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Document Release Date: 
December 15, 1998
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Publication Date: 
October 8, 1963
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CPYR t/ :HICAGO TRIM NI E CPYRGHT State Mj Explains,,iY1n, HSTecret., Papers to Probers threatenedwii or c~wn? Press SeICfI is ri, Oct. 1 testimony for several mont Rusk, who ha AR detailing evidenpp'bout lax s the cpiittee, ,rho hand deli Cann.],. appointed to repree se .4u , ~.,4 . s 4.'uffer the' cons auen es, .a.i?uc expose. stale)6 ent employe appear `peiit'-'dlly for gait timatum by the committe Rusk was given a virtu of State Dean Rusk. in a direct clash with Secretar internal security stibeommitte which has placed the full me the mystery enVIloping a cee officials of "tititruths unde mentdti 'that the subeommi confidential' in the first plac It was oi4'the basis of this doe testimony, Otepkasaid, was t i Thee only way to rebut the mittee which appeared tq mak of testimony before'the subcom formation to the subconpmitt committee. Explains His Action Senate internal security su days unless he could' refute all lose his $16,965 position in 3 He was notified that he woul formal, written reply to charge , viewed as he was preparing his security ev uation . division we inter bureau of. security Otto 1;'.y pt ka, chief of the that he was, }ng_,7V_f1i'ctimized. for defending himsetf 'against other business, qu c y agreect o to testify "in the near future." still with the state department He is expected to appear in an in a desk job. executive session this week. W h e n the subcommittee k a to testify this Veteran in Security c+ ed Otep he furnished the he said Year , , tepka is thus the involun investigators no classified docu- tary center of a clash between ments altho when asked "I , , congressional investigators and could not deny J had official C S aucu upe suss rise Cory: He is 48 years old', a veteran "I testified, as always, with security affairs, who in 1958 the department's peznission ' s and guidance and the personal eceived the state department eritorious service award. A knowledge of my superiors," ear ago, he was' recommend- he said. "I did not run to the F dining advanced executive subcommittee or its counsel, -aining g in the national war col- J. G. Sourwine, .with informa- ecurity division of a force built where I had knowledge, I could p in 1953 by the late Scott Mc- not and did not give 'substan I eod, who was appointed by tive information' on individua resident Eisenhower that year cases." tighten up security proce- Otepka did-testify, however krom the Civil Service commis- cases. When the superiors wer security expert with a flaw- had ever seen papers concern ess record. ing these cases, as asserted b 1 ration took over in 1961, the "This put their testimony i ecurity division was reorgan- conflict with mine and with m k !zed. Otepka, who had been act- official knowledge," 0 t e p " Their testimony was ing as deputy to McLeod, was said. demoted to chief of the evalua- true. Since they had used' th tions branch altbo his civil serv- subcommittee forum to mak ice rating and salary remained their 'statements, I felt entitle unchanged. to rebut their statements 111 Clash with Cleveland 1 present the true facts." He dates his troubles froth a ! Initialed by Officials clash with Assistant Secretary Otepka's rebuttal was ealie of State Harlan Cleveland over "iron-clad" by subcommitte appointment of a panel to study members. He produced th the operations of the secprity documents about which. program. Otepka held that sev.- superiors had denied knowledg . undergo a Federal Bureau of officials_ who had denied eve basis of their records. He was "I did not seek thepermi - overridden: Sion of my superiors to re t He also objected to the Ire- their testimony," Otepka sai . quent? use of "emergency secu- "That would be nonsense. 1,11 rity clearance" for appointive charged with violation of orde ,officials. The law provides that when all I did was defend m - the secretary of state may uses self." this process, permitting officials to serve immediately mile their investigation . was+ post- poned. Under Eisenhower,, -this pro- cedure was used only five times. Rusk used it more than 150 times. Still on I'a at Callea before the Senate in- ternal security subcommittee ion- which- eventually blocked the appointment of William:Wie- FOIAb3b land to a sense v fore n post. eeirtReleese : CIA-RDP75-00149R000600040124-8 department officials reluctant. o admit the. communist nature