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Publication Date: 
April 19, 1964
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Sanitized - Approved For Releas W YORK E N APR 1 9 1964 HERALD TRIBC.TNB Ike Speaks to No One; CPYRGHT loo One Spears tm Him By Dom Bonafede Of The Herald Tribune Stall WASHINGTON. ve (lays a week, a Well--- built man with pleasant fea- tures and chose-cropped hair drives Into - the basement of the State Department to the section reserved for top- echelon officials. He parks, en- ters an elevator and rides to the third floor, where he gets off and walks to Room 38A05. It is 8:45 a. in. and the building is beginning to hum with bureaucratic precision. Ordinarily this daily ritual would seem little different than the pattern habitually followed by thousands of gov- ermnent employees in Wash- ington. There is a vital difference, h wever, It Is almost unbe- vable, not unlike an an-. c ;vit Greek drama: no one spr.aks to the man and he ,'aks to no one. In the elevator, the conver-. sation fades , to a painful silence. In the corridors, one or two people, invariably, nod behind a bare desk to face another morning in solitude, just as he has done for almost a year. There are no depart- mental Instructions or re- ports or communiques wait- ing for him. There is no mail. There . Is a telephone, more ornamental than functional since It never rings. FOIAb3b CPYRGHT His department superior ? never communicates with him, .I He, is prohibited from going into technical areas which are_-considered within --hi jurisdiction, He has no secre- tary; one who worked with him for several years has been inexplicably transferred. All incoming calls are re- The sole occupant of the ceived in an adjoining office room, for all intents and pur- by a girl who relays them to pose, is nameless. There Is no him. He never makes a call nameplate by the door as is from his phone as it may be customary with all high-rank- "bugged," He never eats in ing State Department officials. the department dining room Around the corner, a name- since it may embarrass fot- plate outside Room 3333 reads, mer associates. He never re- "Otto F. Otepka." . " ceives invitations to depart- But you would not finli Mi' ment social affairs. In 38A05. - ------ employee visited Mr. Otepka The room has been his Elba in his office. When the asso- ' since he wbanished there citte returned to his own of June 2 he was 1963. Tice, he was immediately summoned by 'his chief ,and The fact Is Mr. Otepka, ordered not to call on Mr. 48. Is a human island ostra- Otepka again. cited by all State Depart- Like many officers and em- ment workers. ployees, who silently sympa- This is his penalty for hav- thize with Mr. Otepka, the Ing too candidly told the once-friendly associate now Senate Internal Security shuns him rather than dam- subcommittee ^b t th fated the clubhouse rules. Since that moment, his ca- reer, encompassing 28 years in government service, in- ou e ii age his career. State Department's security. PI Several months ago Mr, screening procedures. By so Otepka, already separated ' doing he had, in 'effect, vio- from his normal duties, was e was st duttles and .no assignments.. a ;woyktng security officer. department, he was deputy director of the security see- tion, a ranking post of high- ly sensitive nature. He had., 33 employees' under him and his $18,200 annual salary is near the maximum a Ptate Department offiger cai earn. Today he continues to! drgw his salary. He' is still listed on the roster and the hall directory as "Chief, Di- vision of Evaluation, Office of Security.". Yet, he has no ; e wa dented eluding 11 with the ' State access to classified files. His Depurtinent, has been in, own files were impounded jeopardy. His superiors when he was moved out of maintain he released classi- his original office and they fied material without' au- were never returned. . thority, a charge whit he Formerly, ?he received a denies and is fighting. small mountain of confiden- When he allegedly breached 'i tial reports from the FBI and I roved For Release : CIA-RDP75-00149R000600040046-5 Associated Press Otto F. Otepka: All alone at State. n mute. recognition, uickly lower their eyes. 1,, told to write a handbook on security evaluation. Despite the esoteric nature of the work, h s CIA daily, concerning Com- . munist subversion, .. No long- er do they come to his desk. .He has written memo a.f~er memo explaining the inlpos- sibility of writing a hand- book without current Infor- mation. The memos have not been answered, Sinte he has no secretary, he was given an old dictaphone but it was subsequently taken away. He now believes the assign- ment was a ruse intended to make it appear h ill