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Document Creation Date: 
December 15, 2016
Document Release Date: 
December 29, 2003
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Publication Date: 
September 11, 1965
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PDF icon CIA-RDP75-00149R000500320016-8.pdf135.04 KB
PEOPLE'S 4NRLD September 11,_.1965 g oun ~~ . Do not forget that befoee Hitler, -ot a revolution." t e event+ ~ tries, any one of which could "` `e; ? ~,r: German Y seriously damage our relations dm '' Y was a democrac and - REAOTIONARY POLICY ~. w.ith these countries !e they BEN. WAYNE MORSE ~ not forh et thataother democratic g' t safd he belleved;~ ' were to bocome public." "I am concerned . , ; ' Fuibri h I' The lid on the Defense'De= ' ' oivlllza~ona have fallen because that, "beneath the jnrgon of apartment's world-wide mltita fare Area Handbook for Eth{o: ; .the military have been glven'i"science' !n which these ahrdles! espionage program was lifted n. pla^r ~ much power ." :June when a document reveals ^ "IP we unleash the American abound;' there Ilos a."reactlon?i It la prepared by the For- military abroad;' he said, "the $ry' backward-lookln y p-?. ing its "project Camelot" ac- sign Areas Study. Division, Spe- effect wlli be to Increase the P Be g Polic o th'ittes In Chile was uncovered clal Operations Research OPPICe,. Communists in the world by the o'Implicithin Camelot, as 1n` "I predict that more Camelot The American University, Wash-' .millions, just ae our mllitar , , projects will be discovered In ington, D.C.; :operated under- lnterventton in Southeast Aala Y. the concept of counterlasur-? !. Latin America and elsewhere," .. contract with the U.S. Departs ~ today 1s creating Communists ,gency' is an assumption ~ that.' ~_Morse said. ~ ~ ment of the Arm " b ~ revolutions movements are', (; He pointed speciflcaily to " y' ? ?'thr ph }t hundreds of thousands ~ '?Y I:Brazli where "only recently, our He then referred to another . gout. Asia. ;dangerous to the interests of the , ambassador was able to stop interesting research study g2p ' ~' Morse a charges -,followed -s ~ ',United ~ iftates,, and that the 9 another of our- military-apon_ pages, entitled 'Special Warfare "prepared. statement by Sehator:. United States must be prepared 3 I eored forays." ~ . ` Area Hand~b ' J W Fulbright (D-Ark), chair ~', to assist; u not eotual~y partt y ook for Japan, pre ~ man ol~ the Foreign Relations .clpate fly, measures to tepreea ~~ IIANDBOOKS READY 'Pared by Foreign Areas Study :;; Comm?Ittae ,Uta! "Caluelot type'-. the Division, Special Operations fte n n (? Morse disclosed that hand. __ "???'-?? --.