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September 28, 1967
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FOIAb3b September apr1iti ed - App(Dbt M0RALW 0CU4-R 8149R0006000400 41 These nine citizens, we believe, will be a Because it has dragged on for go long, and on the record of. the State Department. In genuine voice for the people of Washington. because of what it reveals about the hidden the minds of many Americans, it will cast We think they represent this city. We be- inner workings of the State Department, the doubt as to whether the conduct of their lieve they know and understand and will . Otepka case deserves recapitulation. country's foreign affairs is in completely certainly learn all about its urgent problems. It .probably began in 1955, when Mr. trustworthy hands. I hope the Senate will act promptly so that .Otepka, then chief of the Evaluations Divi- the new city government can move rapidly. sion of the State Department's Security from promise to performance. Branch, was asked to evaluate the record of With them, Mayor Washington, you and a prominent figure-as yet unidentified- your Deputy Mayor Fletcher can now show who was being considered for appointment America what concerned and aroused muni- . to a sensitive post in the Government. cipal leaders can do. You can improve the Mr. Otepka produced evidence from secret lives of your fellow citizens. You can trans- y 'CIA files showing that the man in.question form this city into a proud home for all had been denied a position on a Cold War the people. Some of the most enlightened Members of the Congress, who at great sacrifice to themselves, have fought for years for a better government for the District of Columbia, are here this morning. We are grateful to all of you for having come. Now, Mr. Mayor and Mr. Deputy Mayor and City Councilmen, it is up to you to get with It. And you had better learn these Congressmen and Senators. THE OTTO OTEPKA CASE-A BLACK MARK Mr. HRUSKA. Mr. President, this week another page in the history of Otto Otepka will be written as briefs are filed in the appeal from his discharge as a State Department security officer. Per- haps now, after almost four and a half, years, Otto Otepka will be exonerated. Unfortunately, the outcome of this hearing makes no material difference to Mr. Otepka because his career already has been ruined. Perhaps, more impor- tant, it makes little difference to the security of the United States. The dam- age has been done; in large measure it cannot be repaired. It will do the administration little good to try to sweep the Otepka case un- der the rug or to wish it into oblivion. Many of us in Government and many private citizens will recall often the shameful treatment accorded Mr. Otepka by the State Department. The indefen- sible way the Department tried to elim- inate a conscientious security officer who disagreed with his superiors has been etched indelibly in our minds. Otto Otepka's fate also has been etched into the minds of State Depart- ment security officers and those who will follow them. How many will be guided by loyalty to their country, and how many will be guided by the heavy-hand- ed whims of their department superiors? It will take exceptional courage for these security experts., to oppose their supe-- riors, even in eases of, clear danger to the Nation. It is here that America will pay most heavily for what has happened to Otto Otepka. Mr. President, an excellent summary and appraisal of this entire episode ap- peared in an editorial published in the Omaha World-Herald of September 24, 1967. I ask unanimous consent that it be printed in the RECORD. There being no objection, the editorial was ordered to be printed in the RECORD, as follows: A BLACK MARK The Otto Otepka case is surfacing again in Washington. Lawyers' briefs in the appeal of the fired State Department security offi- cer will be filed September 29. Thereafter a hearing officer will recommend to Secretary, of State Rusk either that Mr. Otepka be re- instated or that his dismissal be upheld. strategy board because of "reservations" about him as a "security liability. The man. was passed over for the appoint- ment. Twice more in five years the same name came up, and both times Mr. Otepka pro- duced the same evaluation. In 1961, under a new Administration, Mr. Otepka's reservations about this person were overruled. Observers who have followed the case closely believe that Mr. Otepka's de- cline began then. In 1963, the Senate Internal Security sub- committee was investigatdng' allegations of lax security procedures in the State Depart- ment. The subcommittee counsel called on Mr. Otepka, who produced records of his findings and recommendations in several cases, in- cluding one in which he had balked at granting "emergency" clearances for 10 pe- sons recommended for appointment to a State Department advisory committee. Shortly thereafter, on June 27, 1963, Mr. Otepka was removed from his job and put to shuffling papers in another assignment. A campaign of harassment began, accom- panied by State Department charges that Mr. Otepka had acted improperly by provid- ing the Senate subcommittee with classified information. Mr. Otepka's telephone was bugged. His safe was cracked by State Department offi- cials. Four security officials who supported him were transferred to meaningless jobs, and two of these later were fired. (The two appealed, were reinstated, and promptly re- signed.) Two officials perjured themselves in an attempt to cover up evidence about the telephone tapping. Mr. 'Otepka was suspended formally in September, 1963, and was fired in November. He immediately appealed, but hearings on the appeal were postponed six times. The hearing finally. was held last spring-four years to the month from the time he was first removed from active service as a security officer. The Internal Security subcommittee hear- ings, which produced a transcript of 1,500,- 000 words, revealed indications of a system- atic State Department purge of "hard" anti- Communist employees, of whom Otto Otepka was one of the most prominent. The hearings revealed indications of Ex- ecutive pressure to provide security clear- ances for some, questionable risks, including William Wieland of Castro fame. They also revealed a picture of Otto Otepka as a stubborn, conscientious civil servant who insisted on doing his job in the face of subtle pressures designed to lower the security bars to sensitive, high-level positions. (It was re- vealed after Mr. Otepka was fired that 63 State Department employees, including three senior officers in the Foreign Service, had resigned in 1963 after being confronted with evidence showing they were security liabili- ties.) The irony of the case Is that the State De- partment persecutors of Otto Otepka will have won, no matter how it comes out. Even If Mr. Otepka is reinstated, which doesn't appear likely, his career Is ruined. Any sue-' cessor in his office will remember vividly how conscientious work is rewarded, and can be expected to trim his sails accordingly. The affair will leave a black mark forever JAPANESE PRIME MINISTER SUP- - PORTS THE AMERICAN POSITION IN VIETNAM Mr. McGEE. Mr. President, I invite the attention of Senators to the news today that Japanese Prime Minister Eisaku Sato has supported the conditions set by the Johnson administration for ending the bombing of North Vietnam. The Prime Minister said: In any suspension of the bombing of North Vietnam there should be a firm assurance that it will lead to a suspension of hostilities in the South. And the Prime Minister also noted that it is not enough for the United States to. want peace in Vietnam. The Com- munists must also share this desire. Mr. President, these remarks by the Japanese Prime Minister are very signifi- cant. Mr. Sato is one of the most in- fluential and respected statesman in Asia. He represents a nation which has known the ravages of war. Yet he sup- ports our position in Vietnam as one that is both reasonable, sincere, and necessary. This Is not a solitary statement of sup- port from Just one Asian leader. There have been other statements of support for American efforts in Vietnam from numerous Asian leaders in the past, and I have referred to them on this floor before, Some months ago.the Prime Minister of Singapore said?that if the Americans leave Vietnam "we're finished." The Prime Minister of Malaysia said that the American presence has made. the difference between "Asian stability and Asian chaos." The President of the Philippines, the Prime Minister of Australia, the leaders of Cambodia and Thailand have all echoed similar sentiments. Asians support our efforts with more . than words. There are 45,000 South Koreans fight- ing for freedom in Vietnam. They know what Communist expansionism means. Just days ago, Thailand sent 2,000 of its crack military men to South Vietnam to help fulfill their commitment to free- dom. And, of course, the valiant South Viet- namese have almost three-quarters of a million men under arms. The. United States is not alone in Vietnam. Asian leaders and Asian people want us there to help them resist what is, in reality, aggression against an enitre area of the world. The statement yesterday by the Prime Minister of Japan, supporting our posi- tion on the bombing of North Vietnam, is another drastic illustration of the fact that this, is a struggle for all free and independent people. The Asians, above all, know it and want us to persevere. - . Those who say this is an American war ought to realize that the people and\ leaders of Asia emphatically do not ac- cept that description. - Sanitized - Approved For. Release : CIA-RDP75-00149R000600040008-7