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Document Release Date: 
April 2, 2004
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Publication Date: 
October 14, 1966
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Approved For Release 2004/04/08 : CiA- STAT. tom.,.. Approved For Release 2004/04/08 : CIA-RDP75-00149R000500180008'3 A?? a NNsiDE I V ~ i1 -) ; enso Again Asserts C.I.A. 5anctionod Sale of B-26's (? By DOUGLAS tOBINSON Specl&l to The New York Tlroea s-UT, F ALO, Oct. 13-The trial involving a British pilot and a French nobleman accused of illegally export' ng seven World War IT bomb_cs to Portugal last year was put in the hands of The jury late this afternoon. :he- panel-10 men and two women-will decide.whether the defendants "knowingly- and willfully" violated a Federal law the to Ero a as wu, ovaru 11VWL w 1uuGU5 nir rurce ua5c) tl planes p part Both defendants were indicted and various accountants and near Lisbon, were said to have.' of a transaction that was at year, along with Gregory businessmen. The "fairy god- been for eventual'uso against 'eventually supposed to entail Board, a Tucson, Ariz., busi- father" was the Government- an alleged Communist Chinese-, the sale of 20 bombers. ~ ? . nessman, now said to )be living "a ghost, a spook, a little man trained uprising in Portugal'8 The . defendants,'- John : R, on the -island ? of,. Jamaica. who was not seen who always African territories 01 Mozam .yavrke, a . former, Aoyaln,Air Charges against two other men, tapped. Mr. Hawke's,shulders bique, and,, Angola.-' Force pilot, and Count Henri were dismissed during the trial with a bit of fortune" he said.) Marie Francois do Marin de here for lack of evidence. Throughout the trial Mr.~ Montmadn, a French airplane Iii summing up today; the Marger has `attacked agents ofi broker, face a total sentence of lawyer representing Mr. Hawke various Government agencies nine years in prison or fines returned to his theme that the who allowed Mr. Hawke to,, of $60,000 or both, if they are entire operation had been car- leave .the country in the bomb-, convicted of one count of con- ried out with the authorization ers without checking to see i!, spiracy and two counts of actu- or tacit approval of the Central Intelligence Agency under the he had an export license, ally transporting the planes. code name of Operation Spar- Edward Brodsky of New: The two were charged with row. York, the lawyer representing violating the Munitions Control Earlier., this week, Lawrence Count de Montmarin, said his: Act, which forbids the export- R. Houstn, general counsel of client had never in all his for- ing of war material to any the C.I,A., denied that his agen- foreign mer dealings with the sale of country except Canada ey had been involved in any without a license. Involved are way. aircraft from the United States? the sale of seven World War II Mr. Hawke's lawyer, Edwin to Europe faced the necessity' surplus B-26 Invader bombers.. Marger of Miami Beach, re- of obtaining export licenses. Possible Sentences ferred to the case as "the 10 In his summation, United little Indians and the fairy god- States Attorney John T. Curtin Under. the law, Mr. Hawke father." restated his contention that and Count de Montmarin could both men knew they were receive five and fines of ' The 'Fairy Godfather' years breaking the law. He dismissed $10,000 each on the conspiracy The Indians, he told the jury, the argument that the C.I.A.. count, and two years and fines I would be all of the people in. was involved as "ridiculous." ...e..a Th L _ of ;25.000 each nn both of fho vnlved in th ' ti e omb e opera on