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LAS VEGAS SUN SE'FTEiBER . 291964 Approved For Release 2001/04/23: CIA- DP75-00149R000600350 CPYRGHIT Lawmaker Challenges Report i WASHTNG'CON Students of Communist ageatcy, or hha- his:;, responsibility for the Intel;,- 11 que Linn but that Oswald anrL ' is Lei:nist a:ssocia?tronm, Bence, irrfiiltration mid toil r'isf.c. hi:stor y are going to find the Marr J A m-fila were considered by thr Warren Commission's report on:,beliefs, 'affillahlons and at'L gi operatioriis of the Soviet Union KGB to he potensid agents f r:o the a+ssasslna?lion of Preside it.' anteswere not related to his as.; and its a'liled .Commu?n?ist naI? ?'assination of President Ken iwork around the world. eiilter, specific or fitvre assr~t Kennedy as fascina'bin,t; for w,rat.n ' it down t include as for what it nedy " The recruiting and traini,?2 menu. "If this is a fairly a~crurate of agents for sabotage, Assassin The (((,R arranged to allow: contains It I Os?wadd to en-,,age in target p, ar, v Before.send ing their history( su.mimary?of the conclusion rm i al.ron, incitement of riots and all t lice and slioarirlg during 'docu'ment (o P'res'ident John~:c,t plied~ in ,the ccrmmrssion's re l,orhar forms of terror and vie,-,.more than two yea ,re stay Rep. wrote. "this lerice is carried out by the K(, R. stay ,n, port lour of 6e com'mission's seven ' ' 's Minsk, The,. use of a nifl , and members voted secretly to send f report will have reached an in Fallowing Oswald :s an ivai In, practive privi?leees is Ahsolutoly i to the National Archives s everal"complete, tatsa, and unraalisiie Moscow, the KGB arrang vt? forbidden to foreigners in the.': conclusion in failing in estibh~:h press conferences to publr?iza .. d arveynts , charging that Ite t:he true and uinima'te mr'rivatutg ?'Oswald'a defection. S h Soviet.. or, 1 ".From about :tune 1912, when:i iFfal'v8y Oswald, the ;su5pecte,l far.;tnr.4 which cnu e i,re f15w, Iii rltertafl(,r, the KGB provided r, la~:sassin, was a 3ovlet KCTf; in assassma.te President. Ken- i;?~.r~'h for 'him in the sheet metal Ogwual'd'returned to the t1,S,, ur agent. !! nedy on No"v, shop of a radio factory in Minsk. ,, Lid his arrest. for the murder ol; 'I,7, ]flf;i.' ?!dent. Kennedy y on- Nov: 71 Rep,,,Gerald R. roil, R Mich , + Pres CHALLENGES' FINDINGS 14.Oswald was not a skilled sheet Pies he was completely one of the four congressian,l i. Rep. Pillion; whose offer to it metal worker. His job w?as s ptr ` mernbers, sought unsuccessfully testify was rejected by'the, root- eienica[ job of 'checker.' This iii forts copied with with earn! His ef-? to include these papers, ittc.4ua'missioir, charged that. the tomh was a sham 'cover' job. 1 rn! a l?iwing for h's Ing Rep. John Pilmission' conrlusibns were con i.?,..??. family were hnlY incidental," a letter from Re? FAT SALARY s lion, R?'N,Y., in the comm.. - h?ary to the evidence, stating: "Oswa'ld was given 'a 5,voo 'I. "Oswald subscribed to, and, ~ sion'cs offioiai rP ort to the PrCS ,} -, ruble him cum a ment n~r 'avidly read such Communist, P these' findings are ronrrary p p Y ! ident. Theteaf :., Mara - Len.inis't revoTutiimar , Ito the known !acts. They rntitr, ;,`To gm ng to Minsk, F di . However, when Ford's mo!i)n' ' he rhreived 700 rubles per mo'ti?' Publications as the ~Militamt' ard d of our experience with, and the DailWorker, M include these documents w i.. as r+,ug _ a and an additional 7,10 ;r Y RADICAL ACTIVITY !offered, it was blocked when.the our knowledge of, the sec?i?et ter- t,rrhlec per ,month from the K(; 3 ' other four comrnis+sion members roristic operations of the Soviet , ;`? he 7(X) ruble payment. from 'Oswald parnicipared in th ; 'S P h li (KBG d '' ' - ecret. o ) an e t om .tims~t pro Castro mov-t' e ,'flue KG 13 N.oasfadseilyrepresencod Ip ? C c present at.rhe meeting remained; thousands of subsidiary organ a meat in New Orleanc He malt!' silent. irations throughout the world' ?`;a~ ema?niring from the Soviet a-number of trips to Mexuo,j None of these members. coordinated and concentrated to'.Rer1 (rn~s, where he consorted with Com- eluding Chief Justice Earl A, :fmt' undermine, disrupt and destroy "The 1:400 ruble monthly n, M-un.ists, Mexico City for ma.,y], lien, cba'irman, would ;secoitd.t~tc ,a.h non-Communist oI?itGcel or eeme o pa Oswald was comp arch a ?has been the head uortars p r; .- years 4 ,motion by Ford, who altio serv ~s der tri rhe salary of the general m in- and center for Communist pre)p-i' on the H n u s e. Appropriations "To ignore the decisive influ zi.her of the factory where he'1 agatida, subversion, and terror= Committee's CIA'wa,,tchd+?g sun i coca of Communist ideology, , i::wa al'l'egedly employed iii' an Ism on the American he.r,i? icommittee. Communist agents and as+socla ' 1IM1 --'led labor capacity. T'ie spheres. Nothing is of. gre-. ? ri i? instead, the commission ntem ? Lions over Lee. Oswald in perpe- C. 'KGB provided Oswald with a s, gnifican,ce regarding Oswald's fibers led by Warren ordered Ihe;' this crime would'consti scarce. And comparatively ? ,x movements than that,he gravi=! -documents dekvered to 'the ar tine a gross deception upr`n the "urious apaet-men?t 6n Minsk fo,', tared precisely to Mexico, ? 1I chives, where the papers will *'Amer'ican public and. world opin Period of more than two years. once, but on several occasion iite available-if they don't dis . tiro." "Osswa-ld married a menial "It is immaterial whether O~- appear-to researchers, future!'" RETRACiNG.,OSWA1.0 of the Yonne Cnnrmu?nisr Par".)-0 ! ward was specifically assig'?.d; 'investigators and studen't's off T1ep, Pillion traced Oswald s known as KGMSOMOI,, His wife, , to assassirate President K!: tilstory. r activities in the Soviet Union, his Marinin, was the niece of a Tier nedy. The fact remains that r, s; THE OSWALD MYSTERY, close association with the KGB. tana'nt colonel in the MVD (a(w, ; entire Communist hackgrounr. Of the documents kept ant ot, hi:s marriage to the niece', of a known as the KGB)." and training had conditioned, ,,? the, report and sent to the ar Fieulertamt enlonoel of the Soviet `~; THE EXIT VISA him to kith" chives, the (Sept, 10) letter from MVD, and his dater visits to i, "The grant of an exit visa in The other documents sent to Rpp. Pillion is one of the most Mexico City, reporting:, yOswald and to his wife, Marina, ; the Nationai Archives by 1.e c~xpiosive. "Immediately upon his mrivat;l is a .most erctraordinary Soviet commission involve classified in-; Ti tlaaly challenged 01s ccm in the Soviet Union, Oswald vc,l Act. Oswald knew more than a formation relating to Osivald's: mission's findings that Lea Os ^f: ,nr ri{y #r a ssocieted with ,~ month helots h"a,~ he .contacts with CIA officials in the, 0~I5, E'ntbry In Moscow, waldwas not dkppt* ea' Pbr ~~ ~ td l , tk~tlrlGhrF- G1 .i`vuQAkI11 ~ , ~ !Fated by any !mown Or,9ec,.tet, as,::the KGB.J~e KGIB.hl~s i!lte 1