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Document Release Date: 
December 27, 2004
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Publication Date: 
May 30, 1965
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PDF icon CIA-RDP75-00149R000700530030-7.pdf76.75 KB
NEW Yeah. DAILY NEWS }} ``jj``Approved jff F 4 005/0 5 P~ 3RlJPT5 9~ F? S ; cr awl O1Qc iy. CIA c/Iq I ? d5Sl( ~ds fa/l2 U.S. Envoys Spies Moscow, May 29 (UPI)-Soviet newspapers accused two U.S. diplomats today=of :running _a "spy kitchen," and charged Canadian secret police with domplicity In the.j highway accident death of a Soviet scientist. cans could foreshadow their ex- accident-happened as a result oi. pulsion. The U.S. embassy called a puncture in the front wheel the charge a complete fabrication. tire, it said. It has been estab- fished that the puncture was no The accusations were consid- . accident but was clearly the re- ered retaliation for an American suit of.. a malicious act.- The fact magazine article charging Soviet- that Royal Canadian Mounted diplomatic espionage activity in Police agents immediately ap- the United States, and for Can-- geared on the scene 'also looks - ada's recent expulsion of two, suspicious." Soviet diplomats for "impei?mis-, It charged that Canadian au sible activities." thoritiec searched the apartments The American diplomats were I of Soviet citizens in Canada, in- identified as Malcolm Toon, em- stalled listening devices at the -bassy political officer, and Allan Soviet embassy in Ottawa. And. 1Logan, his deputy, a second see-tried to recruit Soviet -citizens as` ietary of the embassy. - spies. One Scheduled-to Leave Indos -Accuse 'Film Manj Toon is going home anyway at j Of Being CIA Agent the end of his regular tour of g - 11 .duty next month. But Logan has !i Jakarta, Indonesia, May 2Q' another year to serve here. - (UPI) - President Sukarno has: An article which appeared in ! accused an American. friend, Wil; Izvestia's weekend supplement. liam Palmer, of serving as a CIA The Weew, said: agent, the official Antara -news "In the past half-year, the U.S. agency reported today. embassy in Moscow has..been in- I Palmer had lived here more than. volved in so-called secret opera- 10 years as American Motion Ftions. American diplomats, from picture Association representa- the rank of. attache to counselor - tive in Indonesia. Ind are engaged in these secret op- .afterlro r left st p~ esia in Aped;.' erations. "Several of these diplomats en !l'the shbwin ? of American films :gage in espionage. While others here. Etc is now in'Thailand. mange their spy kitchen through '. Sukarno said that when Palin- subordinates and don't'dirty their ! er's home was stormed by youths:. own hands. "They are only the during an anti-American demons leaders.'.' stration, they found CIA docu Suspicious of Accident ments.,w _- -~ In a related attack, the news paper, Soviet Russia charged- Soviet scientist V. P. Cheremis - - inov was killed in Canada undet:_` rircri'stances involving "gross r arbitrary actions by the: secret, rpoliice?~bo} on a crime.". Approved For Release 2005/01/05 : CIA-RDP75-00149R0.00700530030-7.