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11 raved For Rel 2 1/27.IA-RDP75-0 ONX a `rt~~1. r w COD!ESSI L IEU RD - SENATE k ram n& gorge Nun. 1n Utah. ls; M}t1t14.. PRI1d'IFD IN THE tended and severe Legal "such' a0 % h 1. 1 schedule, but that work on May- 00 w : New ? a a . ? 4 Mexico, is slightly APPZ1WQZ a law would encounter ahead02 schs d ._ - . wtlnvrurA the AtlMney General%? ..;,,. h it t ' le islation subject Is U mow, - . V a .,. g ~./il[[l, ernal n #Oporwa follows: Ae0e1 grid probably uaes>nat(tutictii ` b.flnute plan reports were; p plttelt ?os - OU -'?????,?~ participating units. The report avoids any 'Addtrlis delivered by Allen , 11411". to 5L danger of this ruse tb eB mention Cr the'Hammond project NOW hest- JX sMOr . n[ GMlttra1 temgence, nt. 'tlhe ^Ier tial nJgl t I fIBId . ww~ - -- -- - cu, in, which ni w?..w wow appropriated for 1Uca1 year 10e0''The 1901 MeonauUoal Sciences In New York Qity. State and local election under the guise' budget provides 51,9.0,000 for"thi *amaiood w will appear Lersaftwer intbs Appendix. of a so-called "civil rights" bill. When : . ., a. ..- ?wvf- . r. a?-ems _A F,' ball. UlHeter. tlntetnauenal eentgrr BUDGET PROGRAM Pori ' CM! volveesuy Pit, `auae.u.. asters {W WAwwa Mr. ANDERSON., Mr. President, rite . r President's budget for flecal oyesr *111 rot' him relating ti(1 the tp On ins negotiations provides a total of 589,600,000---lnohrd- Gomm fief ins trig an unobligated balance s( $1$ mil- Arabi entitled ' -T day's sdttoagaa lion-for the Colorado River' storage ItiSdI ' wrttt" by- Jams B. (Aarey,;,peeal? politieII party organisations are shoved aside bw,Foderal force, military. execu- 111m or MOW tpy people lose all chance of real control of their government. The eorrupUoq,, 1 unarcby of the Recon- struction 41 4 4ould sets as grim re- ainders of the a fact of thit Federal con- trot I do VA thiplt that Congress would wW1asly boa nortv to such a scheme. In unit and Florida participating project. ^""'-"" Ardaft entitled "'19te Ooaaalty Aatwad- this D If approved by the Congress,ment-why wt amount will bring the total appropria- in n the Temps (Shoals *~ ?, tide Taaapa (Pi.. -, Qfibutae qL JasUary ?10. Lions for the project to $189,821,000.,er Oft. K about 25 percent of the autboriied my W.;ttftDTt propriations for construction of $74 material .entitled "Rockefeller Recognise. ,nillirn. the Asalitles," published in the Sioux Pails The new construction funds the fns- (a. Dak?) Argue-resider of recent date. cal yea 1961 budget; In addition t0 $1; Am/de entitled Immortality," by Dr. r Braun. for the Hammond brojeet in New B_AL_ Y., By Mr. Mexico. included: $12 million for the $dltortal .Buried ?'Patnxsnt River park." Navajo Dam' unit; $82.690.000 tilt Oka 'troi4 the Baltimore SUB of January 7k 1900. Canyon; $18,411,673 for Flaming Gorge; By Mr. BATDQ*8: $536,287 for transmisslofr line studies; ` hrttSIr entitled "bad of U.8. Subsidy to -$970,098 for advance. punning ~ci_, 4asiro'#arrantod by sveats in Quba, writ-. Orr d ant sa ticipating units; $2,267.000 9r'. #ia We5,I 'tom' i1w . asear Ostia" *trt ~!aLass Oatieod (Ca=1u 1 ' dibane d INPQRMATION I Mr. OYMINOTON. Mr.. President. I aaR unanimous consent that I may speak for b minutes In addition to the tune per- Witted by the usual order. The PfESIDENT pro tempore. Is there objection to the request of the Sen- ator from Missouri? The Chair hears none, and It Is bo ordered. Mr. SYMINGTON. Mr. President, the American people are being enticed down the trail of insecurity by the isltuance of misinformation about our deterrent pi+wdr; and specifically about the missile . tthh .nal unit, Utah; $1.017A66 for a Piod4s m, pp? 7be Intelligence books have been jug-. project. Colorado; $1.040,6$6 for ; sly err. CAM of South Dakota: Bled so t34s budget' books may be bal. _Paonla Project. Colorado; $3 $7S,$56: Letter 0404 Jaaaary 10, 1000. ade+wud arced: .. . seedskade. Wyo ; $1,444,000 ,tor SmiY1 -to bus .by aftbard a.. Wsltngr. Freeman, lg* sRoam accus _tjon, which I 'ork project, Colorado; ail $1,i6a.I. bell., relative ID. 4seonwsed taxs.t01 make with all gratrfis. ..r.... work to protect Rainbow ;wide. 1*- . tional Monument. Those of us In the Senate who bury supported the Colorado, .ni"K stofag -project trust the Secretary ct tbe'>On. terror and the Bureau of Reclamation -will present justifications to the Appro. prlat+ons Cammittces which will suppor -tlu budget recommendktlons. z:. fat istin entitled, "Toms Peattd4s as our. this vital matter fray be labeled as p0- Aelntly Tsstsd," tract; the Sierra Club sul- 11t1calIl- motivated by those who prefer 1sII . >74ossabar iuw.' to conceal the.tacte; a'ndby others who ... do not Aulow fire tarts fu'r'rf)o1Rlfs!`' iL'i3 PROPO AL I shines to face3hat,rY6t.- It is an lj-S6 "R11FRRai1apt IN 'd!O- plant risk -indeed ?okupared with RIGHTS VOTE thetuntnwranted}aittbbs,policy CrVIL at asbhltdrtaaU t: biser brought down upon our ilotlatrf. ' Mr.. $TRNNIS. Mr, presidento the It Is well known that this has .been proposal of the Attorney General to au- a matter'eitreat concern to me for years, REPORT OF COH12111onU.d aOtaaar. .- Noe of "referees" In so-called civil and that I"halt! made every effort to get ? I also asked unanimous consent that rmw Pother ga , requlrea careful sf, 4 the facts and to anaiyle them obieo- ? - ns an a di t th th d ppen x o e r aolsual t+M $Ively . ,port of the Secretary .et. the IRteri0a'.' Wftg statement. th - 0ocasloneW, 'alter the adminlatra- gppra daps there -be printed a reelort to U1 Case a gal" says his plan wJU apid ` ;log's Inaoenra0W/ have been clearly and igrem by the Comptroller Gensralid his the tine serious and practical prod: -public' labeled asrtitiah. too omcials have saudtt of the Upper Colorado River Hahn tee with Federal: >uadlfled their prerfous statements, such - t ` wa er resources -4-nut program Fedlge as gsdti+d in the easaf aetr M ,era regaerle oCrea'yc- :Bureau of Reelamatlon, Department at s t br.~ 1roye Aftisdon last year about the the Interior, fiscal years 11fi4,.1M,,, i71'he tM pMifpsWa$a 1tN ~-tOILIIiMUa 6s , Comptroller General's, report- psneeats d MAN" nature of Ita'frork miew. ?beoever, the administration many vgluable observations and rem" at on bream to an in 11th 'served wh roassurances and 'ooaa- rnents on the Upper Colorado Rive' de. and an oroement uiltt. it rtan6ht to plaosat[y; subs Most recently, when the velopment and attendant problesas that pplagt the FBI in civil rights cases, to existence of a serious missile gap was -peak for themselves. The comments of j+el n"e voting cases from.the courts, t$nd.. being, general y accepted. the adminls- tthe Federal Power Commission included `t"j judicial power In rsluot 4 pod- tration-pslpoeeded to change the ground an the Comptroller' General's sgnor; are . VWjWW Or'otifte'Federalomelauapo$ '?sfalpagn's the fait. . especially pertinent in the light of the pared Whet W Ushling or td AV! 41 s1$J owe the past 1$ "lonths river operations and related power seltffted new, >edf al dui ie , , we X;Aii e.1hane5 of the Upper Colorado River do- was no p^ovitde. for judicial revive. - in, late July Mt the Dtrectoor of the vrlot,n,cnt and Its relation to the Lower - The President iE reseed doubt of the Central Intelligence Agency briefed me Colorado River operations. covatlt;uLlanality of ?,his proposal. end. on Me t oe community's eati- Approved For Release 2005/01/27 : CIA-RDP75-00149R000700450087-4