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22 OCTOBER 1087 Re leas SUND CPYRGHT PYRGHT W30047- 45 lB TAYLOR'S PORT SECRET TRIAL OF KIM PHILBY AT 930 alt on his last clay in England, May 25. 1951. Donald Maclean was walking decorously from Charing Cross Station to his room In the Foreign Offce. Guy Burgess, nem. a devotee of early rising. had only Just got nut Cl bed its his Nem Bond Street Ilat N Aspreys. Ile was reading the Times and drinking tea made by his friend .lavk Geoid Kverythint, was relaxed and unhurried. By 1030 everything had uhanged. dirty,. Burgess warned. Ihrimpn Mint 1.1he Washington that Monald Mat:lean altoto interrogMed. made a ital decision R, Mat evelling Ilaultmii had gm. hl cloud of 1,1e, ?and liad gone with din Mit for Burnes, s ;I onneettyari 01.1. Mingr eeii ter, thdereni for Cant ably. the Me Sole! spy int. te Me Wtylern inlelli- 1?01111111.1.11, might hate cl imam, ted for amid.' it is nit, successfully defended himself against the charge that he man. Communist agent. The result of the struggle was victory for nate: the discrediting of the S S eventually became so acute that ffr flit k White was promoted froin being head of M I 5 to take over as head of the rival S I S. 0 hich Iv remains today. That radical break as ith Secret Service tradition is generally reckoned have been a great success. Littler Sir Dick, tirbane cis ilian skiff considerably more administrative ability than .d sailors olio went before hind the S I S works smoothly am! is reckoned ? c specially .ffuericans?to have high reputMind that lose How Burgess and Maclean vanished r1,1 h 0; is umweimed bible. But the damage Me to Ms wee more compensated by the ht Oak loyalty of his Mends in the dead Intelligence Service. LTIttt.d1V1,47ph117 ahilely ritsr`,..:"TeZt 'tgtage Ylite2712e`veli during thensbadowy period before he became an Observer foreign correspondent at the request of This did mean that Minn, the Soviet spy. had a mend chance to penetrate British Intelligence. It meant that the impression gained from Parliamentary statements on two occasions was false. The story of bow all this hap. feted Is In part the stmy of a clendestine bathe between the two principal secret departments of the Brhish Administration: the Secret Intelligence Serviee (MI 5_1 and the Security Service (MI 5). A major turning-point la this struggle was a strange " secret trial.' In which Philby t. tem rreellT.'"glarktean soda, not2.`1110 MM. a Irma :ctionsehitribriZn charge of counterBoviet operations 11146, gees to Turkey to organise riirer4ierg intinst the Rieseslans MiltergritgbrelK04.- The second phase, despite a stubborn rearguard action by Philby, is essentially- one of decline, detection and ultimate defeat: the destruction of the TinskliutetCleTeLP:f"gebVergl'il inthIllgencesystem. The dividing point between th Bwii'hases was the day of th releitaelan defection. Tin ;,:condruet Maynaletnats.'' rat Burgess's relaxed mood that Tirfo'tg is'atnergrOttrlibb:`riffil!: ntity. FLY FAR BETTER Ef SABENA JEDDAH Now 727 BOEING Jet service every Thurs- day and Saturday. Stop over available if required at Brussels, Cologne and Athens at no increase in the through hire. Coasult your T.velAgeot. SABENA +,* gera LONDON GER 6960 tiMANCHESTERCEN9642 reircIA.140 5 ,ViieRe leas LONDON, NOVEMBER, 1955, Philby, smiling and eon. fident after his name was cleared in the Commons by Harold Macmillan, boldly holds a Press conference. A film of the conference from the B B C archives show. complete lack of his usual hesitations and stutter as be rattles off denials. This is a transcript of a hat he said, aQUESTION , If there W as a 1111 111 nun. cr hid the third 11111 11 '.' Nr, Ito:, NW De >lea 1111111. there War one? No corrliNcill Mr Molls-. s i? asked to resign roin the Foreign 1nlice a lesiii,ititti, a el Burgess and Maclean disappeared Tli, Foleign S,cctrtv said in the past you had had Communist Thal is why you were asked to resign' 1 III oil,cd bemuse of on imprudent association. Thal TIT, TO, TT lion with Burgess? Correct 0111,11 show inmost association,' Can aiehhins shoo, rca, wow. ;? ' .1?H, 111111 ru have al.? -piihen to Ciandihnsi BOW ill11049thillUt it. Well. I spoke to Burgess last in April ? - srM41%d1. He gene you no idea that. he was a Communist, at an? Never. 1110SdAVIWRIMIlit.t14111-1.11111Y Mt) sits on ? part hemeb to be photograpked for the Sunday Times by hia Mitt John: His quictical smile and kis Russian clothes mate a - allay contrast to the soave diplomatle figure who twelve years earlier had holed the WRY Preis had Tirat't4:1.147 Ceti elation de ment of the a nilnotpost in the,oF drink, driving mes and inattention to duties. as' TO career was clearly the age of forty. dean, outwardly, looked in ch better shape. Only thirty. en. be bad been Head of ncery in Cairo. A set of nken escapades In Cairo had n a setback: but now, after e off for psychoanalytical tweak he was In charge of American Department of the ion Office in London, where k was not onerous bM mutton was always available. as, however, hi worse trouble Burgess: he had been passing m sive amounts of Information to the Russians. and the two reef men who followed hint at Whitehall were M I 5 men. bout an hour after Maclean bed his desk, a brief and octant meeting took place tho same building?in the dont elegance of the Foreign etaryls room The head of 0 Security Branch a. high official ot?', el I, II heiPletforrialforMin.g.0 th authority to interrogate aid Maclean about the leak, of information to the ans which the British rity men idd been investigat. for more 0.11 11 year. hi, brief. high.level exch., the result of a longer and e agonised session the day e at lower level Two Is each the three 20- lents 1111,11-1,1-0 I S. M 5 he Fortiign Illice?hnd met rs whether the 011111 11,1N nt gMe Maclean 'rhe men ar,wied for Im Mit F aid thal 1 Hite had eft unit; " Maclean. dh had me did Mal he was mid was hying tatt ?di telegrams, was tly lo mark rtreig e dm ;he Amor, :111 11, W1,111{11! AT. LONIM11.1 l.111116 of 1949, Kim plilby tank aeon.. S I g man in Wfalongtae.daa be was swiftly embroiled the spy-bunt. The crucial fart before the ball.- doyen officials ass that exhaustive analysb of the Washington embassy files If ado MacLean the tianitan app? riittrertCrYlit legal evidence unless Meehan cooid be Pertanded to meets. Everything, themfme, hung on a successful interrogatiOn. The conviction of Ile P0 men that Maeleen was "ripe " carried the meeting. PhIlby would have known at the inthrrogatim decidon within hours, he would have known from his own part in the SYS thmati. gation how important k Soviet apr mntn fled saw the tine " tar," gdanar had been sharply reduced. Th:r'giLern stilt how berane ro did not mean Immediate interrogation. May 25, when the ofacial's decision was ratified by Morrison, was a Friday, and this meant that the inthrrogatlea would not begin until Monday morMne It would almost certainly have nailed Maclean. Mm 5 lad prepared their best man. William Skardo. the relentless. courteous ex.Murder Squad detective win, had cracked the atom -spy Klaus Fuchs. haunted by guilts shout loth espionage and hninosexua. lity. was just out of psycho. analysn. and should halo been a helpless target. lim Skardon never yid to his man .1.1 about Me time lhat 'Yin wits giving his assent on Yriday morning, Burgess was taking the lirst ionhrele .cts getting Donald Maclean country nct, itdeta had two Mammon that nicht Brilann, Thin 1111r1 isain iii?ahig I'. a 11111(1/1,' with e ng n ono) ,holn hn,1 inet h ? month on the ipc,,h, Burgess went to tIlven meet the yin. mar; and lull hint 1 he trip might halo to lie railed Ile 1, 110 111111111 not nil later in the id ' Itay ;1:i .ramereis rrom eta."at* Mat ? ,Docim anything., eamotowesvorol iwoutomy pitoow mini hi connection urns me bolh day trip' with the atootioan. Banco. the lithe that hoot was cancelled, &nem warmly ptine bar efor made Mere about ten days" botIght a UM and ll'rh"" to Paefdrm Nttai afie droneoff through the rueleheur traffic to Donald Madeatahshouse at Tide field in gent. . Meanwhile, Maclean had no. with I drools in london. (lie mae thirty-eight on May 25.1 Macless was wearing his bat with the brim turned u all round his ItewanNe"a'abe'dr 1 shoot the otoild hon wIle N'e'd eh:tn R:e` 7:77an had tgut7gtill'Ittill " tails." whose instructions were to fallow him only &Idris the day. saw him off on lib usual 519 train from Charing Cross. Late that night, after dining at Talsfield, Burgess and Maclea,:t,000lha,nploo. Al mod,00ht. they int7e'ST-IrroMie'r!a7;:riTdeige's! ally tin the quay. A sailor asked w ailing, and tt'tlessN'ell=inank 00 ygoaclay? A feud breaks out in the secret world SIM. as for a mittitimo, 1111, 1,1'111141 1,1(11L,.11. 11. 1,111/11,1. .Nnil it stomas that 'Milts t luck Kin Tilll Illicsims for 'yawed lhal ne?tir guile erillain to item. N1f1,1011. t hose tit go ad w with Maelesn Ilti 110 met italtlt in,t;Itod o h n of Die Z ciALFi0p75-0Q149139,0900 moor astattusts...114.13, Had Morten alone vanished, Ptak, Would rawly hove been =mg. ,t keen tidulcleil was to be milled: balsa did a 'meat N111% othet ore who But Bargees had been In lainiby's home In W.ahlegfsn just Wore be, was remains, and On thP M Ht. .9 was a longstanding friend of Phlibyht irredstibly, hilly was prw moted In being one of the top halfaloaen suspects: II on/st cause if one drew up a list of Maclean suspects and a lid of ' Bu gess suspects he was the only man who figured assonant on next Pere 150 a week and treated like a lord PPP covers every penny of it The cost of emirate room in a hospital varim fmrn Ls? to km a wmk, MCOrding to Mc hospital and am. On top el dus,oreotirte, syme fees mirgeon, anamMellst, Ytt more and more people arc choming Mil'am Treatment mi.. worrying about mimey. Thcy am protected agalnst the ;ant through meriMerMM of Brims Patients Istan. For ? shilling or Iwo. week you too van have Me cam maintain and comfort Mat are beyond price in tirnes or illnesx You can claim the whom toll., hospital treatment. You tan have 111111.1111,1 nf a private toom with bedside telephone, TV and greater ;n vnaing hours. morn. You arc never lett with the halanst T. pm' ,our,11. PPP a notoprolit makIng ornanwation. Last scar over tn.go.?ii pod ashiciatim form a Group riemhersdp d . reolsol 11111 irp PRIVATE PATIENTS PLAN 1 1 ?Mt I I iPYRGHT lease Cruise by ***** 5-star Hoteliner to Madeira* and the Canaries SAILINGS FROM LONDON EVERY THURSDAY SEPT 141h?MAY 9th Just you and 319 other pampered guests on e 10.000 ton stabilised liner with bars, ballroom nightclub heated swimming pool, airthonditioned cabins end 5-ster cuisine. This Boating Holeliner is your home for the round voyage. 7 days at sea. 6 in Islands of Paradise?thatk your holiday-of-thlifahme I Madeira, Lanrarote Gran Canaria and Tenerife await you I CV13 DAY CRUISES from 275 FredSend., bee tuil?colnur brochure mosso 'n Olsen[ Lines DEEM STREET0050 LONDON ICI I ossu 7Irussell & r'Zbromle MBAR/MOAT TIMES. 22 OCTOBER 1967 INSIGHT or2A919:7 , VegeGiliEDR7 ..... the begInn ng of the war, and 'o'ieznirbMAI:iLz. irritroitZ:V. who began complaining Ilk fessional intelligencemen. In terly that they had given a inek the rengbusting police. man free run of the CIA for ... si, .perny giii....., ... 18 months whom they now made Director of M 15/ ita found had shared his house driein.,,,Re R. n man with a ous insecure notoriousmlyan a n d named- Dick White. who had obvily who had capped all his indiscre. onng graduate in 1836. ao5 Joined the service as a bright tioneywzzmztrg, e, ,I chalk up some not. fection a fouthman team led able RF:nl. aZ, =ger' by a A. Carey-Foster, the head of Q-Branch in the F 0, SOS, fortultuously, had flew to Worthington and gees avoided wartime reconstrmk Boned Philby. Almost ire- bon, its leadership remained mediately afterwards Philby ex-m9,_ntba et/M was withdrawng is= 1gr,:?.rggir g:tg1.n. Z ,:ge or apart from any suspicions the Thareem -Maclean defeetion, British had, the America. the Service was still being ? were no longer prepared to run by Stewart !denies, and deal with him the day. when lois henchman n? n .en.e. Iowa, n of Colonel Claud Dansey cou/d part 00 0000 bath to London kr,171nY,....T. 4.,...1%,..I, Piece of nerve on Philby's MY that he would : never than facedefect himself M the 'But the SIS was clearly and the music, rather y But having trouble matching., ;gr..' es 7,,P11,,nnit-.R...nii, to the massive arid powerful In his favour nal I eOf couree. 000001 KG 0?.11'. would R... inevi.nbii, in ti...... 0, hove been hard enough even ? the investigation of the without the fact that the "third 'n'n . 'ff''' Kut "" LAtngIrTirfgeleZ.n 'ST i't'f= tiV" =Mt.? thfc'o those days."?says on ex-SIS desk man, we just dicta t entirely different philoso , .., ,, .., , . phies Of security were bound fie`n a% Tp-Em: tr: sion. n:ver did until Penkovski to come into headlong colli. came along in the sixties" 0 The M I 5 PhilesolthY waS anything, this feeling of being , in _ ? ? ...... ,__. oi . ne of meticulous examine- under pressure probably ;,?.1,?:,,...7.z=1:?,? 0.1z?...?,?.v.,???? ion of files and records: the strengthened the SI S deter- e..//..i..j. oh.,,,,?nn? h sacs .., ..., ka,...., arid:. depart mem was a group of mination not to lose their best / / " ? " / spy/nit/hers, trained in build- "pro" because of the prth ing OP eaies Vale. thsPeets. judicies of Sillitne and White the Impression that Philby touch allow no ronsIdecotion The fits philosophy, essen- in 5115 had been dismissed limn oil of political borders to int. Gaily, was Med on Pe""al Philby has to resiee freei 004',Qm glhf,?rdid 1000 010lute. it was told in Cyprus. it trust. ee in til fere. At the Melkonian lest, Immediately and predict. . his Sefeigs on,.,. ---1,.. his rery malicious job in was possible to send a mes? inevitahlY. And it . isis A erica. and resumabl his :Jog, to Soviet Armenia . tr th ' t four davs tit on h. t. h.dlo the bmh Harold Mite:Milan, in e iliTes s gisifig ,r.jij P SP .1 ins sr hiiis S ' S of ,,u000 ePt.P'rseP. It the ee'e Of It IsSIL,Itt?t,Pr;,f,oe n r4T,Tzor!..;:l'IV,einegt 71; an allernalice. which wsts tffit was to admit that Phi., ;rjo,jj 6 0 0 3 30 0 47dtanol=7: Rot' irlat!,1,1 RcibhGe!';,. they had githin two bask 'Items &MIMI* Ow B aCt 00 Faro mbeg'insi tUhn:: 7/sTrktionPrrIta rat 474 discuss?howlhe could have which wendeseribld last week 000 10 Degubayasit. They had not passed hint s?intishteerV?Ikco"liapee4W of 'd ;he'. on the road from Kars Albanian subversion mission. nkorth'eodm nVnen gguarthwee stoodiksPIrditybeermrethliraled road was blocked by snow, both casee, the trial was an and no one at checkpoints on embarrassing chorister forth. the Erzurum road recorsed authorities It lasted three wha'ny. tilsgt/in th'en' dr'ird eon noneled tt: elliighte:t glaw. became convinced that Pl. could have reached Donubaya- sion_ .Earldvanphin,,b,Soyicro.el /kerma enthit Winlewnn: ito r?,?...L"ti"o7dthe,1712?1 border, At that thne the Turkish Irbas,,yersr"who were Lolindelmeew%h side of the border was only for th,r wartime security loosely patrolled. But the clearance. One of them, sum- Soviet side was lined with ming up the ensuing dialect- two rows of barbed wire ond kat Must. said: s It was solo fortified with watch towers the cleverest man in the world half a mile apart If Philby e ere lieinF tirossonuned by had crossed to Turkey from the stupidest man in the Russia/ Men he. had either world s?a harsh judgment taken an incredible risk or on Milmo, who did no worn else had been permitted to than anyone else inight,haye done M the fare of such finely. 'Tile implications of this tuned defences were so startling that the Phdby's to?hnique was in scientists. who were not fact relatls off. simple. to accustomed to nieeting Ill deny everything. and to spin officers decided that it is oold nut hi, stoic., lo the most Ito best to Qrget the Mcident. straightforoffrd questions " I It is easy to in:deo:laud know it looks stralige." he their reasoning It is 10,0 easy would say. " Out I diffiffi II tS?1 agent under suspleit. of evidence. beyond the bare working for the Soviet Uniott association with Burgess into an area where he is Washington. the prosecution b_o?ohndc,oe into oimant could get sm fur., " Was it a line day .1 11nly Pro theorists can Mils, wo.thl ask " I think It explain this. Either the S I S was 57 degrees, a klIght north. thought tffil Philhy had boo ris cond. somc ully s?leatod or cis,. P ffile " ffis, were plat toe hoe lis a tine a ? Inth? Ja, Poo ?, Ph st utter, a ee hour- of ths, treatment Qs tunic, mined inhici,i toe alslitios, lino of inifinlion- 1. yet en,. ini e.e. of most S 1 S mon ihn /ht 1.11.11, P ilhj (A, M , 5 wanted to 1n55, and Edward Heath in r the Ser'l'' d b r- ',',', ,.?' ,.. 1"".""."v -"" ave been kome e a e xi 1/1 p at cr. sou dlIffic ,..inned a make a looff. detailed intesQ Ica. made great pl in their imposed this They offered Commons. Heath. whose task of the ear he was back hard the NIelkoman liplitut ? 1 lp General So. Stewart Alen., loialties had at last been kind c'ff *agent in goe field to explain?espec iffily after the chief of the S I S Ihrouch. finally proved by his defec. .. a Isparre encounter nbi. inn Ishillphs mets?ssrie 100. non II' Russia, was portico. ffilI it looks. Iron, Ike ef ow or?,, jo , hould spend a day talking holy energetic. dence as though they used ,o ,ho o ?trot. ,.../,j,?./;_t ,j,, utw ey gs mer w iM PhilbV to Heath said that Philby .6 !in,',.,,!.?,,r., '?n,..n.'"jr','!?.`"jd? A group of 11 British if pivIlling has! gone asked to resign from Qe b"c"lhtee ii/-7. l? 'ije ? Pout s?sl smffitists mi a field Iff rnin,. inevitable, nes fforeigq Seffiice in July. Oil '-1 , e"cee' .lu; -' chocilitinh in Greco!, t Pita, donuts. was e?sp?ilan'ted /VosY ' l'hillis h!oi h's'cl t,.,',.. ,i.'?Z'j,uit etko?sto Toils, and ,S 11. I iff II. anteponiein a nip. of " eint. einpin . '" 1,11 "fi ? ' dr., into ,, Qum, s 3 s ',sentC'se , pori i iilli il n eilit tni. intif . lure 1M 1" 111''' ' ' ? ""'"" ' rit and elopped Iiir m '1 Philby 's qith an eininen1 Foreign Olt. en:ctn.:4rd in ettendant told thi 1, t snit of Philip s career tor in. :I the Whitehall like to gist. him a sub ,..? , lion of Qv porters os. 1 nee tbdt the f Op. er nu ' .'i's sssII resil'. "OXik?'""'"""I'"1 secret 1 ., I11.1 I 41.111 traMthin he obi, h S I S men sop, of asmrse ISO Obkerver e,:,,,,, on ,nn no,,,,on rucksack and tffies?ffitig on , ? ? e 0111,ln . the Friends ph as esirrespondent Q ?ffitl oleakly. ? I used to Beirut, that Ph., held at the foot found thla _tnai encounter ......- ...." Pleted their mammoth In. b. them as " the time of hts defffition in strange Januury, Iticia. est, after I.' hbeti.,_. MEANWHILE, MI5 had corn- ,. isca sert the tut, rffiffing berues?is the lire.. lettermen, xi. enttrely M P m ould probabl, hole Rol Mil 11?.41111r1 IIIIf.'irr ilentottint tb: Ift r ean 111 fnierl - ? '&11'0%1 Za tgert2:1 tirehilbieLltall .'. ,,' ? .' h.... IM ...ilk Twit:. test. The mmhod flnallychosen But Pbilby's sreiffieribgi in Turkey "M ir4 "r. .. - .... was a full?ate mock tnal, in in Turkey, and Ma four =4,-..- ? ?/ ?././ _Willek . the almenee of an ram out In the cold went of ? ? newcomer to rematn a like Cyprus ft difficult for .ibi. in rn n on? n. doe to it000ver. bo, t?otso o.o. I n October, 1935, Col. Marcus or bad Ine1g- Manger for long, So when l',?,1,12x.74ktbaurTer,l,rg ., Lipton, M P, electrified the Malty arrived there in Oct. trudged through the snow th whether a criminal proseco- House of Commons by her,1911,1hree months after T lion of Philby was likely to naming Philbv as the "third tds " resignation" he was the ocal tea room, a shanty succeed. In July. 1952.1earned man " behind the defection. soon swept hire the island or tin and tent poles. Kim counsel were briefed. What. social round. Philby was Inside alpohm tea exactly. would they be able and smoking a cigarette, Gradually the impression holding court in Turkish with to bring lb evidence? crept around that Philby was the locals. Although something must " something to do with the One of the scientists who British BM /I 0 "?the British knew Philby well said hello torPillitl;'Irc'd41%1"Z Middle East Office. Once an to him and then asked him acquaintance who was a per. what on earth he was doing meet officer was gauche there. Philby, who had taken enough to ask what he was the unexpected meeting with igigo. "Sitlying6rople,:. considerable c a I m said 'n agliai ' satngs1.07rnif or; holiday." The scientist, who No premises am cemplete4 'secure._ &MP:Wendel insurance protects the shopkeeperall the time Does your insurance fully cower the many different hazer. involved running a b.iness? A Prudential combined insoraniff policy Ion shopkeffiers can cover all the risks listed alongside. It gioth you the sisIvantags. of dealing with only one proposal, one invasions, one policy, one rent, dale, one 0111111 dl peva... And if coolly time rill have a clains, Prudential sffivice ensures I hat it is sellliel ltl''llll' III. A single policy can coven Fire. Loss of Profits ? Burglary and HousebreeMng ? Money Glass Breakage ? Employers' Liability Public Liability 'Goode in Transit Pefriperator Failure Scales.Cash Register s.Vondiuff Ma chi nes Specsal Perils including Tempest and Flood Call in the Man from the Prudential proved For Release 2001407/2T : Cl A my gMn?ed_.n.1 think there's room for both of us." It was the sort of answer which could have been true because it was difficult to find t'Veorgll'gr4ti:T:tvgle. (Sir Andrew, who was Gov. ernor from 1.9 until 1959, admitted that he had visited IhneowtrL'at Vite't did they dor). Philby's office was in a collection of huts in the atdrt of an 'er"1,Ztiff.s.": known locally as the 'stud farm." Unusually for a re. search station. it had radio masts, underground tunnels. and a heavy .security guard. Phillay was seldom there. His real job. of eour., was still with the SI S. Instead of running a .nbetwork of sgmnie, film tome toe SimoIlt heckled out of his office in Washing. ton, he had been sent out into the field As well as his charm and his S drinking there were two other things about Philbs donna this ffiriod uhich stood out?his sudden interest in Armenian Qlk music. and his frequent spells boa, from Cyfirso Soon after he arrived on the Philb, bonen to attend Melkonino Institute. e con- .? frmittentert Arirentein Inint all intl. the Lek. bill 1.111, be Anomie:, fron: Siimet Arbon. 11 nee lutenist rin place Arioiont. mirhapn. uorld Gclitlk Anil 111111111.10 %Olen onle, Reepulg Correction It. al,. le to 1,11 it seems clear tgat the probe did not stretch very far: three separate witnesses to the Vienna period of burgeoning and unconcealed Communist conviction recall, with some surprise, that they were nee, approached by British in. had suspected Philby's SI S yestigaters. 0000000. the p000ln 10- penal. They merely in totem ? and. as it happens. justified? suspicion that thee were pawns its some subtler gambit. Col. Lipton himself seems to favour Ihe idea that the CIA planted the Information on him, prosumably to ember- rass the Briti. Government into taking action against Philby A more Machiavellion interpretations holds that Opportunities for Professional men and women in MANITOBA CANADA 'e'10060033-0047-4--- RG INV-11(-iH tart t tat tit I At' 127: CtA- P75-OOt4 000 33 0 0SitV_ repeated several cided to confront him 4rTatntnrat,L,?41 'dhoe:Itzl ge,::; else: way which could neur be Now Philby began to crack, done in England. He seemed to be undergoing This was acceptable also to the same collapse under Macmillan since Phi.)'a re. strain that Maclean had turn to Britain under any to,. suffered in Cairo more than a cumstances would result lea decade before; but this was messy trial and demands Inc Ixamt,Lg=T:,7,12?ci??" ,Trn ty.'the ..Sreur':11V, than Maclean bad ever pts- Philby had already damaged aessed a man who was a SIP morale enough. Far better if he left the Vfiest for The CIA, less worried about public. opinion. wanted more direct action and at one point were considering a swift j'ait'eter rret; 1120?r fir7seer'ii-elar'vlit the British Embassy: they became so Third Man con- 'grd In try to lind out if he had given the warning. Aft. the disappear.nn came the pattern ol itorife letters now so familiar from , t e Burgess.Maclean case Einiilhnc none of his fiends ho h-lightest suspicion s going to Russia. even atter reports t he had arriod in Mos. 1.111, most 01 Beirut friends remained tog.. vim. until ono of them. an Indian journalial railed God. frity Bram, wrote to Philby addressing the littler ?. Phi., My Mingto of For,. Attairs, Moseno." In two week: he got a ? The letter ....rated ly til tarn/. , ranes . ahr T.. Demons Wham Its Marais Upton, MP, Above: IC. Palley enjoys a joke with Fix Mu Russola as ot 618 taPer. ?stre' ad gas, mg mud, ocho asked the owed and Jordan at Amman a tuna. Bleat Peaky .1hEleanor Pognarewer for Entkeraten Imam Blau Forks ratted ea Philbr mu 1111.1.11 tater eh .1.1 .re to Beirut, 0.91. Philby's and friends aaa nged it, knowing that the lack of proof would leave the boa- moment no choice but to "ge trulli'is more Prosaic. The whole thing was planted by Mr Jack Fishman, the resourceful news editor of the Empire News, a Sunday paper now defunct. Liplon, direct informant was the Empire News crime reporter, Johnny Hunt-Creiclew It was a textbook example tireftge tlieu'art'f libel, which hinges upon the privilege a newspaper has of reporting what is said in Pao liament with no fear of a libel action. Fishman was a connoisseur of .is technique and he decided to prime too Labour M its?both wiled for the catholicity id their parlig 111..11 II II S?Cltl. Marcus Bolton mut the late Norman Dodds. hoo? had thr fimpint 1,101. /11tarll al/11111 Philby the first pt., iahrgn is reticent: he murmurs of r Fast necnian contacts." But a..., matt mho worked on the Amy. bra a rather differ. 11. 111 ollection Ileum Maul, fig Ignittin editor of the New York Yung, News, until to intri for the Empire News da, a week. rah he says /ahem Pont-Crow ley tin 1. /rain 1.111 Kt/. roa Ito man at.. nt - en the free& al the into the defecilos. In sped, tem, It Is meth:Milt bow the details he adduced jumble Ingltylemet accurecY "AO sot cold feet about :Itga'arrnesiealtr;mrre spy-minded blitlItbB1101 0,,,. 1,7r..71g.rg?r: Parliamentary quedlen the time, Sir Patrick Dean enough to conduct a radical now Ambassador In Washing. SI g reform. The Prime ton). And it was, according Miraster, Anthony Eden, even to one excellently-placed confided that he took Inc source, a document remark- whole operralon as "a able for what it did not say personal affront." At this political level, tine Sinclair ptatoptly retired, reconstruction of events is and Williams, the unfortu. naturally a delicate matter nate PS A, was moved to But the PS apparently felt another lob Et-en though tin. thatIts jab was to play safe elates successor was already The brief therefore detailed virtually decided, a three- only what little was proved month interval elapsed before against Philby: a Communist his formal appointment. past and an " imprudent amo- nation," as the jargon had it, At this limo there was certainly some powerful lobby], for Philby. headed by the Influential Con. servative kl P and former S IS man, Richard Broomall. White but there is no evidence that this derided Macmillan. Macmillan foond a troth promise Publ., what weighed with hint was his familiar preoccupation with the liberty of the 1111(1 the power of the Slate /le was therefore prepared to go Mtn the Common, and clear Philliv?Itecause there was no prim( But his terdirt wits Mi. I'M. must To .1.41411. ahnut liberty in this crettem Itmenillan said. Pm not sheeting hitn. Just firing ? m lirst discos,. o Sir DOM when he o tth arr., hil, roust Mr Mlit? statennett I.111 h . t that ht. tail If in Kin Phil. wits mill than,- rn`lr,Y?t% t'nfearM Me all of Philby's Beirut friends, combed his recollect. takes (and admitted them), lion for clues which might the worst no his Beirut have indicated that Philby friends thought. Being an ill. was concealing strong Left. advised hut not discreditable wing political views. He 11PerZe0 11;PEP,,7t could recall only two?very sihtstcaee in the wind ()ne night Fistere w. WOMWIlrght'i'n'r:7411.).t1 know, or failed to notice at first, was the amount of time spent with the British S I station officer and his t re. qucnllripolofiypra,. theme, were the fundamental As far as his work?or aims of American democracy The name which emerged eocer?as a journalist oat and Russian Communion the astounded the secret world? concerned he began nib same? Me, said the Arabs. not least the C I A. The name certain advantages. He kneo Of course not, said Fistere. of the new C had 0000 100 some Arabic. hc had .ra The aim of soviet Coin. priority target for the Clan pendious knowledge 01 the multi. was to enslave free fop man In London for weeks. Middle Fast and. of course. he meh Fishre appealed to bot wns not suritosing that was the son of the eminent Philip'. 'ho managed to star. in this particular 1111..11 he arabist Si tonn Hew people nor out that he thought the fulgt1Dick rPillan and ''''Titestm'oalt hriltafrit'rth'startr 'r!'f'f71 "?0,7,m1", Professionai. bad susceeded another:. one owary reader Eini was for the Free World." Siiiitoe al Mllnlhinnloanr saidi Ito St 10000 lame Sister? recalled recently s I earlier For tine man to swrfch e . impecoaltle hold not understand how he an tiinilOr ? rehave in Atwb eyes. lie could eq.!. Comniunisin and lne :Shot' was bal.,' lhil 011 had friends everyo.m. the Amen/. Das. ab1. least of all in the hoii:uC Kini 0110 hn..tor usr d In Meanwhile PhUby continued of s I S. White's Club. BillIe 11,15- Thanksgiving WM, to expand his official contacts. decision was form th John II Sister,. a former Ile spent a gm. deal of time ly by /tarot ethic inagmine writer mare than .y other cur.:., treign mitre nth running a pend,nt, with people from math bt latiri. rind the British and American Cabinet o En.assitm Ile x-as it constant s?s? ? os ea,. on the S S ? chief.. old friend. and 'friendly with Miles I' p M t ottli known to he a retired C I A man 1114?Ise WNW. ni MR passim, Me ss Incredible scr.1.0 ,1r. he dld et care b :8 set snore " P Mat notVerrodn are ledispee seem to Inhn Plelby could do able. Philby was fired in any harm at all sitting in October 1956. For at least Beirut six months be was without 5 In April, Phdby had begun regular Mb. But when Philby negotiations to establish. a r1;81:c3oge"42d:rfeort har 1:w11=tr.,"Ass7nrIro7coVeigit' Observer and the Economist. ?nice man had made an he was secretly employed as official approach to The difficult bustnesa of keeping up a long-term cover. His work for hls two papers dried almost to a trickle. His drinking began to embarrass even bis most tolerant friends. After a few cocktails he would be incoherently drunk and social evenings often lasted only long enough to get Kim into a taxi. In fact, Philby was the best Why did the British Govern. Informed man in Beirut. In ment do nothing a/mut him? IPSS, for example, he pre. It seems that Sir Dick White dieted posiliveR that the was offered four 00.000. American Marines were going Philby could be eliminated. to and in Lebanon three days (Sir Dick immediatelo re. before they did in fact arrive jected this chimer as abhor. Fine years Passed in Beirut. rent.) The Lebanese Security As far as a journalist can Police could be taken at their have a routine. Philby had word (" There is no reason one. lie rose around ten am., why we should interfere with Or often as not with a hang. the removal of a wanted ever, drank a prairie oyster Britt. subject. to his home. to Ms lion recipe, and walk. land and PhUhy brought t'o0O=V. Sum Her, be cheeki-d his mail per.ade Philby to returMartil face charges Or there could Philip M. defecting" Tu Harold Macmillan, n Prime Minister. it w nmtler of small imporl ? it as ilob then thou Phil. was doing Ohne. he oas under sus, suspicio But to the S S gaily Boheirtmn so T 'PT ? .t o e sr Most afternoons he held coUrt at the Normandu. and man, evenings he dined out with his Is ide 111010 of friends and contacts Then in 1.1 it till mflommurmi Georg, Krikis the Itussimi sp,. was arrested and Philby. ith his agent, inbuilt d? ?r dt.ter?tor kneo that he mer safe When the n Illaki. o as complt S 1 S man. a r lose 11 1 of 0101 00 Born London midi a brief Mg immaraming ,. told him 1 hat there o rem irreftiMble 11 My had hem, ir?or 1411. .f l? ? I hen .1.iggerl slog remark 1 t en hts mtli tit mire, it., ir al of Ihrtld that /Terlel NEXT WEEK WEEK the lent:011s of the affair duced from the New Yorkl 10011l Tchst Seoler TereMo :TerretteirWIDtrptoenttd't ?.. to be the tea case against it burprising had written It in the Empire new News's office in lAndon. rise, however, could have Nobody behind thls exer. is appointed foremen the consequences the question would have. In hate PARLIAMENTARY de. public, Hie only response it ate in November had pro- drew MN a categorical gimp l'Hedtt,ktnre nPfiertneitY for ance from the Fonelgn Seem dl5.'5.555. tort, Herold Macmillan: c I on'1s.. Hot 5ue Otter time y `,7.:Thg; iT5'llt"e'i571,5Ttrr:InlAl?5"tt lime betrayed tne interests It d S:n.c15liLlnite on the thls country, or y ,fieng, hnn with the so-called ' third +PP man,' if Indeed there was Flitted ?re retirement of Spring nsa the cod tho%set To the jubilant Philby, des. t, 1raallereflro'24,Vt7,t. gome'l!e"roglil 2fieady leas ease. it looked like the 'ref!, inlMed by tlia? revival, final rehabilitation. t; 1Noly,t 00 tam How Harold gzitvgw,t9G.::,rv. Out., later ambassador in Macmillan W re rff st'lLpe'rrvZrenc over S I S's activities. decided .,1,7.1t%.2rTr'FcJI: to Michael Williams (now Minis. sorrel ?as ?,tr, Inc to Inc Holy See) was Man. ' degree." Ill ll .00 1i3O ectly involved in Inc "r"' "mek'Per ?VI nrn ralst come and tell' me t.very tim of said. He adhered to the code C ril Mat politicians should know 19%; who fa,ifird to reXurn Ithlot lie, a iot I e liccmmoy nses4okust rar,T, a sr lOb 1100.011101000 oimll:iimm, 01,11 lini,hiIo't 011 gW..irDierr.rIldtzt,,,vt?tr?y,tthigtLi:: tilt'ethst,sant'ttriT of thc ings. except on ohat he called mIld guard. this struck a and bolts trechnical ''?'?!1111 not the nest discernible :alma. Br set the linimitgin.le cal risks invoked at it should ever has conceived is an apt tire of Sinelair's lt.-11. of his WM .iihrtinctive .11.111I .11. Ihnaies would have him So would limner T iglectly .111 mt?hi One of blaitnillan's 1111.1101 colleagues esl the Aldo. pithily. thing rf the Busman Ehat 1Md The Economist through a third party. I! has always been a sore point with Donald Tverman. then editor of the Eionomist, that, although he checked on Philby with Harold Caecla at the F 0, he was never told either by the Zce or bv The Observer t nay's Wing MAU,' bad been strictly an official There is considerable evi- dence that the Comas Int. inntarinr Ph'ileavInanit He had "TtibiliZglirncnnittnalit'et he Ugonnrite'dirDetirl"M ld It When Sir Dick took over. negotiations were virtuVly rgiVimTpahcl SP4rfle;7171:',',,=. certain th' doorne of suspi. oion may hale bed in April, tom Inc Middle fisot. it ebectutnln 100 in the nnnme hr a1as at last definitely Philby cracks?and disappears RIM PHILEY was easily Inc meat popular man in the mc Obinil Tium Olin oh. Tga!rrae,,,f Le Tv cuiR groups by feuds and Iim0000l0 Kill 0,10 yoallhmiOl " he managed to II . And Or had vein, soittal career in Beirut by stealing another wite, even M., last months when he finally began to crack d back. Drunk or set,. ? often drunk?Philhy t. of those rare inim OAKS stripes again! We put stripes back where they belong. Straight down men's suits. Now we've striped again for the Autumn with a new range of subdued herringbone stripes in pure new wool Scottish tweed. Stripes and tweed suits are 'in'. It al it d ths The Philby book [lilt to Sorttem. ,ith ...ugh! hatil heal that debate Ilint Bei th m OAKS button 3 suit with long side vents, in five exclusive shades subdued herringbone tweed stripes. = = = = = SIMPSON LONDON TAILoRED Al better shop, everywhere or write to 34 Jermyn Street, London SWI 'Rels 200110i/27' CIA=RDP7-5-00149-R0006-003-30047 CPYRGHT Approved For Release 2001/07/27 : CIA-RDP75-00149R000600330047-2 CPYRGHT t ov)? THE SUNDAY TIMES No. 7534 22 October 1967 Moscow suburb: Melinda and Philby PHILBY The first pictures of him with Melinda in Moscow Kim Philby and his fourth wife, Melinda, formerly married to defector Donald Maclean, whom sne followed to Moscow after the Burgess-Maclean flight. Pictures taken in Moscow by losepline, Philby's eldest daughter by his second marriage. The Third Man Scandal?Page 45 guard ban OFF ?111 Apprqved For Release 2001/ Tenpence Melinda, Philby an soo-in-law, Geoffrey Abbott ,1;000. army 'defendsH 0116001,3004.11-2_ 1 "II__ aft. AM. .Nak go.