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Publication Date:
March 2, 1966
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March 2. 1966
ON JANUARY 30 the influential
Washington Post began publica-
tion under the title "Labour's Cold ,,
Warrior" of a series of articles by
its staff writer D.? C Ur:/man ex-
posing JaX_-Lbvesi ne, Director of
the AFL-CIO -Department of Inter-
U.S. Central Intelligence Agency.
Lovestone, Kurzman writes, is, in
fact, "Meany's Secretary of State,
directing a world-wide operation
that parallels and often converges
with the U.S. diplomatic network,
And he runs a vast intelligence sys-
tem that appears to be informally
but tightly integrated with the ope-
rations of the Central Intelligence
Agcncy." His co-operation with the.'
CIA has cooled relations between
American trade unions and unions
r r py~+
Johnson named a fellow-Texan,
Thomas C. Mann, as As Sec-
etary of State for Inter-American
vas a boyhood friend of Mann's.
he artici )atcd I t, in
The Washington Post 'Latin-American operations. Mann's
first action when he took his post.
on Jay Lovestone was to ask McClellan and Lovestono
to address his staff.
Lovestone policy, supported by
Mcany, has brought a rift with the
and his aides boast, as they have, leadership of the International Con-
that their pupils have plotted against federation of Free Trade Unions
undesirable governments such as, (ICFTU), to which the AFL-CIO is
the Joao Coulart Brazilian regime , affiliated. Tension reached such a
that was deposed in 1064." point that at a press conference
, Kurzman shows that Washington's last 'March Mcany said the ICVTU
policy of supporting reactlonnry mil- tuns . "an ineffective bureaucracy."
itary dictatorships, if they go along Kurzman observes that Love-
with State Department and CIA stone's line of narrow "pragmatic"
wishes, has a faithful parallel in` unionism with emphasis on anti-
the activities of Lovestone. In the communism and hostility to peaceful
Dominican Republic, he , writes, co-existence clashes with the policy
Loveslone's Latin-American agent, of most of the unions of Europe and
Andrew McClellan, supported thejespecially of developing African
U.S. tool General Elias Wessin y countries, where the unions Play a
'Wessin and 'Justified the overthrow strong 'role in the struggle for free-
of the Bosch regimd under Wessin's dom from imperialist domination. In
leadership." recent months, says Kurzman, almost
In Latin America the AFL-CIO a dozen African unions have with-
supports dictatorial regimes in Bra- drawn from the ICFTU and joined
cspeciar,y rrresornc, To foreign ia-
bour leaders, writes Kurzman, is
Lovestone's "influence over U.S. la
hour attaches stationed in embassies
abroad." Some responsible union
sources even say that appointment
of labour attaches in "such key plac-
es as London, Paris, Rome and Brus-
gels must always get Lovestone's
stamp of approval."
zil, Guatemala, Honduras, and "other . the All-African Trade Union Fede-
countries? When the U.S. sought to ration.
overthrow the regime of Prime Min-J Opposition to Lovestone's policies
aster Cheddl Jagan in British Guia- is evident not only In international
na, "Lovestone's operatives" did! organizations but also In primary
their part. "The AFL-CIO sent in, trade union organizations in the.
sphere of Lovestone's co- teams of advisers and tons of mon- United States.
with U.S. government ey," writes ICurzman, "to 'combat: Dan Kurzman's series in the
bodies is in the American Institute' the regime's forces and eventually ' Washington Post provides added con-
for Free ' Labour Development depose it." In Cuba Lovestone "back firmation of the disgraceful role the
(AIFLD), which is financed by -60 ed the Cuban Federation of Labour reactiohary American trade union
corporations with interests in Latin (CTC) whose leaders closely co-ope- leadership Is playing on the interna-
America and by the U.S. government rated with Batista. When Batista tipnal Seene.
through its Agency for International was overthrown by' the Castro-led
Development. The AIFLD, which revolution, CTC general secretary'
operates a training centre in Wash- Eusebio Mujal and his associates
ington for "labour leaders" in :ratio fled." Now Mujal and other leaders
America, has long since become in of the Batista union have CIA con- '
effect a branch or the CIA. In this nections and are ' working for
connection Kurzman writes that its ' Lovestone. ?
critics say it "does not make for'in- ?Lovestone's hand in.Latin-Amerce-'
dependent-minded union leaders and an affairs became` most noticeabie,
looks all the worse when Lovestone writes Kurzman, When President'
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