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7 1963 Approved For 13- RtB SEATING assaying: range sites, the intermediate-range body and simply refer to him as a Mem- But Senator IDEATING said Mr. McNamara sites, destroyed, dismantled, broken up, ber of the other body? had failed to "dispute" any of-.his specific the concrete destroyed, presented by The SPEAKER. Under the rules, even -claims that Soviet forces in Cuba have been photographic evidence, not only to Sen- a reference in praise of a Member of the strengthened since October or that Russian ator KEATING but to the people of the other body is not consistent with the i ned.iuni-range rnissile " sites in, Cuba have United States. And yet the charge has rules of the House. The Chair has not not been frilly" destroyed: not yet been withdrawn and it stands ruled as yet that the gentleman has Mr. Speaker, let us now take a look at here in the RECORD of the Congress on violated the rules. The Chair wants that the specific charge that was made so the 31st of January of this year. clearly understood. that we can know exactly what is being Mr. CUNNINGHAM. Mr. Speaker, a Mr. STRATTON. Mr. Speaker, it is talked about here. When the President parliamentary inquiry. my wish to proceed in order and in ac- of the United State directs the Secre- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Does cordance with the rules. But it is my tart of e se o reveal some of Our the gentleman from New York yield for recollection that-Members on the other mom hly held and clos,.held Intel- a parliamentary inquiry? side of the aisle have been mentioning l I enc nom, nationwide television s11ow, Mr. STRATTON. Mr. Speaker, it is names of Members of the other body risk ng aan im a rmen of security about my understanding that it is not my most of the afternoon. which any individual ' intelligence province to yield for a parliamentary in- The SPEAKER. That may be cor- r ed, just to quiry; that is an inquiry that has to be rect, but then no Member voiced a ques- service must be deeply di reassure the American people and to addressed to the Chair. tion of order. The Chair asked the clear up some of the confusion and put The SPEAKER pro tempore. Does the gentleman who made the point of order an end to efforts to frighten the Amer- gentleman yield for that purpose? if he insisted on it. There are degrees loan people t iat'have been going on, I Mr. STRATTON. No; I do not yield. of statements that might not be con- think it is important that we ought to Mr. CUNNINGHAM. Mr. Speaker, a sistent with the rule. Some might be in know exactly what the charges are to point of order. violation. which this massive effort, this unprece- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Without objection, the gentleman from dented effort to respond last night was gentleman will state the point of order. New York is recognized. being directed. Mr. CUNNINGHAM. Is it permissible There was no objection. Mr. 'Speaker, I quote from the CoN- under the rules of the House to use the Mr. Speaker, refer- GRESSIONAL' RECORD o'f January 31, 163, name of a Member of the other body in ring the charge that appeared in the where Senator KEATING is speaking be- criticism? CONGRESSIONAL RECORD that I have just ginning at"the bottom of page 1388 and Mr. STRATTON. Mr. Speaker, I am read on page 1389, I think we ought Continuing over to page 1385: not criticizing him; I am just trying to perhaps to pursue the chronology just Furtherznore,..while 'evidence` mounts of analyze the charge. Then we will know a bit. This charge was made on the new equipment, pouring in from the Com- whether the information presented last 31st of January. It is my information, monist bloc, there is continuing- night was correct. and IAo disclosed it to the press yester- Get this- Mr. CUNNINGHAM. Mr. Speaker, I day, that the following day the individ- made the point of order that the name ual that made the charge was visited by there is continuing, absolutely confirmed and of a Member of the other body may not the1 ead of the Central Intelligence undeniable evidence that the Soviets are be used in the well of the House. Age'ney, the top man of the intelligelrce maintaining and guarding the medium-range The SPEAKER. Does the gentleman service of this country. r. John Mc- sites they had previously constructed in Cuba. There has been no Soviet move to insist on his point of order? Cone, who is incidentally ads nguished dismantle these' concrete 'sites ,or withd"'raw Mr. CUNNINGHAM I do, Mr. member "of?"f"ie _ epubxliCan Party, came the Launching bases; as one might expect if Speaker. there for the purpose of presenting to the Soviets intended in gpod faith to keep The SPEAKER. The Chair will state the individual that had made the charge these missiles out of Cuba in the future. that under the rules of the House, if a the same information, the same proof, . Now, let us be clear about what 66n- Member insists upon strict compliance, that was presented publicly to the a tor KEATING was alleging. He says:: to mention the name of a Member of the American people on television last night, There is absolutely confirmed and undeni- other body is not consistent with the to prove that the minimum range sites able evidence that the "Soviets,ae maintain- rules of the House. The rules of the which had previously been constructed ing and guarding the medium-range'sites House are different from the rules of the in Cuba had not only.been dismantled they had previously constructed in Cuba. Senate. but the concrete had been all.destroyed, Mr. STRATTON. Mr. Speaker, a and that was the end of it. Not missiles In eaves that we have parliamentary inquiry. That was on last Friday. In spite been talking about, not something that The SPEAKER. We in this body- of that fact, on the following Sunday is under, a tree somewhere camouflaged and this is in addition to an answer on there appeared a tef4ii ,"s'aow in where even the highly competent "planes the point of order-we in this body rec- which the same charge was made. of our Air Force and Navy could not get ognize the comity between the two There were then on Monday press re- at it, not something Ghat is in some all- branches. leases issued by the same individual who score part of the island where perhaps The gentleman from New York will made the charge renewing that charge, trated alleged U-we h not even gene- state his parliamentary inquiry, getting further publicity out of it. elated with the l or with else. anything Mr. STRATTON. Mr. Speaker, my There was a picture circulated nation- What. he is saying is that they are parliamentary inquiry is this. Would it wide, to which I have referred, with the maintaining and guarding the ediurri- be in order to refer to a Member of the individual making the charge holding a constructed in other body without the use of his name? Minuteman intercontinental ballistic singe sites and Cuba," the same ones that ctrctd the The SPEAKER. The Chair feels that missile over the map of Cuba, although crisis, the oam that all the fuss was a proper reference to the other body as actually there has been no charge about about. And he goeson to say: such may be in order, but reference to a intercontinental ballistic missiles. Then There has been no, Soviet move to 'ass- Member of the other body may be not on Monday there appeared in the U.S. monde these concrete sites.. consistent with the rules of the House. News & World Report a detailed inter- Mr. STEED. Mr. Speaker, a parlia- view with the individu&.:once again re- Well, did you not see on television last mentary inquiry. peating the c~~ ?AfcCone, niglit those ctures? Did ou not see The SPEAKER. Does the gentleman of e 1 ca~iParty, and the man where the`Sov et bulldozers had gone in from New York yield for that purpose? who is car with the top manage- and pushed the concrete aside, where The Chair would like to say that the ment of our intelligence services, had al- they had taken everything out and there Chair is trying delicately to answer the ready demonstrated to him personally was "not a single thing left except one question. was false; yet it was repeated without beat; }}p Soviet truck ' driving around, Mr. STRATTON. Mr. Speaker, would any effort being made to correct it. trying to pick up a few pieces that were it be in' order for the gentleman from On Tuesday as a member of the New York to proceed without reference Armed Services Committee and as an lef#.? How pith evidence do you have Approved for Release 2005/01 /04 CIA-RDP75-001498000700400011-2' -CONM591ONAL RECQE D - HOUSE T ebruary 7 Approved Fo 5/01/0 I -RDP75- 0~149R000700400011- rings for the MRBM had been torn from their concrete bases. So where does the gravel come in? Not certainly from the Intelligence service of the U.S. Govern- ment-not from the pictures-not from any facts. But nobody was talking about gravel in the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD On January 31 and In the subject TV, news- paper, and magazine publicity, and the fact Is there never was any gravel or black top in the intelligence pictures taken over Cuba? I think we should nail this thing down right now because if someone is going to charge anything about the Intelli- gence service of our Government, then certainly he should know what he is talking about, and if someone is going to frighten the American people and de- stroy their confidence in what their Gov- ernment is doing, then he ought to know what he is talking about. And yet, here we see he is just talking nonsense be- cause on the 31st of January he is talk- ing of concrete and on the 5th of Febru- ary he is talking about gravel. A little bit reminiscent, if I may say so, of the late Senator Joe McCarthy, who sometimes said one thing one day and another thing another day. Now maybe the gentleman who made this charge would say, "Well, there is the word 'concrete' in the CONGRESSIONAL REcoan--that is right. But that was just an oversight. I didn't really mean concrete. I just got it In there by mis- take." And, Mr. Speaker, It is true that the "concrete" does not appear in the charge that appeared subsequently in the newspapers. The word "concrete" had been strickep and It Is also true the word "concrete" had been stricken in the U.S. News & World Report article. So maybe he might claim that one of our good friends who was recording the de liberations of another body somewhere had just made a mistake. Oh, Here is a clipping from the Rochester Democrat and Chronicle dated Febru- ary 1, 1963. It refers to this same speech. this same charge, and It says that after his speech the individual who made that charge was asked by a reporter, Edmund B. Lambeth of the Gannet News Service, to describe the sites and remaining equipment and their maintenance. He replied to Mr. Lambeth that the sites and the equipment he referred to were concrete emplacements. There Is no mistake about that. It was not a slip of the reporter: Concrete emplacements with embedded metal attachments. Then a little further on in the Roch- ester Democrat and Chronicle story we read: The medium range missiles believed to have been removed were fired by mobile launchers. Actually were not set up for firing from mobile launchers in Cuba. They had concrete bases. Asked whether he had evidence of where the mobile launchers were physi- cally located on the sites, this Individual Is quoted as saying: No. I don't, but the concrete emplace- ments are still there. officer in the Naval Reserve I just could not take it any longer. I felt that re- gardless of the comity between the branches of the Congress, regardless of the regular courtesies that prevail in this body, to which my good friend from Iowa referred a moment ago-and I want to tell him I apologize for not having informed the gentleman from Indiana, because It was my Intention to deal spe- cifically with another charge, and this statement of the gentleman from Indi- ana was one that I brought in paren- thetically, simply because I happened to read it in a newspaper just before I came onto this floor. But on Tuesday, as I say, I could not stand it any longer and I pointed out that on the basis of the information already presented to our committee, there could not possibly be any basis to that charge and any individual who would make It would be talking through his hat. Well, surprisingly enough, that did get some attention. Apparently It even got back to the individual who made the charge because on Wednesday morning, there appeared an interview, an exclusive in- terview that came over the wire-I have not seen It In the paper to tell the truth, but it came over the wire-an interview with the individual who had made the charge, by the Associated Press. The Interview was conducted by reporters Jack Bell and Fred Hoffman. They were asking him about this charge. Here is what he said. They were asking him a question. The individual replied as fol- lows: The intermediate range missile bases have a concrete base. I was at no time talking about that-no reference to that whatsoever, When the Defense Department replied, they got that into the picture. Now a great many of those have been bulldozed and broken up and, perhaps, all of them have so far as I know. What I was talking about was the medium range missile sites which do not have a concrete base at all. They are gravel or hard-top in character. Now, who was it again that got the concrete in? The Defense Department? Oh, no, here it is in the CONDRESSIONAIr, RECORD. On Thursday, the 31st of Jan- uary, and I read it again-"There has been no Soviet move to dismantle these concrete sites." And yet on Wednesday he says, "Oh, I never mentioned con- crete-no, I was talking about gravel, of course." The IRBM sites have concrete bases. I was not talking about them. I was talking about the medium range mis- sile pads. They are made of gravel or black-top construction or macadam or asphaltic concrete or whatever you want to call It. Well, the fact of the matter is-and I think if you watched television last night you saw it-the fact of the matter is that the medium-range missile sites that were constructed In Cuba, and that is what we are talking about here, those prey-- ously constructed, also had-coneivte Add you saw In the pictures last night the concrete and you saw the concrete broken up; and when the portions of the me- dium-range site were sitting on the dock waiting to be loaded, Mr. Hughes, the Department of Defense intelligence ex- pert pointed out, how these launching the speech, so there is no error in transcription : The concrete emplacements are still there. I challenge any fairminded American who looked at the television broadcast last night to say that the concrete em- placements are still there. If that pres- entation was not a refutation, a sweep- ing refutation of the gentleman's orig- inal charge, then I cannot read the English language. - I have heard It said that the individual who made the charge said that if any- thing he had said was disproven he would eat his hat. Well, I think we in this''body can look for a good deal of hat eating around here in the days ahead. Mr. Speaker, I think I have said enough now to indicate that our De- fense Department is still safe, fortu- nately, that our intelligence agencies are still in good hands, and that we would be well advised to continue to entrust the collection of intelligence, its evalua- tion, and Its dissemination to the duly constituted agencies of our Defense De- partment. I think it Is quite clear that an individual who cannot tell the dif- ference between a medium range ballistic missile and an intermediate range bal- listic missile, or a person who cannot tell the difference between concrete and gravel, or a person who cannot recall on the 5th of February a sweeping charge he made on the 31st of January, is not the kind of person we want to take over the top operation of our intelligence services and supercede those who have been duly constituted by our Govern- ment to handle these matters. As I say, any individual is welcome to have any source of information he wants-revelation, dreams, myths, fie- tion; but, believe me, when it comes to maintaining the security of this coun- try in time of peril-oh, let us not make any question about that, we are certainly, facing peril here, there is no question about that; when you look at what was facing us in Cuba you realize that there was peril and there is still peril-but when we are facing a time of peril this is precisely the reason why we cannot now turn our intelligence services over to fiction and fancy and to whimsy, but we mus; base their conclusion on hard and established facts. Mr. ADAIR. Mr. Speaker, will the gentleman yield? Mr. STRATTON. I am afraid I do not have time to yield. I have a couple of other points I am very anxious to make. I am sorry. Mr. Speaker, this is a matter that transcends party. We are facing the possibility of serious action at any time. The individual who made the charges that were quoted a moment ago is also quoted as saying: I am not at this moment advocating a specific course of action. How easy it is to be an armchair strate- gist. How easy it is to talk about things when all you have to do is fill pages of 'the RECORD or to get headlines in a news- paper. But, Mr. Speaker, when you have Approved For Release 2005/01/04: CIA-RDPT5'U4 4gR000A0?0;011-2 Approved for 75- 00700400011-2 nanas,wnen you nave ueesi uuiuus++ vua c i wv~~~~, ~r~~?w~ -~~_ __--- -- ---- ----- and are likely to go through again the ney General: the gentlewoman from Ohio [Mrs. threat of nuclear warfare, as President JANUARY 18, 1963. FRANCES P. BOLTON] are specific answers Kexihe'dy -went through it in October with Hon. H. R. GROSS, provided to my questions. He does not great courage and great determination Congress of the United States, see fit to advise me of the number of House Office Building, Washington, D.C. youthful planners already at work on a and got the thanks, applause, and re- DEAR CONGRESSMAN GROSS; Enclosed are spent of the people of America as well two copies of the report to the President on national service program. Neither will as the freedom-loving people around the a national service program. As you know, he tell me the salary level of each planner world for his forceful leadership, then the President appointed a Cabinet-level nor the source of the funds from which you are not going to base your actions committee to make a recommendation on the they are being paid. on the kind of flimsy thing I have been feasibility of such a program. Despite the evasiveness of Mr. Hack- analyzing here this afternoon, you are In the course of this study, we contacted ett's reply, I can assure my colleagues going to look for hard facts. several hundred organizations and individ- that there are in fact "youthful planners" uals in a wide variety of areas. In almost at work to get this latest New Frontier Oh, it is all right to play legitimate every case, these groups indicated interest in politics. We all play politics at times, and support for the concept of a service boondoggle rolling-even though Con- and sometimes we even play politics on program. gress has never authorized a domestic the floor of this House, and I think, We will very much appreciate your com- Peace Corps, a national' service program frankly, Mr. Speaker, there has been a ments and suggestions regarding this pro- or whatever the new Robert Kennedy little more of this play in the past few posal. baby is to be named. weeks on the left side of the aisle, if I Sincerely, - On January 30, the distinguished gen- DAVID L. HACKETT, tleman from Ohio [Mr. DEVINE] and I may say so, than, I have seen here in some time. It is all right to play politics; Special Assistant to the Attorney paid a visit to the domestic Peace Corps it is all right to try to undermine a party, General. nursery, which is located In top story even the Democratic Party; we are all On January 29, 1963, I responded to rooms of a building at 736 Jackson fair game. But there is no 'right, on the Mr. Hackett's letter as follows: Square-just a stone's throw from the part of any responsible individual, any Mr. DAVID L. HACKETT, White House. This is what we found: responsible American, to- try to under- Special Assistant to the Attorney General, We found among other things that the mine the confidence ofnt, in the our defense American Washington, D.C. start of this so-called domestic Peace people in our DEAR MR. HACKETT: Reference is made to Corps is already an accomplished fact intelligence service, or in the Depart- your letter of January 18, with which you included copies of a Report to the President in the minds of the youthful planners merit of Defense, at a time when we face on a 'national service program." as they are called. There is no question a Soviet threat 90 miles from our shores. Since I am unaware of any action by con- about that. They are off and running. Let us not pursue personal gain or per- gress authorizing a "national service pro- Mr. DEVINE. Mr. Speaker, will the sonal aggrandizement, and let us not be gram," can you tell me the source of the gentleman yield? making irresponsible charges that do not funds used for the preparation of this re- Mr. GROSS. I yield to my friend from port? Also, please advise me of the total Ohio. even stick together, that do not even amount spent. On the afternoon of make sense, that cannot even be remem- According to an Associated Press dispatch Mr. DEVINE. January 30, 1963, just be- Is from one day to the-next. This in the Washington Evening Star of Janu- Is the kind of thing that undermines' our ary 28, "youthful planners" are already at fore 2 o'clock, the gentleman from Iowa national security and gives aid and corn- work on the program in a "few top story [Mr. GROSS] who is presently addressing fort to the enemy. rooms at an old house on Jackson Square." the House and I paid a visit to this Na- I sincerely hope, Mr. Speaker, that'the How many planners are at work, and what tional Service Corps, or Domestic Peace is the salary level of each planner? From Corps, or whatever it may be called. We individual that made them, as an honor- what funds are they being paid? found it located on the third and fourth able gentleman, will admit publicly that sincerely yours, floors of an old-type residential building he was wrong when he claimed that See- H. R. GRoss, that now apparently has been acquired retary McNamara had not disputed any Today, I received the following reply by the General Services Administration. of his specific claims. Otherwise he from Mr. Hackett: The first two floors, I believe, are occu- surely forfeits the confidence of the peo- DEAR CONGRESSMAN GRoss: Thank you for pied by some music organization; 736 pie that he represents. We cannot deal your letter of January 29 concerning the Jackson Place is located on Lafayette effectively with the Communist threat if proposed Domestic Peace Corps. I would Square. we are going to have people sniping ir- also like to take this opportunity to express As we entered the third floor of this responsibly and trying to undermine es- my appreciation to you and Congressman walkup office structure, we found quite a tablished agencies of Government on the DEVINE for your visit on January 30. number of desks and quite a number of basis of nothing more substantial than Congresswoman. FRANCES BOLTON wrote to the flimsy, evanescent, off-again-on- the Attorney General on January 30 raising papers strewn around the various desks again evidence I have revealed here to- some of the same questions raised by your and maps on the wall outlining each letter. A copy of the Attorney General's re- congressional district in the United day. ply to Mrs. BOLTON is enclosed. States. We made inquiry of some of the Mr. Speaker, some years ago a'Mem- The 10 agencies. assigned by the President girl secretaries who were occupying of- ber of the other body was censured for to prepare a report concerning the desirabil- fice space and they advised us that there actions unbecoming that body. I cer- ity and feasibility of establishing a domestic was a Mr. McClure apparently in charge tainly hope that as the result of some of service program have cooperated in this ac- in that local facility. We were intro- the activities that have been going on in tivity in accordance with his instructions. duced to Mr. Don McClure who treated recent days, that there will not be a re- Each agency has developed data within its OW area of concern and contributed ed its us quite cordially and attempted to con- petition of that'action in days to come i s to the report. ceal nothing particularly, and he in turn on the floor of the Senate of the United i have no reliable information as to the introduced us to a man, I believe by the number of persons the various departments name of Ellinger. s St t e . a and agencies may have assigned to the de- Mr. McClure advised both the gentle- velopment ,SERVICE PROGRAM velopment and presentation of data in con- man from Iowa, Congressman GROSS, nection with the preparation of this report, and I that he was on loan from the Peace The' S?EAHER. Under previous or- their respective pay scales, or the amount of Corps which incidentally is located at der of the' House, the gentleman" from time they devoted to this activity; however, Iowa [Mr. GROSS] is recognized for 15 it is my understanding that this work was 806 Connecticut Avenue, just a few doors accomplished as a part of the regular activi- from the domestic Peace Corps offices. minutes. ties of the persons involved and without sig- We asked him how much time was (Mr. GROSS asked and was given per- nificant disruption of their regular duties. spent there and he said he usually re- mission to revise and extend his re- If we can be of any further service to you, ported at the Peace Corps in the morn- marks.) please let me know. ing, then he came over on loan and Sincerely yours, Mr. GROSS. Mr. Speaker; on Jams- DAVID L. HACKETT spent all day long at the domestic Peace , ary 19, 1963, I received the following un- Special Assistant to the Attorney Corps and sometimes in the evening he solicited letter from the Office of the At- General. would check back at the so-called for- Approved for Release 2005/01/04 CIA-RDP75-00149R000700400011-2 1880 Approved F:t&6 5?MNALO QRDDP OUSE R000700400011-Feb?wary 7 eign Peace Corps. Mr. Ellenger I believe was attached to the staff of the Attorney General. They both indicated to us that the entire operation was under the guidance and control apparently of the author of the letter to which the gentle- man from Iowa has alluded, a Mr. Hackett in the Attorney General's Office. Whey also indicated that there was another man in some type of supervisory capacity by the name of Boone. Upon inquiry as to the number of persons en- gaged in this particular operation they said that they imagined there were around 18, and I think they went up to about 22. They stated that these em- ployees were on loan from various de- partments of the Government, including HEW and the Department of Justice, or the Attorney General's Office and the Peace Corps. They said they had been In operation, I believe, at this particular location, since November 17, 1962. Mr. GROSS. That is right, Mr. DEVINE. Of course, as the gen- tleman knows, our interest In this was, how could there be in existence a na- tional service corps, or a domestic Peace Corps at this time without an au- thorization of the Congress of the United States? The purpose of our in- quiry was to find out how many people were there, what they were doing, and who or what group of taxpayers were paying the salaries of these persons. I might say upon Inquiry that they said they had corresponded with a num- ber of organizations across the Nation. We asked them on whose letterhead they directed their inquiries, and they said that they were written on the letterhead of the Attorney General of the United States. I merely put that in the RECORD so there is no question of the purpose of our visit, when it occurred, and what we did. Mr. Speaker, I thank the gentleman for yielding. Mr. GROSS. Mr. Speaker, I thank the gentleman for his observations con- cerning this matter. This Mr. McClure from the Peac getting this show on the road, and w n questioned as to how the Peace C s could operate without a man of di- mension on the job, he being a f time employee of the international ease Corps, he said, as my good Erie from Ohio has just related, that h topped at the office In the morning d made certain checks and then on over to the office of the domestic ace Corps. Of course, the staffing of is outfit on Jackson Place on the basis of loaned per- sonnel means that other departments of Government must be liberally overstaffed with stenographers and organizers, and what-have-you. Congress ought to be interested In finding out how they ob- tain these surplus employees they have available to move around with the great- est of ease throughout the Government. Mr. SCHWENGEL. Mr. Speaker, will the gentleman yield? Mr. GROSS. I yield to the gentleman. Mr. SCHWENGEL. Did the gentle- man inquire of this group of people whether or not this development was the result of any studies or any contact with the youth organizations in America whose principal objective concerns the youth of America, and who have definite pro- grams to develop character and help take care of their leisure interests, and to do those things that build for good citizen- ship, et cetera? Mr. GROSS.. They claimed to have contacted many organizations over the country. I could not say whether they have contacted any specific organization. Mr. SCHWENGEL. I am interested in whether or not the Boy Scouts or the Girl Scouts were contacted. Mr. GROSS. I do not know. I can- not answer as to that. I do know that they said that they had contacted many tleman think it would be better us to show an interest in the progr now established to do the job tha ey say gentleman yield? Mr. GROSS. I yield Mr. DEVINE, I miliff add that they- Mr. McClure and lenger-provided us with a pamfsh6et dicating an out- line of the Prestudy on, I think, juvenile delinqu hey also gave us a mimeogr'ap with questions Tlis thing to which I would specto call to the attention of tshlp, and that is at page 1772 ONGRESSIONAL RECORD Of Pebr3, where they will find a very down by the senior Sen- ator in connection with the operso-called National Serv- ice on, or domestic Peace or other that was held about a week or 10 days ago at Duke Zieberts to celebrate the acquisition of this fine Washington Redskin quarterback as a member of this organization. I understand from the papers recently he was hired at $75 a day, then, for some reason, he decided or was persuaded that he was a volun- teer. I thought in our general inquiry we might find out who picked up the check for this lavish entertainment. Mr. GROSS.' I assume that came out of the representation allowance of some Government agency. Some of us have been opposed to these lavish entertain- ment funds which are provided by the taxpayers. There is stilt another interesting de- velopment in this Domestic Peace Corps story, for now It is revealed as a result of the diligent work of a Member of the other body that on August 1. 1962, the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare made an outright grant of $250,000 to an organization known as Associated Community Teams, Inc., with offices at 179 West 13th Street, in New York City. Of the total grant of $250,000 another distingui he-d Member of the other body reports that $157,080 is to be spent for personnel, or more than one-half of the total grant. This is fantastic. The Department lists one of the in- corporators of Associated Community Teams, Inc., as ADAM CLAYTON POWEL'L, Congressman, Minister. I might say in passing that I endeav- ored to contact Mr. POWELL early this afternoon to tell him I would use his name on the House floor. I was in- formed that his whereabouts is unknown to his office. I was totally unable to contact the gentleman. There are news- paper reports to the effect that he is at his residence In Puerto Rico. In any event I 'earned nothing of his where- abouts. I repeat, Adam Clayton Powell, Con- gressman, minister; Livingston L. Win- gate, associate counsel for labor-man- agement, Committee on Education and Labor; David D. Jones, Deputy Commis- sioner of Correction; Jawn A. Sandifer, attorney, civic leader; and Jose Ramoz Lopez, assemblyman, New York City. This grant allegedly was made for the purpose of developing the nucleus of a domestic peace corps. There is a se- rious doubt, in my mind, at least, that the Department had the authority to make the grant, coming as it did from an appropriation specifically earmarked for the study of juvenile delinquency. Perhaps it is appropriate to mention that it will be the House Committee on Education and Labor, chairmaned by the same gentleman from New York, Mr. ADAM CLAYTON POWELL, which will con- sider domestic peace corps legislation, Providing, of course, that the President and the Attorney General condescend to consult the Congress about it. In view of what has happened thus far, there is some reason to doubt that they Rill bother with anything so "unimpor- tant" as obtaining congressional ap- proval for a program which obviously already is on the road. NATIONAL ACTORS' EQUITY WEEK The SPEAKER. Under previous or- der of the House; the gentleman from New York [Mr. HALPERNI is recognized for 5 minutes, Mr. HALPERN. Mr, Speaker, I call the attention of my colleagues to a joint resolution I am introducing today to designate the week of May 20-26 as Na- tional Actors' Equity Week. I am delighted to join my distin- guished colleague from New York [Mr. LINDSAY], in the sponsorship of this resolution. And I wish to take this op- portunity to commend the distinguished gentleman for his interest, concern, and activity on behalf of all phases of the performing arts. I am privileged indeed to join with him in this step to give proper recognition to the performers in the American theater. The dates designated in this resolu- tion have a special significance, for it was on May 26, 1913, that a group of leading American actors and actresses, dedicated to their art and determined to improve thestatusof those in the theat- r~cal profession, formed Actors' Equity. 0 080953 Am over] fjgr,R u 2005/01/04: CIA-RDP75-00149R000700400011-2 ,u 00 t