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December 15, 2016
Document Release Date:
April 1, 2004
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Publication Date:
May 22, 1967
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LONG ISM .Pfo~fi`QSAr Release 2004/04/08 : CIA-
r MAY 2 2 T67 ~. u v.nn ?.wnt n.w wv NU\lh1\Y\41\\\NlM\nRKRVA\\\\h1
CIA nstigg aced Assassination
E - 321,828
S - 377,402
She discounted speculation
that the Black Muslims
were to blame.
"Realist," a Greenwich Vil-
lage periodical.
"I know that the CIA In-
stigated Malcolm's death,"
i Mrs. Collins said when she
was asked about the Real-
1st article. "There's no
doubt In my mind. I would
never. say I believe, or I
think .
"Mr. Eric Milton had
many Interviews with me in
putting his article together
for the Realist. I gave him
any views and he became so
alarmed that he would
spend most of the. day with
me, on many occasions."
Mrs. Collins said there
had been several attempts
to assassinate her brother.
"it ltne xiumg) was sup- A., lied Mrs. Collins why sne mind of the people Mat Ills
posed to happen iia Egypt _'thought "no one sought to life was in danger. On
when he was poisoned," .:: protect" her brother, even . many occasions, Malcolm
she said. "It ways supposed P though he had complained received threatening calls,
to have taken place in to police that his life was s and notes, and letters, and
France, and the State De a in danger. things of this type .. .
partment in France became "Whenever a man of Mal- "Now, you would think
aware of it and would not colm's caliber came up out that the law would come
allow him to come into the : of the black race, it was forth and protect this man.
country. As you know, im- - necessary that the white.
mediately after his return power structure remove They did not, even, the day
from France, his home .was this man If they are not he was assassinated. He
bombed the same day, and successful In incriminating was in the Audubon Ball-
one week later he was as- him in the eves of the room. His security had de-
sassinated. ? people through some court serted him ... someone in
"Therefore, we can say procedure," she replied. that security was working
what we abase about Ell- Malcolm was the type with the plotters
jah Muhammad. or others,. of man who kept himself "Malcolm's death was
but Elijah Muhammad is x above reproach. The' only very carefully planned, and
black man In America and way to eliminate Malcolm . very expertly carried out."
, his powers are limited." was to kill him. Therefore, Mrs. Collins Is now the
Interviewer Leon Lewis -\it ,was necessary on many president of the Organiza:
i f Af A i U
on o ro- mer can m-
occasions for Malcolm s life
to be threatened, so that he ty. (OAAU), which he
would, plant i its seed in the brother founded.
' -. MYli.l~.v xfiVMW yua?nN.~4ea1 W.r..uuah(aWnaar.vaw.nanMawanaua.aaewa?wMa~wwu-aw+a. .~
mad's Black Muslim organ--
ization, with which Mal- ,t:
color broke about a year be-
fore he was killed. Hayer
insisted, however, that the
Black Muslims had nothing
to with the killing.
Although Mrs; Collins
had never previously ac-
cused the CIA of complicity
in the killing, speculation
along those lines had been,
published by others. One
such article, by Eric Milton,
appeared recently in the
A sister of the late Black
Nationalist leader Malcolm
X charged last night that
his assassination two years
ago was instigated by-the
U.S. Central Intelligence
In a radio interview on
WLIB, Mrs. Ella Collins
said the CIA arranged Mal-
colm's killing because "it
V/was necessary that the
white power structure re-
move this man."
Malcolm was shot down
Feb. 21, 1965, while he was
addressing a meeting in
Harlem's Audubon Ball-
room. .Three Negroes-Nor-
man (3X) Butler, Thomas
(15X) Johnson and Tal-
madge Hayer-were found
guilty and sentenced to life
Butler and Johnson were
members of Elijah Muharri-
-?lis Sister
Of Malcolm X, SaN
Approved For Release 2004/04/08 : CIA-RDP75-00149R000500140006-9