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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
October 3, 1967
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Washington Daily News Sanitize 84A ~r; 7For Release CIA-RDP75-00149 Promise to 4e 'Good' 6 Revolted Pan S ar 4 Are, o we By It. H. BOYCE Scrlpps.Howard StaH Writer rPYPr~H were issue new-p ass p o r t a. male a orma notice of revo- special list at all dvimrtur Six of 27 Americans whose passports were revoked for ,,going to North Vietnam in defi- ance of a State Department ban on such travel have received new valid passports, the depart- ment disclosed today. The six are Herbert Aptheker, an admitted communist and di- rector of the American Institute for Marxist studies: David Del- linger, magazine editor now or. 801419 an Oct, 21 anti - Viet- nam war demonstration at the Pentagon: Lena Greene, Ameri- can born wife of British jounal- ist Felix Greene. John Christo- pher Koch. New York radio an- nouncer; Harold Supriano, an unemployed California is o c i a l worker; and John Gerassi, not otherwise identified. All six signed an affidavit ? promising they would not again- cause he traveled to Communist trivgl,abrpafjipttl>c?f tigrg,with~ of U.S. reata ctior-si tdo; nit..: travel to restricted _areas, and Chtna_i Jutl, `s-, Carr ichaeL waisince xs namny; 1 Aigi,1p.Y~?taxnp, ,p~& p '1d+.i ~ti?.i.:f~lr'+%+i`~?V 'Y.'s'4V~M1 M~.R Mhvw a4A,~'.Ls a. -.~ ?. a~.a.:~ _ .. CPYRGHT r t t i s p h osop er ertran - in nary, Guinea at last Russell and another of the 27 report - after touring North whose travel cost them their Vietnam. North Africa and the passports, also promised to "be Middle East. His illegal trip to good" and was given a new North Vietnam began Aug. 28. passport. But- Mr. Sehoenman after his passport had already then made a second for. - bidden. been revoked. Canada or Mexico and from there. restored, could promise not to violate restrictions ago i and get his passport reinstated. trip to Hanoi and lost his new In Cuba, Mr. -Carmichael at- Meanwhile, there were reports passport. tended the Havana meeting of that the State Department would The department- added to the the Latin American solidarity revoke the 1)a-,sport nt lli s. list of 27 the name of Richard organization -which plotted guer- woDagmar Wilson of Washington, .via i t e d Hanoi in September, called for "armed ti t r it g g l e 1965. The 28 persons visited Ha against U. S. imperialism" by not at various times between U.S. Negroes. 1964 and this summer and the Presumably Mr. Carmichael revocations were ordered by the still holds his passport. When State Department 'as it learned and if he returns to the U.S.. of their travels. authorities at his port 'of entry restrictions, with a penally Uf up It was also disclosed. that the may ask him to surrender it. to,five years and $2000 fine. But department has r e v o k e d the . But that is not necessary and it is. almost impossible .to prove passport of Negro black power the point would not be pushed if , "use" of the passport since ofti- 4n-ilitant Stokely Carmichael be. he resisted. He cannot legally vials in Cuba andHHappi pwat?e for Peace Movement. for mak- ing a trip to Nonni h.0 mnntfa. Other than revocation. thcr is .no clew punishment for violat- ing State Department t r a v e l bans. Federal law prohibits will- Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP75-00149R000800080005-4