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Oswald Case figure' Promoted
s., Kingston, Jamaica, where he- report, dated July 11, 1961, in- light of his bad judgment of :.
he, , dicating the defector had under- Oswald..
served as deputy chief of the'''
WASHINGTON -- Boris H. :-secret ;police, Intelligence dnd grams already has questioned
Klosson, the State Department ^' assassination organization).." Abba Schwartz, head of the Bu
official who played a'key` role, BACK IN MOSCOW reau of Security & Consular In .clearing the way for Lee According to' the records of fairs, about, Klosson's dispatch.
I.. Harvey Oswald's retum', from ' the' Warren Commission, which Rep.. John Slack ' .Jr. (D-,
I Russia, is slated for a major investigated the assassination of W.".), member of the sub
promotion. '.' President Kennedy, Klosson was committee, Is seeking additional
1 A career foreign service offs- U. S. counselor for political af- Information about Klosson from
cer, Klosson Is scheduled to re- fairs in Moscow in 1961' when . both the State and Justice De"
place Frank C. Siscoe as the de- Oswald sought visas for himself, partments.''
partment's : director ' of lobviet and his new wife to return to'. The House judiciary subcom
gone to mittee on Immigration, headed.1
and Eastern European exchange be U.S. Oswald had
bb staffs. -Russia in 1959. by Rep. Michael Feighan, D-O.,
.While no, official announce. FBI officials credit Klosson'also is seeking further details
ment of his new assignment has with clearing the way for Os about: Klosson's dispatch, and,,
been made, Klosson has checked wald's return by sending the why he Is being given the lm-,
ifin at the department from State Department a three-page portant' new assignment in the
Department authorities arrang Much of the arrogance Johnson s immigration proposal.
Klosson, 46, was born In Buf
Ing the exchange and screening and bravado which character- falo,'N.Y.,-and has been In the
~'of several thousand U. S., Rus= ized him on.his first visit to the State Department since 1945. He
ore gn ere ce DI' V. this month, after reporting out
In this strategic position, Klos was signed by Klosson and ..a revised version of President
I son will be in charge `of State . stated, In part, as follows:
;`room number and, telephone as Titled "Citizenship and Pass-
e his forwarding address. ports -- Lee Harvey Oswald,"
F S ! Di
h N 29
et joined the department after
'sign and Soviet bloc scientists, embassy appears w
World War II.
educators, artists, actors and Little-noticed testimony before '
~ t5tudents. --the Warren Commission pin- WORKS UP
The security implications of.:'. pointed a number of errors in After assignment to the Dlvi-
with tutor- sion' of Research on U
atch dealin
' th
grams Kbosson
the exchange pr
duu - are clew..
m" be
dicated in 'testimony given a'.-'scan girl Oswald married on worked his way up to chief of
House appropriations subcom- !April 30,1961. the Research (Intelligence) Sec-
y 26,
Lion for U.S.S.R. On Ju
mittee by FBI Director J. Edgar Klosson's vital communication
Hoover. reported Oswald's bride as be. ' 1959, he became first secretary
ing Marina Nikelaevna Pusa- of the U.S. embassy in Moscow
MANY. SPiES ' kova Instead of Marina Nike- and later counselor for political
A, He warned that spies are 1n- laevna Prusakova,, and listed affairs-a diplomatic post some.
eluded in virtually every Soviet ..her occupation as "dental 'tech- times filled by the CIA.
group that visits the U.S.-diplo. nician" instead of "assistant Klosson, fluent In Russian, re-
mats, scientists, businessmen,,, pharmacist." ceived a B.S. degree from Ham-
F' students and cultural exchange Elton College In 1940 and M. A.
missions-stating: LOOKING HIM OVER degree from the Fletcher School
'1 "The numerous Soviet scien ' Two congressional committees of Law and Diplomacy in 1941.
tific and cultural delegations ' are quietly looking. into Klos- He studied a year (1938-9) at
which arrive in the U.S. to visit son's new assignment and his the Institut' Universitaire de
our universities and scientific role in paving`tj '' way for Os- Hautes Etudes Internationale
4!!E t11WPt g ~v~ OiNt1~-R(~5=00 4y n~$ Before go-
a 12g the r members scientists- . . IFous approp~laHOns su [ng" Tn d t " ~ service,
Klosson s proposed appoint
ment will be reviewed by Fel-^
'ghan's subcommittee when It?,
takes another look at the East-
'West exchange program later
NOTE: The boxed'
:portion did not
appear in the, 7
June issue of t'
who have.been given special as-' committee "in :barge Of funds I s