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April 1, 1970
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Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP75-00149 .. '. T 'S TY L .WDOWN CPYRGHT At Great Falls, a few miles above the' Nation's capital, the Potomac is a narr shining ribbon-of water twisting and winding between its palisades as seen fr ?20,OOO feet. It is here that the great procession of mighty thundering jetli begin their descent as they head toward National Airport. It is challenging t , pilot to keep in the narrow.twisting corridor above the river, where he is re ,to remain because the thundering roar of his aircraft is unwelcome to the resi of the District of Columbia and Virginia on the land below. Apparently the r dents of Georgetown in the District of Columbia have more political influence, as a result of their complaints pilots make sure that when they stray from over the river, it is on-the Virginia side. As the planes thunder over Langley, Va., pass- engers look out upon'the roof of a tremendous office complex, .a massive white build ing with two gigantic bean-shaped parking Sots'-the imposing headquarters of the Central Intelligence Agency (C.I.A.). MYSTERY FOR A SHROUD CPYRGH. T Intelligence is generally thought o as a c oak and dagger hush-hush business, shrouded in mystery, and much is made of how secret the C.I.A. operation is. But .the iceberg has a'big tip--the. building' in Langley, the recruiters on college cam- puses, and operations such as the U-2 overflights of Russia, and the Bay of Pigs J invasion of Cuba. ;ant as the budget of the C.I.A. is secret--even the Congressmen who vote the funds .are not supposed to know the'amount of the agency's budget.., The allotments are con- Most people recognize the'need of governments for accurate intelligence, necessary for the protection of their nationals. Things that are really subject to question .by the layman are the concept of this operation being.a world wide network, com- puterized, and mass-produced with 'a massive bureaucracy, and the quality and orien- 'tation of the personnel'involved. Of course, the size of the budget to sustain all this should be a justifiable question for taxpayers. This is particularly import- Lcealed in appropriations for?other,agencies of government'-. If,,however,?the C.I.A. ,-gets the reputed amount of $4 BILLION a year,:?and this amount can be hidden in the ':budget, it would certainly cause taxpayers to..wonder.if the. federal'.. budget is not leakier than the New York City water system. One.thing is certain--anybody who recruits'on:'college.campuses should know what he is-.hixing=fpr_the students who get honors these days are those who please theiz Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP75-00149R000400410015-0 WAMaNGTON OBSERVER NEwui rrbu 3.1966 NOV Sanitized -.Approved For Release : CIA-RDP CPYRGHT KONLY WASHINGTON OBSERVER is pleased to an- nounce that it has won a singular victory r in its crusade to secure freedom for Mario FREED Kohly, the imprisoned anti-Communist Cuban exile leader. Kohly was released from the Allenwood Federal Prison Farm, by order of the President of the United States. He could have been caged I V4 years longer. But, like everything else that LBJ does, there are strings attached. It is stipulated that Kohly must cease and desist in his efforts to overthrow the Communist regime of Fidel Castro. For the past nine months, WO staffers have spent considerable time and intensive effort collecting evi- dence to prove in a court of law that Kohly was the victim of CIA entrapment and that he was railroaded to prison on trumped-up charges and arbitrarily denied the right to call witnesses in his own defense. Further- more, WO was prepared to prove that two of Kohly's attorneys sold out to the CIA. Sixteen potential wit- z nesses were interviewed and written statements were taken from seven of them. WO published a series of three articles on the "Tragedy of Mario Kohly" (Feb. 15, Oct. 1 and Oct. 15, 1966) and was preparing to run several more de- tailing the shocking facts relating to the shameful frame-up against this great Cuban patriot. The WO expose aroused a lively interest on the,part of several editors of other publications, who sought personal interviews with Kohly, but Justice Department ; . ; .... officials denied their requests. Several Members of 'I".. Congress made inquiries at the Department of Justice * I and received long, rambling replies. Finally, the matter was called to the attention of President Johnson, who quickly decided that he did not want Kohly to become a martyr and the symbol of secret agreement between Washington and Moscow. anti-Communist Cuban agitation embarrassing to the. LBJ ordered Kohly paroled for the remaining 15 I months of his prison sentence-he has already served nine months. There was a hint that LBY would grant a full Presidential pardon later. Sanitized'- Approved For Release: CIA-RDP75-00149R000400:41`QO:115,-0 WASHINGTON OBSERVER NEWSLETTER . Sanitized - Appro c ~or%Olease : CIA- CPYRGHT va .u v Here is the latest sequel in the tragic Kohly I L i story, revealed in an exclusive story in the SEQUEL last issue Of WASHINGTON OBSERVER NEWSLETTER. A convicted narcotics vi- olator, now serving a sentence at the :\ifcnwood Prison farm, recently told Kohly that he had been offered $50,000 to kill him. The confession was transmitted to the Justice Department authorities and is supposedly being investigated. The Federal prison guards have taken a kindly atti- tude toward Kohly. Consequently, he has received-rea- sonably fair treatment until now. Recently, Kohly broke his reading glasses. After waiting six weeks prison doe- tors furnished him new glasses, but he can't see to read with them. His wife sent ; ? .ectacles with prescribed lenses, but prison officials returned the glasses explain- ing they were unauthorized. At the same time, prison officials ordered Kohly to teach a class of prisoners about civil defense-a subject he knew nothing about. He was furnished instructional material from the Pentagon, but he can't read the print. As a disciplinary measure for not obeying orders to teach civil defense, prison officials are threatening to send him back to the Lewisburg Penitentiary and place him in solitary confinement. This would put a black mark on his otherwise excellent conduct record and prevent him from becoming eligible for parole. His petition for parole is currently pending before the parole board and at the discretion of the board he can presently be paroled for good behavior. Castro wants Kohly dead and the CIA-State Depart- ment clique wants to keep him incarcerated! "EQUAL JUSTICE UNDER LAW" is inscribed on- the stone front of the U.S. Supreme Court Building in Washington, but that highest tribunal rejected Kohly's plea to review the entrapment case against him. FOIAb3b Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP75-00149R000400410015-0