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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/04/09: CIA-RDP75-00149R000500450030-8
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/04/09: CIA-RDP75-00149R000500450030-8
lbulles Lapse in Briefing,
May Have Tipped .Electil
Ex CIA Chief Unwittingly. G;ve Kennedy.
An Issue That Nixon Couldn't Touch
1 he reason; He ? ac privy to, Saw It as Issue of Policy
weeks ,of the campaign. overt to covert." r
and unable to Ro after Mr. Ken- 01n world situation:ihey did not-rs
nedv_with fuil steam and:vitriolicover our own overnment's.;
on the issue in the vital last two pans or programs for- action, ?
nificant political mileage for Mr.; _-A-s-' Mr. Dulles briefed Mr.;,.
Kennedy in the Castro. issue. ictevenson In 1956, so he was
Ignorant of Invasion Plans ordered to brief Mr. Kennedy in
Mr. 1960. But, as he said in a state-,,~+
was In his Nixon $ hohanks, ,Six eed Crfislees ece rient Tuesday: ' My briefingsr
. ,"
hi--elates how lie was frustrated Isere Intelligence triefings oo.
to icit mr. t'enneay an about; matters so be could discuss for
Cuba must center on the.ques-eign policy on a knowledgeable-
?,ie eeu ,t wa3 I'VbL we we unt min.. - e
Any fair analysis of the elec for Mr. Stevenson to be con--
lion than the usual teapot-i 'Ahy did Mr. Dulles hold out.'
:-mrest varirty of post-election on Mr. Kennedy and Rive ;him*,
reveations. the opportunity to win votes,
Because Nir, Kt?nnedy was,and nail down the election?
kept ignorant before his electionSame Procedure In
'St .
n? the Eisenhower-Nixon plane It is necessary to go hack' tn
for nioo-tting an anti-Castro in- 1952 when President Truman, in"'
va-.on it now turns out pars-ta smart gesture, ordered that,
doxically that the riemoctaticiCIA briefings on the global situa-t
nnminre henefited from a phe-Ition be given to both White!
nomenaJ?: r,.~kv political break. I-louse candidates, Adlal E.r
But fur it, he could well havestavensunandGeA.Eisenhower.
been defeated.- and Mr. Nixoni 'Gen. Eisenhower followed the;
wnutd now be in? the White came rmcedure in 1956 HP hp,-'
crisis deserv(-s more examirta- trim, and he. was a-patriot,- i'
campaign from briefing John P.teven . in the election: ? But i si
disturbed Mr. l~ljton,';ytrhp" ~ew..?=x:
mer CIA Chief Allen Dulles heId~
ChIcnpo Tribune Pratt S.svf not juit atattd >ttilL
WASHINGTON, Metcai 23 r . It wPP a .vote-pr90 ucit .Te..
The amar.ing disclosure that tor?lsponseto The Ke,nnedy:camp,. It
By TED LEWIS he would do setrtetbilig atbdut It.
tion under wraps. fyt in thn;P too Pre-men-ii,.
But Mr. Kennedy was happily Y"? TS the ^ wits no cloak-and-s,,.
i.Cnnrint-in October.I!S0 of the dsft; r psi' raratinder way on
invasion preparations. ,%ny dbuht rr3 . cal; tl, t Cnu)d, ,,trevelnn I l?
-.~. ? .t,lw;, t.. s... . _-,,.?. ? -. N R r i t-i ?.t (0440 W. i-tr .y, N..;
'o fl ha', 11-1- forced t) soft- ', "= ^
pcoil:he Cub?nissue. lie' iuld n,t. ?rd rf Ir,t ucm't it have
ir,ste.,d, it seas an issu teat . o-i .pt - i is r, ?1e,
1- Id h.,d a do 11,..h;ng pot;cy
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/04/09: CIA-RDP75-00149R000500450030-8