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Document Creation Date: 
November 11, 2016
Document Release Date: 
December 15, 1998
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Publication Date: 
March 16, 1961
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PDF icon CIA-RDP75-00149R000800160060-4.pdf101.36 KB
DISPATCH Date: Congress, at the request -of. Preal- , w4r ; tl,. = - dent Kent edy,; enthusiastically 'voted' Suc1 irrespatutble divisive activities to restore to form lr President Eisen -t' help the coepmimist cause by Getting hower his five-star `- general rarikl Americans aithinst Americans. They smack the -Wetb&& which-he had reirled.wfille in poll s. r h d be t d aa " m c a democ a,rv . a per .- ties. . Only one sour note of protest, ..:al fraud;' y+et sets himself ti a a p super s was sounded, the .'no" vote of sea r?e- ' -harlot to sit in ju gment. on tl e Amen- gationist Congresa'zrian We Alford; captem of thoss who do not shire till of Little Rock. .4 deas. He flu duped some reputable "ens "into tltowing his lead by conbineing All Americans rhonld Applaud this coo-,-, they iii engaged in fighting com? a few who do not. They. are the t nbers rap should 1be brought into the open f t i n ? o a secre soc ety which.. u der the }Guise, w hit e the public can examine them. 't'his oi! fighting communism, sponsors smear at "ould seem to be excellent opportunity _ als and pri;nte' nfuse to Conduct a. searching investiga- r ma?Lt- honors :ig -public officials , tioq of a thoroughly un-ArRerican prog'ram' citizens. Their program is retriinisrent ,crane Ago. Recently Senator Milton Young. North; Dakota Republican, told the Senate that;. r,embers of the John Birch society' in his. state had accused him of communism, and that similar charges were being- tnadeJ 3E.a-inst'General Eisenhowen? Time magd pine, digging into the background of that Birch organization, found-that its leader,! :tohert Welch of Massachusetts, had pull-'. 'ahO a book in which both General Ei- cnhowgr and his brother, Milton, are a+-t ?rkod as members of the communist,' =r`}. Te former president is specifically' ced of treason. John Foatgr Duilea', ! 3b"led a communist agent. His brother,' CIA Director Allen Dulles, is called' a . eurrorter of communism. Impeachment of Chief Jnctirn Earl tt'3rren of the' su- pren.e court is demanded. The Birch "Amertcanists," as they, j rno_mhere in 35 state . -._w attack teach- ? nonymous telephone calla ling dozens tt ,+ certain neighbor( are petted call-, FOIAb3b anitized'-Approved or Release : CIA-RDP75-Q0149R000800160060-4 Sanitized'