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'W !Sl1IN,iT YA md For Release 2004/02/10: CIA-RD 75-00149R000500420021-1 Jo a-aas product in the Ia4t two years ~n'_- was less than 2.5 per cent. ri lie a of little showing- The eco:rornic '~~r Ihei.r work contin.nelii., slowing down, grinding to a i,,,, r-;rir work continicelli, stop. If we are patient it may 1,o,id and drrn co;'ithz: c!ir, yet go backwn Js. 'v.'r~a;, f.,'iry rru.t,:i than , their knorritiq " then for Western countries to "xtend to the Soviet Union :iuote, of course, from I,c- large export credits! I learn l; it+,fcs, with an assist.-from from the New York Times phrase, they have come to our i rscne. At the last moment they have made for its a sov- s^re;gn remedy against the fearful creeping malady of peace. I, for one, have never doubted they would meet the emergency. There are some, to be sure, ,who do not share my commit- iii'iit. Unkind things have sir spoken of the CIA. A they are. And worse. academics; parvenu do it: yourself revo- r~- half-baked ,philosophers; troublemakers; incom- gietcnt military planners; in- i' rn;ii busybodies; hirers of tt.c largest collection ever as- si mbled of foreign dingalings, psychotic patriots, and second rurdcr ers. 1 protest. .aid of an 18th Cen- ?:r= ician that it was his io be perpetually tic," have been used. The aca- roistal;en. Let the CIA record demic critics have been un- speak. The U-2 affair, the, able to contain their astonish- e)vert.i,row of the governments ment, the Times relates, at the of Guatemala and Iran, the CIA's reversal of their awn po- i,ay of Figs, she Viet-Nam so- sition, for as recently as last I.hion, the break with Cam- year they suggested a 6 to 7 tocha. From strength to per cent annual growth of the atrength, a highway of tri- Soviet economy. Fiddlesticks. r.n;phs_ Things and actions are what And now the crown, a time- they are, and the conse- lv, impeccable analysis of the quences of them will be what conomic miseries of the So- they will be: why then should Or't. Union. There have been we desire to be deceived? The serious crop failures: in par- CIA men' stick to the facts; tioular, a disastrous drop in their appraisals are supple grain production. As a result, and responsive. They may 3.hc CJA estimates, the growth change tomorrow-and a good of the Soviet gross national thing too. Lion will use this argument a linchpin of its wheel of for- eign policy. It may,,not be ob- vious how this ;j;bes with the President's fervently ex- pressed desire in his State-of- the-Union Message to dissolve the hatreds of the, world, to be "bold in our search for new agreements which can enlaa? o the hopes of all while violat- ing the interests of none." But high policy is alw, . '= myste- rious and there are stranger ways of gaining a people's confidence than by kickiilg them in the belly when it is empty. The importirt thing is to make clear to t:....t Z .,. for their own good. Amor vincit om.nia. It has come to my notice that the CIA statistics are not everywhere fully accepted. STAT Moreover, what diffe,,cnr e can a few per cent make'? The noied Princeton economist, .-_ .. Oskar 11'I01'get'.5t...t ?110 ....':1 `:,c ;ale john von Neumann wrote the classic work on game theory) points out in his well-known book, "On the Accuracy of Economic Obser- vations," that large-scale sta- t.ictics are almost always "un- rcli,,ble and misleading." Ilis- tory is filled with examples. It has been found, for in- stance, by the historian llans Dclbrueck that "if the Greek claims regarding the strength ' of the Persians at Thermopy- lae were true, there would not even have been room for the Persians to occupy the battle- field," and, given the roads of the time, the last Persian troops would have just crossed the Bosporus when the first had already arrived in Greece. Well, it may he said, these the assassin, were in some - were Gnock statistics. Rut tiro neasure r-csponsibie for the treds we [ell '1" h d , a Y.:c Census Bureau, which in the tr:1ae .'l C :naus recorded a sur- the hatrru; v.~e tolerat erl haul prising number of widowaa cre,it.ed the eIin:,.', tonclucive t 14-year?old boys, does not do to this el ii deed But the nr- much better; and our Agricul- nod of 'ontrition way; h.,=,[ tore Department in es';--...sting and certainly not sufficiontlY ('1111, own, not Soviet, crops, Prolonged for penance. %N 111111, has been known to wander be a week or o we were rc.. (has 450 million and 380 mil- sured. Sundry .,ournaiist, r.:i,l lion bushels, a margin even Pundits imparted to us thn Mr. Estes e ?^ 'r: -us tidings that our ima;,e My faith remains. The CIA 1 abroad is unimpaired,h:,: the is doing a splendid Jo o, Be- essential "goodness" or ,% ncr- sides, they mean well. One of ica (as o is di tmguished col- the characters in Aldous Ilux- uninist described it) is ri,r,ver- ley's "Point Counter Poinf' sally recognized, and that our observes: "If you look up 'In- belovedness rating is now at a telligence' in the new volumes historic high. I am no sur? of the Encyclopaedia Britan- prised. We are loved because pica, you'll find it classified we deserve to be loved. No bo- under the following three reau or department of our II , Government has More man Among university experts on the Soviet economy, it is re\ ported, the CL,'-'s , cr:a1usians have been "generally chal- lenged." Such epithets as "ab- , heads: Intelligence, u Intelligence, Animal; Intelli- gence, Military. My stepfa- ther's a perfect specimen of Intelligence, Military." So is the CIA. I am proud of them. strengthened that i ir, a fi e, I more deepened ghat alfce- i Lion, more promoted the g:;ad will or the c^::rmunity of man than the r?'A. Augurs, diviners, colicge' of of self-examination and self- I reason, protector's of peace reproach which followed after snd hail' the assassination of Pre: dent JAMES 11. NEWMAN. Kennedy, it was widely said Chevy Chase, Md. that all of . us, , and not. V - Approved For Release 2004/02/10 : CIA-RDP75-00149R000500420021-1