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November 11, 2016
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February 18, 1999
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Publication Date:
August 30, 1964
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Sanitized - Approv4 Po N4e*S&A ;5-
AUG 301964
By Julius Duscha
Staff Reporter
Then, In mocking tones,
e spoke of "the bipeds
"I don't know," Olive 10.
said, "whether Oswald wa'
too savage ' to work for Soviet secret police-and it'
29-Outside the night air
an' d listeners Just a matter of bookkeep ;, ; ?
was cool and refreshing. In- ;',laughed and cheered. ing anyway."
side it was stuffy and fright + Foreign Aid Ripped Oliver also said that uni"!
der orders from Secretar3
ening. Oliver solemnly warned . of Defense Robert S. Mc
Thirteen hundred men and
women filled the auditorium '.Ns audience against becom- Namara the Army "began t
Jng entangled in such pro- rehearse for the funera
of the Santa grams as foreign aid, assist- more' than a. week befor
A n a Valley asks once for' 'underdeveloped, the funeral " and Cher
High School , x ( countries, world peace and were. gasps from his audi
to hear Prof. 7 n 9 f y (,'civil rights. ence. .
Revilo P. Ol- _ mplication, of
aver of the 7Yetof Analysis Teacher of Classics
University of pry et Oliver, a professor o
Illinois speak
classics at Illinois, is a large
for more Oliver'.i words was that' man who speaks with a flat
than an hour. Midwestern accent.
Q u t s i d e white '.Americans are a
Ile has become one of the
there were a `~ Dusch super race and that other.
star attractions on theright
few pickets. peoples are Inferior. wing speaking circuit, and a
His speech Included such At one point he spoke of profitable circuit it is.
.phrases as "the' Warren the "profound biological dif- It cost $1.50 to hear him::.-
; gang," "Bobby Socks Kenne= In addition to the speech,
ferences between human CPYRGIfi
dy," "a hole called Harvard delivered in a dark auditor-
University," and "the su- races." / ium from- a bright lighted
preme directorate of 'con- ., He also was openly anti- stage on which a 7huge Amer-
splracy, whoever they may -Semitic. , He read, for exam- lean flag had been pinned
ple, in a mocking Yiddish as a backdrop, each listener
Bus the speech' Oliver
(whose first name is is his last ' accent, a letter of criticism got a ticket stub telling hivi
name spelled backward) oc- that he had received, how he could obtain, more,
casioned few comments In There was no question, 'information about the Joh{t
range Coun
y. though, that his ' audience Birch Society.
Solid-Looking Audience ?~ +
responded best to his sug.
Almost every night of the gestions that they were sue-
week in . the Los Angeles cessful only because they'
area, of which Orange Coun', had worked hard and that
II` ty is the southernmost part, i,
right-wing extremists are ha- 1 anyone who was not success-
ranguing well dressed audi- ful. was simply'lazy and In-
ences made up of middle-ierior and, In Mr. Doolitle's
class businessmen and their words in"My Fair Lady,',"
stylishly dressed wives. i`. These are not little old among "the undeserving
ladies in tennis shoes from, ! poor." .
Pasadena. They. are not Kennedys Assassination
food faddists, religious fa-
natics or some other kind i Most of Oliver's speech
of cultists. They, are solid was devoted to a rehashing'
middle class Americans. of charges he made last,,
Oliver, a member of the winter in the Birch Societ
council p f the John Birch Y
Society, 'got his greatest re- magazine, American Opin?
sponse during his address
i ion, t h a t President Ken
t h h
people. e., w1H wle ne-p OL
the , Central Intelligency~
ri ay Al g
wen a nedy's assassinaticgn was part
praised the energy and in- of a Communist plot and
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