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Publication Date:
October 7, 1964
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Sanitized -'Approve. .or: eP s CI
daff `in'Secura tai Pro besBs
Simpson Asserts
Cases`. Wait
for' $ Years
.of the. state department's of,
Tice of security.
"I have been informed on, un-
impeachable authority that the
subcommittee has amassed a
great volume' of testimony and
evidence in support of my ob-'
servations on 10 o a e security
procedures in the state depart.
he said. r
"The subcommit(:oe con
troled by Democrats,, has ques-
(Chicago Tribune Pros! Service]
`? Washin ton, Oct en: Mil-
war L. Simpson (L, o j
charged today that at least 15
top-level state department offi-
cers were ? recommended for
suspension or- separation eight
years ago on security grounds
but have been retained without
adequate investigation . of the
evidence against them.
Simpson said he was not ques-
tioning the loyalty or stability
of the 15 officers but 'attacking
"the. unconscionable and ridic.
ulous system under which, these
15 could 'be.'..retained by the
state department without a coin-
plete reevaluation 'and investi-
gation to clear up -the original
charges that led to recommen?
!dations. for their dismissal or
Ten -of the 15 officers, Simp-
son said, occupy government
positions in grades between
GS-13,and, GS-16 "(receiving sal e called up the state depart-
$l8)0001 and the other five hold
higher grades..
."AII Important Jobs"
"All hold jobs of substantial
importance, including deputy
assistant secretary of state, of-
fice director, first secretary of
embassy, .counsel general, and
co,pnsel," he. said. "Foreign
service officers are not unrep-
resented ,.in 'the group of 15."
Simpson indicated that his in-
ormation camp from the rec-
ecurity subcommittee, which
gation for' almost three years
seriously "questionable" in re
gard to the security responsibil-
ities of, the department and'
urged his superiors to.take ac-1
tion to avoid the possibility of
"another Alger Hiss case."
"Clearances Are, Issued'
"Security procedures in ,the'
state department;" Simpson said';
in a statement, "ostensibly pre-}
vent security, risks from gaining'
access to sensitive posts or in-;;
formation. But top-level officers
can overrule the security find-
"Numerous : 'top-level . clear-;
?ances have been issued to over""
rule recommendations t h a V
certain people be, suspenaed or
separated. These :have com4?
even in the face, of unanimouai'
concurrences; f a v o r i n g dish
"It is clear that in such in,,
-stances the mete act of order.
ing or issuing a' clearance does;
not; change. the facts which led,
to the adverse recommendation
in the first place: In'every case
during the last 10 years where't
a, security. clearance has been {
retary of state, the secretary's
action came arbitrary re-"
pudiation of the"judgment of
security conscious subordinates'!
who had passed on the case.
Cites Otepka Ouster
Simpson said the dismissal of
,Otto F. Otepka, state depart
pent chief of security evalua ,
ship" to the compilation of ?
the list of security risks be-.:?
.cause Otepka was the "lash
stop security officer still with'
the department from the days;
When McLeod ran its security."'
Otepka was fired last year"
because he testified before the
Senate internal security sub-.I
committee and gave informa-'
ti6n on. lax, s ec u r i t y in his
branch.. ?..
,Sanitized - Approved',*.', or Release : CIA. RDP75'-00149R00060004002.5 8
tioned scores of witnesses and
accumulated bulky documen=
ary evidence in executive
essions during nearly a three,
ear period. It has not pub-;
ished any of its findings and
pparently does not propose to
o so before,the Nov. '3 elec-
"The Treason for the delay
Light be deduced from thq
tatement by a member of the
ubcommittee that the hearings
ontain political dynamite. T
ink the American public, is
ntitled, without further delay,
be informed of conditions
earing on our national secur-
Hold Key Positions
All 15 state department offi-
rs hold highly sensitive and
eat to use "the clear remedy.
ailable" for, determining if
y of.the'individuals represent
security risk, instituting re-
ve;tigation and reevaluation
their security, status.
The process 'should be ex
nded to all state department
ficials and employes a we r.
ommended'for suspension or.
paration on security. grounds,
y positions
Simpson noted
The 15 state department offi-
rs, Simpson said, were on a
t of 800 potential security
ka compiled in 1956 by the
e Scott McLeod, then head of
security office. McLeod. re-