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Document Release Date: 
March 27, 2001
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Publication Date: 
September 25, 1964
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PDF icon CIA-RDP75-00149R000600350025-4.pdf120.19 KB
SEP 2 5 1964 Approved For Release 2001/04/23: CIA-RDP75- FOIAb3b; 'PYR:GHT Paper Linking CPolio the assassination of Pros where the papers will be ; operations of the Soviet specific or future' as- t d Students of histot are ;J ns'ea , e commrssr n ~' I members led by Warren . '' - , s -. goin to find the Warren ., ordered the documents lit;v for. the intelligence, dered. by the KGB to be Commissions report on infilti;)tion and terroristic potential agents for either: delivered to the archives rc en .enne y as fascn]- l:moil. and its shred Com ...signments. sting for what'it doesn't available - if they don't., nluni.;t network around include as for what it disappear---to researchers, the world. The KGB arranged to: Approved: For Release 2001/04123 'CIA-RDP75-Q0149R000600350025 4 contains, future investigators and "Following Oswald's, allow Oswald to engage in; students of history. arrival in Moscow, ' the target practice and shoot- Before sending their pillio 1' 1 t t 1 1 e Bassin, was a Soviet KGB . ennc Y. . a clerical. job of 'checker.' for the murder of. Pres-I Pillion, whose offer to This was a sham 'cover' ident Kennedy on Nov. 22, agent.. testify was rejected by the Rep. Gerald R. Ford (R job. 19G3, he was completely" commission, charged that "Tile 1,400-ruble neon 'Preoccupied w i t h com Mich.), one of 'the four the commission's conclu- thy income of Oswald was munism. , His efforts to: congressional members, i sions were contrary to the comparable to the salar earn a living for his family: sought unsuccessfully. to. evidence, p y include 'these papers, in of the general manager of were only, incidental. eluding a letter from Ire Pillion 'traced Oswald s the factory where he was "It is' immaterial whe- p ' activities in ,the Soviet allegedly employed in an .-they Oswald was specifi- John Pillion (R-N.Y.), in Union, his close ` associa- commis Theo t to the io es dofficial Lion with the KGB, his The unskilled KGB 1. providedacOs- inate President Kennedy., marriage. to the niece of a' wald with 'a scarce and' The fact remains that his mHowever, include whMI. Ford''s 1leutenant colonel of the comparatively luxurious .-entire Communist back-' documents was oth, it ? I Soviet MVD, and his.later apartm_ ernt. in Minsk for a ground and training had visits 'to Mexico City, re- I 'period of more than two 'conditioned him to kill." was blocked when the ' 'T h e other documents ot11e r four commission "Imm porting: ediately upon ilia I ye"The grant of an exit'."- bent to the National Ar members present,- includ- arrival in t h e SP v i a? t" ing Chief Justice Earl visa to Oswald and to his chives by the commission W a r r e n, ? chairman, re.. Union, Oswald.w,olunta.rily wife, Marina, is a most ex- involve classified ' . infor., mained silent. I.i aordinary Soviet act.. mat i o n relating to Os- Oswald knew more than a wald's contacts with CIA :]month before that he and officials 'in the U.S, Em-' s ra ns were no re- ? when Oswald returned to. charging that Lee Harvey :I - lated to 'his assassination nltal tivorker.kHis~job ]was the Oswald, the suspected as- U.S., until his arrest; of Presid nt T{ d several d o e u rn e n t s . a LIS arrst-IJenmrst 'factory in Minsk. Oswald "Prom about June, .1962,. VUU U Secretly Lo Sena to " ' viucu a ,vu Avr Mill lit Litt _ Callll]1Uni5t agency, or .''sheet-metal shop of a radio foreigners in the Soviet. 'the National Archives #U t 1 A2 . week, four of the commis- . wald s defection. Shortly ......,... ... _.-_ 1. - not directed or instigated ,' ihmi?roo(+n.? +1,~ 7If?R .}..n_ practice privileges is ab-, 5 e r a a- log during has more than historic document to ,' 1en~ed the commission's ls.GB arranged press con- President Johnson this .i " ferences to publicize O Tvo years' stay in Minsk. 'findings that Oswald was I , 'l he use of a rifle and