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November 20, 2006
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Publication Date:
February 19, 1967
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a-.`+ ? relit Other
Papa Pa? pproved Fq
Y~S~, 90
m ~."'~ F C,~ I ri t~
funds into NSA through pril'
I vate foundations - the NSA!
moved it
s nat
11'9 t a (f 1 !'i' ' f3'~111~~'h fl bra ~ ters from Boulder, Colo., t4
r' if A ? ., r1o ?'9 if A 17 Si n*
through the years. She said The charge that the CIA fi- German an serve in
she knew nothing of the report nanced and infiltrated the in y
-j' He `tha the reportedly helped earch;
that he was a founder of the, dependent student groups .was
Independent Research
'Independent Research Service. made by Ramparts, 'a San'Service in. New York in 1958,
"H& always calls this housed Francisco. magazine, It re- just before the Vienna Youth
,`'dnd me, the Central IntelliP leased the information last'Festival of 1959.
gence Agency," she quipped.: 'week, although "the article.will
"So I guess he must'lave had not appear until later this ~Lady Bird at Wedding
some contact with them. month in the March issue. a The Independent :Research
Forgot to, Check With f!A' Shaul said: "I regret the Service sent a..delegation of
"Whenever he's home and whole thing," He said he'more than 100 students, teachers
his social engagements g',t1meant the Ramparts story, notland intellectuals to the Commit-!,
. the source of the funds. nist youth festival at Helsinki,
mixed up he'll say he forgot
to check with the CIA. That's ..f., feel this group of people,+ Finland, in 1962.
mc." both in Ramparts and in theShaul said he was among
NSA, have done a disservice ",,those who attended the confer-;
Mrs. Sigmund, who lives !n Q1, I Th
au sa
. ence. a U. S. delegation dis-
Wyncote, is a remedial 1?6d?`, Ramparts, charged that' thel rupted the meeting by publish-
ing teacher In the Philadelphia CIA used NSA as a'tool of for-tt ing a newspaper, running an
school system. eign diplomacy and a spy net-! information service and taking
. W. Dennis Shaul, now a law- work. i part in forums.
iyer in Akron, 0., was presidents Shaul said the CIA had not;" Shaul said the group, alb
of both NSA and_Independrnt infiltrated the student group,( though it was liberal and did
} Research, Service in 1962, He and he said students had not not reflect American policy,
said he had .worked closet been used as spies. accomplished much good at
with Paul Sigmund. Y; Shaul said the student mem-: the festival that year., '
Sigmund's work with the I,1. ' be"rs of NSA set the organize.! Sigmund joined the faculty
ft dependent Research Service f .lions policies and programs ' at Princeton early in 1963. In
u first in a quiz Kid".com-' 'ho n`Bethesda,
r'pl),; interested in the " work, :petition a ;dinst 3.0nn nth." ivld. 'v
i ter 1960, Shaul said, was "per- Land that he viewed the CIA asp January, of 1964 he married
ipheral," although he kept in he would have any others Miss Boggs i'n? Washington..
touch and took part ,}n some; source of money. ! 'Mrs. Lady Bird Johnson at.
"legitimate fund-raising activi.',Was a "Quiz Kid' tended the wedding. Both she
ties and tried to get independ, Sigmund, who in 1941 camel' eddt erre ep ion, atsthe Boggs
rent and progressive young nen-~ o t f?
X111[2.0_,-, JA,-R?P7,5-04-2E000700260001-9
131 ports that the Central Intelli- study project atr the Rockefcl- traveling abroad grea I wouldarate quarters in Cambridge,
gence Agency channeled funds ter Foundation' in Santiago, say 90 percent on his own. Mass. The CIA reportedly for-
to the National Student Assoc!-; Chile, with his wife, the for- warded funds only to the inter-
ation and other youth groups mer Barbara Boggs. She is the' "He is one of those personsaationai division . for. work
who have spent a lot of time~abroad. r work foHe is Dr.b Paull- Slgmund,' (D- a), House Rep. Hale
Majority Wh p i and selfless effort developing (Elected Vice President:
contacts - not espiopag
Jr., 37, now an associate pro-,They left about Iwo weeks agot Sigmund
or of nolitical science at and will rint ha ?-hnrk ?ntil .T?lv and now all his work and con-~ was elected vice
Y into the Gimbel Building at 9t4
By LAWRENCE M. CAMPBELL ly were funnelled money by the ; Will Always Be 'Suspect' and Market sts., and later had
Of The Bulletin Staff CIA, through private founda- "Paul is an excellent person'offices at 37th and Chestnutj
tions. and developed great contacts sts.
The international division of
A one-time Philadelphia abroad," Shaul said. "He is an
"Quiz Kid" was mentioned On Study Project in Chile i, expert in political move men NSA;.'however, did not come
;to Philadelphia but set up sep-
prominently last week in 're- Dr. Sigmund is now on a; and has done a t d
- V' "No matter where he goesfairs in 1954 at the NSA con-
'Dr. Sigmund, a native of, Peter R. Sigmund, a. brother, what is wention in Ames, Iowa. He was
Wyncote, became an officer in' of Port Washington, N. Y. said; w s doing he will a1-,
ways s b be suspect. assigned to oversee the associ-
the NSA in 1954 when he was; his brother had done "quite a, Shaul said he is not certaination's foreign student program
a graduate student at Harvard lot" of work with. college youth' whether the CIA had financed and keep in touch with 41 other
University. , ? . ;groups. Peter Sigmund said he the Independent , Research`student unions around the globe.
He 'is reportedly ' a founder; knew nothing about the alleged Service. But he said if he were' The post was one of three
of the Independent Research CIA connection with the work., still president of that group or'fulltime salaried elective of-
Service, 'of New York, in 1958. Sigmund's mother, Mrs. Paul; the NSA, he would continue to.'fices in the NSA at that time.
Both NSA and the Indepenfl-. E., Sr., a widow, said she was. accept CIA funds. Sigmund, an Air Force Re-
ent Research, Service. alleg d-,well acquainted . with her son's Regrets -the Story servist, was called to active
,,,.,.. work and interest ' in NSA; dut in 1056-57 d d J
Philadelphia youngsters, was',
r, duatcd from Georgetown!
arvard University, where S 'I
eceived both a masters ,
lied in England. under a Ful-I
bright Scholarship.
During his Harvard days, hd
,first became active in the NSI h
I 19x2
- the year the
allegedly , began siphonin,,