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Document Creation Date: 
November 11, 2016
Document Release Date: 
December 10, 1998
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Publication Date: 
September 22, 1964
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PDF icon CIA-RDP75-00149R000400050012-3.pdf121.6 KB
LAS VEGAS SLIM Sanitizdd - Approveot tRgpse Ci WASHINGTON; D.C. - Em- :battled Jimmie Hoffa's most '..loyal legions are on the left 'flank of the land.' It Is intriguing' in, literature and ?sppaking in tthat some of the loudest. last behalf of Hoffa is Barry Bridges. hurrahs for the man who is still, head of the, Pacific Cnasl long- "technically the Teamsters' chief''shoremen's unlcn. Also aeJivc is come from men who seek deal- Bridges' colleague Louis Gold- ??ings with the ? Chinese Commu-i Matt, , brilliant strategist and ttist government and the 'Soviet secretary-treasurer. of Bridges' These Are 'men Iwho have been 'called Communist activists by .xworn witnesses in the courts :and before congressional com mittees. These are men who have traveled with world Com- ;.munist labor leaders across the globe and some of whom have so Appreciated by the Russians 'that they were made honorary members of the Soviet trade ,;union federation. Itis'witli these men, and their .:unions, that"Jim Hoffa .has tied if they. And ihe?ptihlic, looked r?losaly they would discover that, rt7it of Nip moss Active of those raising defense funds, rlistribut- BRIDGES HELP Who is Harry Brides, defend- er of the faith , foe Jimmie, Hoffa? He is, for example, the, man who helped to launch the "All Pacific and Asia Dockwnrk- bra trade Union Conference"' in the Orient. It has been meeting regularly in Tokyo. Amongst. its resolutipnS,:are del lands Lor the, abblition.,of ,all, ~f. t. rrt4litary japan,,and charges. that there are slave lahgr Conditions his union in written pacts callingi In 'the v i t a I U. S. base in for joint action - industrial and; Okinawa. .political. It is all. on'the record. It is Harry Bridges who is Therefore, their defense qf. -him1Padin I the drive for open rela- is understandable. Btat !