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LAS VEGAS SUN sEPTEHM2g Sanitized - Approved For. R CIA-RDP75-001 WASHINGTON -- Students of 'Communist agency, or that his t.I:re:sponsIOrmty. for ? zne inrer~;? h quFwl,inn but that (}swald and istory are going to find tile Marmist;, Le r.n;ct associabnna, it Bence, i?n~Mbration aitd terrnris4:c Marina were considered by the ~ ? !Warren Comrr,ission'?a report on beliefs, affiliahion;4 and al42gi- , gpera-lions of the Soviet Union Kr, t; to be patenh:ad agelnte anceswe> we not related to his as and its albied Communist net- eirhec specific or falture assi t- the a-sa:ssinalnbn of Preside it' Kennedy ss fa'srina4'inq for w taf.ii`'as."wxhon of President Kart + `wank errnmti the world. menu. , nedy. The recruiting and 16.11 "The Kt,B -Arran ed to allow it' doesn't include gas for what rt g , , Conrains,? I; I "If this" is A fairly a~celirAte ; of agents for sabotage, assassin Oswald -to en^aga in target surnim,ary'of the conclusion rm 1 anon, J cilement of riots and ill. Before Fending their histntic. ? lice airl shooting during h'c document to larescde.nt John~,c, pl'ied~ in ,the crrmmistrian's re .! arlter forma of terror and vic more than two years stay. port," Rep. Phillioii wrote. this wlencP is carried out by the 1(68."' Minsk, 11w-- use of a rifle ancl? ' Maur of the cnmmissiants seven report will have reached an in- "Pnblowing Oswald's arrival in ,members voted secretly to send praoticp. privileges is absolutely`, to the Nttlortal Archives several'complete fagcr, and unrpa114t1r. I pie's c, the KGB arson? d forbidden to foreigners in the; conclusion in failing to esta'bb~lt press conferences to ptnbliziza Sovie documents charging that lee t. H~arvey Oswald, the s spe"cteJ thP true and, ulnimate mnrivntrn, Ocwald'~q defection. S h o r . l) "From abotr?t Tune iAfi2, when 4 a~sassin, was a Soviet IC(;l fwctnts which rni ie Ice O,sw,9lrl , t'iwwreaftcr, the KGB provided a O51Nal.d returned to the U~,S.,.ur. t n . A s c a c s t e President Ken ~?Iob for hi-.m in the sheet metal ill his arrest fns the murder o i l , agent. n,edy fnt Nov- 22, 1;103. i, shop of a radii; factory in Minsk. Rep ,Gerald 1Z, Ford, R-Mich CHALLFNGGS FINDINGS .Oswald wax not i skilled sheet President Kennedy cn Nav 1' one of the four con ression~~l 1i 1.163, he was ccm?pletely pr(w) 6 Relp. Pillion; whose offer to i -metoll worker. .Hfis lab was a testify was , copied with communism. 1Gfli of members, -sought unsuccessfully ' re noted by'?the comI cIenical job of 'checker. Ths to include these -rapers, nw'lna farts to carp a livi mission, char ed that the cam was . sham 'cover' job. ,?g for h s 1,Ing a letter from Rep. John Pit (mission's concjlusions were con-;,11, FAT' SALARY fA-milly were only incidental pion, R-N.Y., in the comm 'I "04warld wag given a 5 C00 Oswald subscribed to, and' 'I 1trary to the evidence, stating ' avidly read such Cammunr~t, sion's official report to the PreS E ".These findings are rants ar y , ruble lump sum payment i . y . Theleaf Marx - Leninist revalutionarYr den?t, is ning to Minsk !to the known facts. They ratttrn . litanC ard'1 However, when Ford's rna~"r~rr The received 700 rubles per molt ! publications as the Mi d,ct our experience with, and g ,0 the Daily Worker.' 4 to include these, documents wn 71as ttia es and an additional our knowledge of, the secret ter rubles per month from the Kr. 1. RADICAL ACTIVITY it offered, it was blocked when the t 'rh(,, 700 ruble payment from s "Oswald participated in this other four commiitstsion members rorist.ic nperatirins of the Soviet presert at the sheeting remained 'Secret. Police'(KBG) and the the KGB was6alsedy_rePtetiented In Cnm'mianist pro-Castro ntova silent, thousands of subsidiat-y organ meat in New Orleans He .made?' izations lihrnughoir.t the world as em;+n rring from the Soviet a -number of trips to Mexico, I- None of these members, :'t coordinated and concentrated to Red Crntis, _ where he consorted with Com-, chiding Chief Justice Bart War undermine, disrupt and destroy "The 1;400 vulvle monthly n, Mexico City for may d reii, chalirman, would second lie all non?Communis4 polibc-cal 01 came of Oswald was comparah e -years has been the headqua tats motion by Ford, who also sere ~s ,der. the callary of the general to i and center for Communist. prop- 'oil the H o use Appropriations "To ignare the decisive influ a?er of tlre. factory where he aganda, subversion, and terror , Committee's CIA watchdog ;ur> ,once. Of Communist ideology, wo; 'Alleged'ly, employed .in an ism ..on the American he.'r,i?il committee. Cam-miulist -agents and associa t1r19A'Illefl labor capacity. '1''le. spheres. Nothing is of gee , r' -Instead, the commission memt'' Lions over Lee. Oswald in perpe- _,..:KGB provided Oswald with ? a s'gnific uwce regarding Oswald's hers led by Warren ordered tht,, ?:trating this crime would Consti-: iri`scarce, and, comp arative1 'ux movements than that. he gravi-'; :documents derfvered to the ar~ tule a gross deception upon the .furious apartment ii,n Minsk ta,ted precisely to Mexico, ? ^11 chives, where the papers will'?'+A,merican public and world open i'period of more than two years, once, but on several occasion,,;. lie available--if they don't dis ion." "Oswald married a mnemb'r, It is immaterial whether O~ appear-to researchers, future;'- RETRACING-' OSWAI.D of the Young Cnntmu'nirt Pa"y, wild was specifically assiv- d. investigators and students of Rep. Pillion traced Oswald's r known at 1iGMSOMOI.. His wits, to acsassirate President Ei ; history. .~ aMivit,if.s in the'Soviet Union, his Marina, was the niece of a lied- nedy. The fact remains that r. s; THE OSWALD MYSTERY` 'close as:socia;tion with the KGB, t~na'nt: colnnrl in the MVD (n(w, entire Communist hackgrouttr, Of the documents kept out of, bi:e marriage to the niece of a known as the KGB)." And training had condition6d the report and sent to the ar- ,ijetrlerrant raltinoet'M the Soviet THE EXIT VISA him to kill," chives. the (Seepr. 10) letter from MVD, ' and his later visits. to .. "The grant of an exit visa in ' The other documents sent to Rep, Pillion is one of the most Mexico City, reporting:. Oswa-ld and to his wife, Marina, ' "the National Archives by I.e xlrlasive ~_ ._ "immediately upon 'his arrival,. ' is a ,most extraordinary Soviet commission involve clal:ssified in-, it, flatly ehillengedCl't' cem In the Soviet Union, Oswald vol- Act. Oswald knew more than a formation relating to OsWald's: ': findings that Lot Ow? not' rely lreca1me tttssociated with.; - month before that he and 'hi,, ' contacts with CTA officials 'hi thei mission", a1d was not direct frltV tn+fat'(P Role ; riOt0, ->7! t 6 ba atAt9l ~?Q ~ Tic. 1~Q . aced' tryi any}tVnown. ur sec e 1. as;;the KC>aB;' ,'the KGB -lta9 h?: " "I r Lawmaker Challenges Report