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June 20, 1958
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.NEW YORK TIMES JUN 2 0 1958 Approved For Release 2000/05/24: CIA-RDP75-00149R0006000 STATINTL Bern Greek Golossi1- Aristotle Socrates Onassis The purchase of the Monte Carlo Casino tame about this way. Mr. Oassis, who had offices in Map.tevideo, Paris, London, New""fork, Hamburg and Panama, wanted an of- fice near Marseilles and Genoa on the Mediterranean, where many of his ninety- 'one ships wer; repaired. is the sort of be- havior that has earned for Mr. Onassis the term News "fabulous." Yes- terday the fabu- lous Mr. O assis testified in W ashingtoi before a special House Merchant Marine sub- committee. on ship contracts. Man in the TN 1953 Aristotle Socrates ii Onassis, a Greek-born Ar- gentinian ship owner, did the sort of thing that many men dream of doing. Annoyed with the Casino at Monte Carlo; he bought control of it. Aside from his multifarious ship- ping operations and assets estimated at $300,000,000, that that cont and other The dar, Aristotle.,O sssis was born in Smyrna, the son of a pros- perous tobacco merchant. In 1922-the Turks Sacked Smyrna and killed thousands' of Greeks, including three uncles of Aristotle Onass! , The re- maining memberhe tam- ily escaped to A in strait- tined circumstances, A family council tided that Aristotle, `them, was the most likely" to ild the family's fbrtu .., They scraped togeth e to the Casino said no. of ;s,ock for tG Rtchee At 25 he had a std his iiratt million dollars, During the depression"Mr. Onassis bought six Canadian freighters at a fraction of their `Wriginal worth of $12,- 000,000, and was In the ship- ping business. For a few years his ship- ping operations were unprof- itable. In' 1936, however, he ordered a tanker, and be- 24 he was na d Greek Con- sul general att epos Aires. ship owner to 'go into the oil tanxar - field. Oil shipping broughtim millions. During World War II most of his ships lay impounded in Sweden, while the remainder sailed for the Allies, at high freight rates. In 1946 Mr. Onassis met and married Athina Livanos, a daughter of Stavros G. Liv- anos, a Greek shipping exec- utive. Mr. Ona3si has homes in New York; Paris, Antibes, Athens and-Montevideo. He says his re tion is nauti- cal sports; owns an 1,800- ton yacht, die Christina, named for hdaughter. The Onassises als ave a son. Mr. Onast ,ships fly the flags of fiv ama, Hondi Liberia and He speaj with strd ofm lwi set. " never ami tis. fine,' don'.t oppoa it. my w} terrific g Costa Rica, i Arabia. t -and heavy once said. "I I understand Approved For Release 2000/05/24: CIA-RDP75-00149R000600090015-4