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Document Creation Date: 
November 11, 2016
Document Release Date: 
December 10, 1998
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Publication Date: 
September 27, 1967
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PDF icon CIA-RDP75-00149R000800080006-3.pdf52.83 KB
WASffl GTOON POST AND T1'q PIZ fWRA.i.1'1 Sanitized - Approved For Releal~f CIAIMP75-1 etters to the E4ijor ', Mistaken Meaning CPYRGHT have the same effect as our bombs on the North Viet ~namese, or as the Nazi bomb on the Londoners in 1940 { They simply "strengthen th t will to resist violence. j that your strictures on us W1111 In your editorial of Sept, you quote correctly my re- mark that when I saw, and heard American bombers in .North Vietnam recently, I felt like shooting them down my- self. But when you infer from this that I wish to "take Amer. Jean lives," you entirely mis- take my meaning. To suggest that I am "against (my) coun- trymen" ' is absurd. I want to preserve all our lives. What I am against is our policy of violence. The agents of that policy, our bomber crews, seen from a North Viet I namese dugout, are devils ? de- serving destruction, but I know very well they are the victims of that policy,,not the culprits. Having seem the destruction our bombs have wrought in North Vietnam, and having ac- tually witnessed, while [crouched in a foxhole, an American aircraft releasing one of those bombs, I could see only what the Vietnamese saw-an unprovoked instru- ment of destruction., At that moment I did indeed feel I would like to destroy the de- stroyer. i? What I mean, of course, is that I want to stop this sense- less destruction and save our men and all men. That Is "the thoughtful opinion" you invite me to express. I am sorry you have seen fit to scold - Women Strike for Peace. I cannot help thinking Sanitized - Approved For Release CIA-RDP75-00149R000800680006-3