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Approved For Release 2000/05/24: CIA-RDP7 `art Buchwald in Monaco Onassis Gift to Prince Mostly for the Birds By Art, Buchwald BliWireless to the Herald Tribune O 1956, N.Y. Herald Tribune Inc. MONTE CARLO. Anr_ 17 - crate Onassis the Greek shipping opera and majority stockholder in the company that controls the gam- bling casinos and best hotels in Monaco, has just been asked to give Prince Rainier III a wed- ding gift. "The best wedding` gift you can give me," the Prince wrote Mr. Onassis, "is to stop the sport of pigeon shooting in Monte Carlo." . Shooting at live pigeons is an old European custom and ap- parently the Prince would like to abolish it in his tiny prin- cipality, where even the pigeon population?ts at a premium. Onassis ' Agrees "All right," Mr. Onassis told this correspondent. "I'm going to give the Prince his wedding present. I already gave Miss Kelly a diamond bracelet and our company.,gave her a dia- mond and ruby tiara for a wed- ding gift, but if the Prince wants "We have all the kusiness we can handle now," he replied. "But it will make the place a little more romantic. It will make it a little warmer. And more huma4n particularly if there are children. It would be a blessing for all of us if Miss Kelly lived a normal life here. Up until now the Prince hasn't been seen much in Monaco, but perhaps she will switch him around." Mr. Onassis and the Prince me to stop our pigeon shootings were very good friends up until Contests, I will, Frankly, I about two years ago. They used didn't know until I. came down ,to go to night clubs and stay up here that they shot live pigeonsi until 4 a. m. together. But for a I thought they used clay ones." reason that Mr. Onassis said he wrong Idea about this place.I They're under the impression that the Casino supports the while principality. It was true thirty years ago. There wasn't a stone or tree that didq t come from Casino profits. But now we're lucky to break even. We have to support the ballet and the opera and pay the wages of 750 people." "But where does the money come from?" we asked. 10 Per Cent Tax "First of all there's a 10 per cent sales tax on everything in the country. You don't see it because it's included' in the price of the item. Then, in ex- I "How do you feel about the didn't know, the friendship change for customs duties on' wl?dding?" we asked Mr. Onassis,. cooled and they haven't passed tobacco, the French government who. has been invited. . , the time of day to each other gives Monaco a lump sum of "It's '~yonderful," Mr. Onassis since. It was about the time Mr. money. The :-entire t'evenue said. "And I can substantiate Onassis bought a yacht for the comes to between $6,000,0001 that. To begin with, Miss Kelly. Prince, and $7 006Q00 1ftr payin for is a wonderful girl. She's one of We asked for an explanation. water, gas; utilities, the police,; the few movie actresses I. know the fire . departmC itr and the It happens who has divers' shoes other functionq, as well as $150,- .' "I don't know, it happens to 000 allowance Jo the Prince,: "Divers.' shoes?" I the best of people," he said. there is 'a surplus loft of $2,000,- "Yes, she not only has her "You take a fancy to a girl and 000. The Casino plays no part feet on the ground, but she's got then lose interest in her. The in the revenue. Wepay, the same lead in them." nicer the girl is to you after that, 10 per gent tax as anybody else." "Good for Princes" the more you dislike her. Maybe 'Don't you "She'll do a lot of good for the It's something like that." make the Casino, pay even Prince." He has been a terribly; Mr. Onassis also told' us, "If tually?" unhappy fellow to date.. He's I'm going to give up pigeon "Never," Mr. Onassis asserted. been living alone'for four years sh'boting I would also like to give `)Gambling in the, old days here in a palace surrounded by noth up gambling." . used to be an exuberance of jug but executives. What fellow1 "You're kidding, naturally," luxury and wealth. This kind. o t +s -cone, +. n land After the sun sets you want a "No I'm not kidding at all, to take money from little people wife and friends. You want to I'm against gambling. I always who don't have a shirt on their forget you have a sense of duty.; have been. I would like to make backs. There is a Spanish I think she'll give him the home the casino into a -church. We proverb, 'If you're going to-be life he has missed." could call it the Madeleine de a woman of ill repute and make "Will the marriage help busi- Monaco. . no money, you might as well ness in o XpprnyP_rVFnr Release 2000/05/24 - naco?" "Lots of people have the be an hoe w " CPYRGHT