, SUMMARY TABULATION Supply Division Page 2 Annual Cost Proposed Savings Goals Manually Computer Man Man Report Produced Produced Hours ? Dollars Hours Dollars 6. Project Status Report XX 624 2,670.72 7. Man Hours XX 46 259.44 46 259.44 .8. Daily Production Report XX 766 5,218.34 .9. Financial Property Accounts XX 288 1, 641.60 0. Program Call (Feeder Report for DDS/OL/BFB-1) :1. Followup Report on Overdue Cargo XX 169 764.06 .2. Work Measurement Report XX 24 75.60 !3. Procurement Action/Line Item/Dollar Value XX 52 163.80 4. Imprest Fund XX 24 136.80 '.5.. ?bligations XX 48 273.60 !6. GSA Accounting XX 72 2, 462.40 ?7. Stock Transaction Report/Supply Control XX 208. 769. 60 8. Stock Transaction Report XX 104 543.92 >.9. FPA Monthly Reconciliation Report XX 96 402.24 30. Supplies in Custody of Packing & Crating XX 72 360.00 Approved For Release 2tb Q D\\\ j 00399R000 00120001-3 Approved For Release ~~ 9P-4T 75-003998000100120001-3 ~qM REPORTS INVEI\'TORY, SUMMARY TABULATION Supply Division 'Page. 3 Annual Cost Proposed Savings Goals Manually Computer Man Man Report Produced Produced Hours Dollars Hours Dollars { 1. Monthly Shipments. XX 12 42. 12 .2. Monthly Receipts XX 9 28.32 Z3. Depot Monthly Report - Packing & Crating XX. 96 480.00 34. Daily Receipts &'Shipments. XX 127 422.51 35. Daily Operations Report XX 127 632.50 3265X1 Summary Accident Report XX 12 42. 84 37. Lightning Protection Report XX 4 16.71 38.'. Surveillance Magazine Report XX 16 66.84 39. Reimbursable Employees Report XX 6 29. 64 10. Imprest Fund Report (Form 1159 & 282) XX 48 236.64 11. Schedules of Expenditures XX 48 214. 80 42. Summary Report of Estimated Obligations XX 36 161. 16 43. Financial Property Accounting Report XX 192 685.44 44. Budget Report XX 48 211.68 45. Intraoffice Issuances XX 5 29.38 Approved For Release 2 , 5-003998000 00120001-3 Approved For Release (~~J~PFOE* REPORTS INVENTORY, SUMMARY TABULATION Supply Division ? Page 4 Annual Cost Proposed Savings Goals Manually Computer Man Man Report Produced Produced Hours - Dollars Hours ' Dollars 16. Consolidated Materiel Assets XX 12 79.74 17. Document Control Exceptions Report XX 24 76. 80 18. Headquarters Error Readouts 25X1 XX 480 1,890.60 19. Location rror Readouts XX 24 76.04 50. Location rror Readouts XX 24 77.04 - 51. Headquarters Activity Register XX 2, 160 11, 856.00 25X1 ' 52. Location Activity Register XX 240 939.60 53. Location Activity Register XX 36 125.40 54. Demand & Issue Activity Register - XX 240 2, 007.00 55. `Due-In Activity Register XX 144 1, 042.92 56. Due-Out Activity Register XX 120 666.60 57. OE Demand & Issue Activity Register XX 12 48.48 12 48.48 58. Inventory Adjustment Report 'XX 600 2,.862.00 59. RIA Stock On-Hand Reevaluation XX 24 116. 16 24 116. 16 50. RIA Property In Use Reevaluation XX 6 29. 12 6 2-9.12 Approved For Release 2e / 1 Fk *00399R000 00120001-3 Approved For Release 2a1 912Pn 1 r k -003998000100120001-3 REPORTS INVENTORY, SUMMARY TABULATION Supply Division Report Manually Produced Computer Produced Annual Cost 61. RIA Property On Loan to Others Reevaluation 49. 68 o ar: 6? 49.68 62. Headquarters Consolidated Activity Register 520 2,433.92 25X1 63. Locatio n) Consolidated Activity Register xx 80 318.20 64. Location Consolidated Activity Register xx 36 122.90 65. Location Demand & Issue Activity Register XX 60 288 00 . 56. Allocation 05 Activity Register XX 2, 754.60 57. Stock On Hand Status Report 14,400 67, 336.20 58. Property In Use Status Report 240 1,412.40 59. Property On Loan to Others Status Report 50. 16 '0.Property On Loan From Others XX 57.36 15X1Location U Stock Status Report 1,920 6,162.00 2. Location Stock Status Report 1,920 6,258.00 3. Condition 3 Stock Status Report ?XX 300 1,.189.44 4. Condition 5 Stock Status Report 120 474.00 5. Allocation 08 Stock Status Report 300 1,185:00 Approved For Release iC -IRP! 5-00399R000100120001-3 Man Hours - Dollars Page 5 Proposed Savings Goals Man Hours D ll Approved For Release ,C8k f2 I - ~7 -003998000100120001-3 REPORTS INVENTORY, SUMMARY TABULATION Supply Division Report 76. AlJocation 23 Stock Status Report 77. Cog Office Stock Status Report 78. Commo Equipment Managers Stock Status Report 79. ORD Allocated Stock Status Report (DODAC) 80. Cognizant Office T/Allocation 61 Stock Status Report 31. ' Selected Property In Use Account CMR's 32. Commo Limited Standard & Obsolete Stock Status Report 33. Obsolete Items Stock Status Report 34. TSD Condition 3 Stock.Status Report 35. Allocation;09 Stock Status Report ~6. No Issue Status Report 7. Condition 7 Stock Status Report ~8. Inventory Stratification Report 9. NSA Stock Status Report 0. Allocation 10 Stock Status Report Manually Produced Computer Produced xx Page 6 Annual Cost Proposed Savings Goals Man Man Hours ? Dollars Hours Dollars 180 1,049.04 96 516.96 560 4,651.84 80 512.68 3,840 22, 340.64 310 1,436.85 420 3,051.00 . 24 160.08 32 272.80 64 544.24 240 1,413.96 192 746. 88 8 .69.76 32 135.28 ? i 72 462.84 Approved For Release 2(/,,2~IF[F 7-00399R00j100120001-3 4.+J1fi Approved For Release 6 i e~ - t5-00399R000100120001-3 REPORTS INVENTORY, SUMMARY TABULATION Supply Division. Page 7 Annual Cost Proposed Savings Goals Report Manually Produced Computer Produced Man Hours -Dollars Man Hours Dollars 91. Allocation 75 Stock Status Report XX 64 519.44 92. Receipts & Issues Report XX . 96 805.44 93. Stock on Hand Acquisition Difference 4251 xx 192 764.16 94. Stock on Hand Acquisition Difference 4255 XX 48 189.60, 95. Property In Use Acquisition Difference 4251 XX 2.16 2.16 96. Property In Use Acquisition Difference -4255 XX .72 .72 97. Property On Loan to Others Acquisition Difference 4255 xx .7.2 .72 98. Monetary.Value of Stock on Hand XX ? 1 8.52 99. Monetary Value of Property In Use xx 1 8.52 100. Monetary Value of Property On Loan from Others xx 1 8.52 101.,- FIIN Nomenclature,Run xx 4,800 22,954.56 10': Alpha Nomenclature Catalog and/or Supplements xx 600 7,643.28 103.. DLSC Cross Reference Stock Number to Manufacturers 240 2,272.56 Part Number 104. DLSC Cross Reference Manufacturers Part Number to 120 912.40 Stock Number 105. SAC Letter Duplimats 12 - 97.44 Approved For Release ~ i l e ~d}- 2 5-00399R0c 0100120001-3 Approved For Release2f/h-C,p~~5-003998000100120001-3 Page 8 REPORTS INVENTORY, SUMMARY TABULATION Supply Division Annual Cost Proposed Savings Goals Manually Computer 1 Man Man Report Produced Produced [ Hours Dollars Hours Dollars 106. Nomenclature 5 x 8 Cards 240 2, 969.40 107. Stock Number Changes, Deletions, and/or Consolidationo Report 108. DLSC PREF and/or REPL Items Report 96 588.48 , 109. DLSC Discrepancies 8 54.71 110. DLSC Transaction Errors 96 656.52 111. Reference No. - Stock No. 1 13.42 112. DLSC AUTODYN Report xx 96 156.00 113. Monetary Value of Property on Loan to Others XX . 1 8.52 114. Deleted Nomenclature XX 200 782.00 115. CHG to/CONSOL with Nomenclature xx 200 791.00 116. Manufacturers Supply Code for Manufacturers (FSCM) xx 1 7.63 117. Manufacturers Name Cross Reference to Federal Supply 1 8.38 Code for Manufacturers (FSCM) 118. Shortage Report for Replenishment Action XX 960 3,825.12 119. Pre-Inventory Status Report XX 192 947.52 120. Price Duplimats XX 4 43:28 Approved For Release 2"' Approved For Release {2 9/J C~J4lF ft5-00399R000100120001-3 REPORTS INVENTORY, SUMMARY TABULATION Supply Division . Page 9 Annual Cost Pro osed Savings Goals Manually Computer Man Man Report Produced Produced Hours -Dollars Hours Dollars 121. Inventory of Property-In-Use Accounts XX 10 95.12 122. Obsolete Items Report XX 320 1, 289. 80 123. Vehicle Master File XX 780 2,462.40 124. Vehicle Status Run XX 160 624.00 125.--Stuck Number - Reference No. XX 1 13.42 } Approved For Release 2&~ 12i'(Fl r ti-00399R00 100120001-3