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July 29, 1963
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JUL 2 9 1963 FOIAb3b Sanitized DcI41- Medal, gentleman from Virginia [Mr. MARSH] relentless methods of conquest so char- Major Rushworth now . resides at and I shall review for you some of the acteristic of the international Communist Edwards Air Force Base with his wife, significant features of this program. conspiracy. the former Joyce Butler of Norridgewock, Mr. Speaker, I now yield to the gentle- It is this second form of strategy-the Maine, and 6-year-old daughter, Cheri. man from Virginia [Mr. MARSH]. subversion of Latin America from a Cu- Mr. Speaker, , I can appreciate the Mr. MARSH. Mr. Speaker, I am very ban base-that we need to be concerned great measure of'pride that Major Rush- grateful to the gentleman from Penn- about, which poses now a real threat to worth's attainments have brought to his Sylvania [Mr. WEAVER] for this oppor- the security of all the Americas. and his mother. tunity to present a few comments on a Yet the Cuban situation is not a parti- his daughter wife , , I want to take this opportunity of join- serious subject that affects not only the San issue; it is not an issue of any party, ing with a legion of others in saluting - security of the Americas but indeed the but, rather, it is an issue- that should be Major Rushworth and extending to this security of the world. discussed bipartisanally to form a con- distinguished son of Maine my very warm Mr. Speaker, only a hasty glance at certed action for those who seek to pre- congratulations on his latest achieve- the headlines of the current newspapers serve and extend the boundaries of free- ment at the threshold of space. Is necessary to find testimony of the dom. COMMITTEE ON BANKING AND CURRENCY Mr. ALBERT. Mr. Speaker, on behalf of the gentleman from Texas [Mr. PAT- MAN], I ask unanimous consent that the Committee on Banking and Currency may be permitted to sit today while the House is in session during general debate. The SPEAKER. Without objection, it is so orile ed. CUBA , THE . The SPEAKER. Under previous order 2 hours. (Mr. WEAVER asked and was given permission to revise and extend his re- marks and to include extraneous matter.) Mr. WEAVER. Mr. Speaker, it has .been 10 years since the Moncado episode in Cuba. Castro has taken over the island and has.failed to carry out a single one of the pledges he made at that par- ticular time. Today we are on the brink of signing a test-ban treaty. Lest we forget what has happened in the Western Hemisphere, Members -of both sides of the aisle are joined together today to present a discussion of the cold war and Cuba. Mr. Speaker, the gentleman from Vir- ginia [Mr. MARSH] and I are acting as coordinators for other Members on both sides of the aisle to present to the Mem- bers of the House a series of talks on a concerted plan to help fight the cold war and to win back Cuba for democracy. 'i Our purpose is, first, to alert the Ameri- can public to this problem and, second, to let Latin America know that we in Congress truly care about the fate of our :sister nation, Cuba. Mr. Speaker, we shall review many ac- tions taken in the past in relation to Cuba and make recommendations fora coordi- relentless drive of the Sino-Soviet em- The issue is really freedom versus slav- pire for world conquest. This steady ery, for now we see the colonial power march for world domination has con- of the Soviet Union intervening and tinued for nearly a half-century. Hav- denying to the Cuban people the right of ing crushed Tibet the Red dragon of self-determination, the. Soviet Union China sits astride countless miles of the seeking to enforce their rule through the territory of India. Along the banks of police state by stationing.Russian troops the Mekong River in South Vietnam can on the island who might employ in Ha- be heard the ugly chatter of machine- vana the tactics learned In Budapest. guns where there is being waged a war This is our challenge, it is a challenge that is both brutal and vicious and not to all Americans. It is not a party chal- so cold. Yet it is along the banks of lenge, because it is one that each of us the Mekong River that could well be must meet, indeed we must meet it not determined the future of all southeast only for the freedom of this Nation, but Asia. Never for a single moment have indeed for a free world. the Soviets ceased in their relentless I thank the gentleman from Pennsyl- determination to ring down on freedom's vania again for permitting me to make lonely stage the iron curtain of Red these remarks. slavery in Berlin. The Red standard Mr. WEAVER. I thank the distin- that flies from over a dozen capitals of guished gentleman from Virginia for the Eurasia has now been firmly planted in fine background for our discussion today the Caribbean where it is intended to on the cold war and Cuba. be a beachhead for a revolutionary as- Mr. Speaker, I yield now to the gen- sault upon all of Latin America, a rev- tleman from Florida [Mr. ROGERS]. olutionary assault that will be waged Mr. ROGERS of Florida. Mr. not only militarily but, rather, will be Speaker, I thank the gentleman. I am waged psychologically, economically, and pleased to join with the other Members politically, where in the arsenal of their of Congress on both sides of the aisle in weaponry will be espionage, subversion, a very bipartisan approach to this prob- sabotage, guerrilla warfare, terrorism, lem, one that does concern the American and .violence. people. As we consider this problem of Mr. Speaker, on the Cuban island Cuba and what has been done and what there are being trained revolutionaries should be done, the American people will who study the guerrilla doctrines of Mao be impressed with the fact that it is not Tse-tung, Ho Chi Minh, and Cho Gue- just Members of Congress from Florida varra. Here are being trained the who are concerned about this problem guerrillas to infiltrate Latin America and but there are Members from Pennsyl- wage there a form of warfare that was vania, Virginia, Washington, on the waged by the Castro movement in the other side of this country, California, late fifties so successfully. Indiana, Ohio, Illinois, Missouri, Minne- Mr. Speaker, the Soviets placed their rota, and Kansas who are concerned. missiles on the Cuban island and this As a matter of fact, all States in this Nation, scarcely 10 months ago, was con- union are concerned. fronted with a situation of deadly peril. It is incumbent upon the Congress to Militarily, there was sought to be generate the concern and to start the changed the balance of power in nuclear leadership in many lines necessary to weaponery. Last fall we discovered get rid- of Castro and communism in this that there were on the Cuban island hemisphere. Of course, there are two missiles undoubtedly intended for Amer- approaches: unilateral action by the ican targets. United- States alone as well as multi- Mr. Speaker, the world was apprehen- lateral action through the Organization sive during our quarantine and the re- . of American States. suiting confrontation; America was May I say, as I have tried to say many proud of the bold and decisive and coura- times before on the floor of this House, g var e p nature and is not meant to be one of lam-. geous action that was taken so success- multilateral action comes only after basting and whipping over the history fully at that time, with the full support unilateral leadership by the United and the personalities of the past involved of the American, people, and in coopera- States. The greatest example of multi- in the present posture of Cuba. tion with our allies including the Organi- lateral action following strong leader- Mr. Speaker, we -shall recognize speak- zation of American States. . ship or unilateral action by our country ers who have previously requested time. However, the strategy directed at Cuba was what took place in October 1962, It is then our intention to recognize all by the Soviets was not just in the when the President set up embargoes on of those who wish to be heard during the military arena using missiles but, rather, Cuba and Immediately and for the first Sanitized :Approved -For Release CIA-RDP7.5-00149R000600390020-5 nated future program for our allies in the Western Hemisphere. We shall present ram which is bipartisan In ro i d j a