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Document Release Date: 
December 23, 1998
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Publication Date: 
November 19, 1967
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JAMAICA, NEW YORK I LONG ISLAND PRESS Sanitized - Aaprovec 4 r1 I e: C A-RDP75-00149R000400390011-7 p oboe rig View treedonl of speech, but prefer only to hold ..ii( ver shown -city interest. It ii Important, this was not rncir policy. At any ui,,vci- silics the have been offered time and facilities" to hold forums, but they have against the CIA last Wednesday, I reply to the "Press" condemnation of our ac- tions. I and my fellow students strongly be- lieve in "academic freedom." Is the fact that we Diannod to sit in -against the CIA . a. contrktdiction?' Idou't think so. Before WednesC`ay, the aciministrtitiolr called the CIA and raskecl if they would bring it speaker.?with the recruiter. They replied volvecl In the threatened demonstration As one of the Stony Brook students In CPYRGHT sl'csc c1; ilzl,cCy}ews, Are they attempting to hide som thiiig which might come out in. A forum? Secondly,; die do slot believe recruitment is a traditio4ft1 academic right. To recruit llQ x, a right, but,a . gonven- t on :%;am1 us is . .lence offered by tl a university If recruit-' ment is to become-a "right," it must be one- iven to all students, which means any organization should be allowed to re- eruit on campus upon the request, of stu- dents. This include;: the Communist Party,; t.lie Progressive Lubur Party, and the Ku' { Klux Klan. We have made no exorbitant cletn'iands to the university, as The "Press" :seems to. think. We have not. demanded the CIA and;, Dow Chemical be barred from the univer-; r sity, but merely that recruitment be truly open. Any civil disobedience is apart from these demands, and. goes beyond the recruitment question. We will sit in against i various organizations not bccalisp we feel1 i the administration should bend to our. de- sires, but, because our conscience, will not; permit us' t'o sefe. such 111allip, Lnt ol'g;aniza- Liuilson campus without protesting. It i-~,,i perhaip.1 l,lic inc :.;kfeeling Negroes in the, c,ivil,rights ?iI0vrrn(,nt, felt when they saw. c ;',cited public, facilitii';s,,ur the feeling of Jc?wr; ill ttie Warsaw ghetto oil seeing the trre;;lxin,,l N;c,',i.s to operiii iun. NVe are nut, t>Ir; ''c understand the cullsequellecs fur': c,ccr action and are willing to accept Lhem.' \VIco IS so cell-rigilteciuti ;uld sure of right` mil wrung that. hi may say uuhe.;itantly. J mii i'i Y! I'Ml' iii u;itified? (il.1;NN KISSACI{,.- tii;iti. iiL Stony lironh. Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP75-00149R00040039