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September 18, 1967
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1912038 Sanitized - Appre Rel'aAseR1 (MRDRU5 149R00O49 "1889 1967
myth. Let us recall that we are spending
$30 billion a year, 25 percent of our na-
tional budget, 500,000 troops there today,
with over 13,000 killed and 90,000 casual-
ties. And this war is just beginning. These
are the facts. We look here at home and
we see that we do not have enough nurs-
ing homes, we do not have enough class-
rooms and we cannot begin our Job-train-
ing programs. We have sprawling slums
that pockmark every city in the country.
The list Is. endless of things which we
have to do here which we cannot do at
home partly because we are investing $30
billion a year in Vietnam. If there is a
strategic overriding reason, let us hear
it. If the President is willing to come
here and make the argument that it is
worth holding Vietnam whatever it costs,
whether it Is $40 billion, $50 billion, or
$60 billion, and whatever the troop com-
mitment may be, then let us recognize
that fact and justify it on that basis.
Certainly the South Vietnamese are not
concerned enough to make an equivalent
commitment. I happen to think that the
justification does not exist. But my mind
is open. If that case can be made, then
the administration should make it. Cer-
tainly let us not continue to proceed on
the basis of a faulty rationale when the
'facts stand out as clear as light that
there is just not the wherewithal
in South Vietnam and the commitment
to this struggle necessary to bring this
thing to a conclusion. Let us either re-
concile ourselves to being there forever
or let us decide that it is time we take
a new this commitment, and de-
velop a new policy based on reality.
The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under
previous order of the House, the gentle-
man from Wisconsin [Mr. LAIRD] is rec-
ognized for 20 minutes.
Mr. LWIRD. Mr. Speaker, the charges
that appeared in the Washington Eve-
ning Star last Thursday and Friday
alleging that "Arlie House, the area's
most prestigious, conference center, is se-
cretly supported by the Pentagon, State
Department, and Central Intelligence
Agency," are of direct concern to me be-
cause I have- arranged for and partici-
pated in many conferences at Airlie
Ever since the charges appeared on
Thursday, September 14, many Members
of this body have contacted me concern-
ing these allegations.
As chairman of the House Republican
conference, I arranged the meeting of 57
freshmen Republican Members, the
House leadership, and ranking minority
members of the standing committees of
the House last January at Airlie House.
I have also arranged and participated
in other meetings at Airlie House.
I have concluded that they are unfound- ' The damage from this kind of irre-
ed and without basis in fact. sponsible and unfounded attack. is in-
As you know, Mr. Speaker, the article calculable. The private, scientific, aca-
in question was the result of a press con- demic, governmental, and business
ference held on Thursday morning by Mr. groups who have met or are scheduled to
William Higgs who was described in the meet at Airlie in an atmosphere of
article as a "Washington attorney." guaranteed privacy may hesitate to do so
The article, by Robert Walters, a Star again.
staffwriter, stated: Furthermore, Mr. Speaker, Dr. Mur-
Washington attorney William Higgs today / dock Head's ability to contribute as an
charged that Airlie House, the area's most objective producer of important public
prestigious conference center, is secretely sup- affairs programing through the medical
ported by the Pentagon, State Department societies of this country is jeopardized
and Central Intelligence Agency. along with the reputation of those out-
The charge was immediately denied by 'standing scientists, political leaders, and
Dr. Murdock Head, founder and director of broadcasters who have supported him In
the Airlie Foundation, and by a government this important work.
source. Head said that "not a single dollar 'of The Inaccuracies of these stories re-
organization from the CIA or any other similar
organization has been offered or accepted garding Dr. Head's family and financial
by this institution." status alone could hamper the avail-
Higgs told a press conference that "an ability of future funding and financial
elaborate system of electronic bugging" support for the Airlie Center and its
equipment has been installed in Airlie's main important projects. The CIA and De-
monitoring building and is capable of secretly partment of Defense are both much
participacipangnts, the conversations of conference maligned governmental agencies and it
ar is unfortunate that any attack, however
Mr. Speaker, this serious indictment of skimpy, can find its way into public
the Airlie Foundation, of its director, Dr. print.
Murdock Head, his family, the Airlie
Foundation board, the Department of
Defense, the State Department, and the
CIA, was found to have been made by a
31-year-old white disbarred lawyer from
the State of Mississippi. Mr. Higgs Is (Mr. CORMAN (at the request of Mr.
known in the Washington area as an ac- ' JACOBS) was granted permission to ex-
tive civil rights militant, espouser of tend his remarks at this point in the
black power, and is an unrelenting critic RECORD and to include extraneous mat-
of the CIA. The files of every newspaper ter.)
that has access to wire service informa- ' Mr. CORMAN. Mr. Speaker, private.
tion should be replete with this man's industry has played a major role in the
incredible record. long history of our country's growth and
In the Star article it was suggested development. Along with its efforts
that the members of the board of Airlie through the, years toward building a
Foundation who, in their own right, are greater America, private industry has
all highly reputable and outstanding also accepted responsibility to further
citizens have, because of their past af- the cause of human welfare. A particu-
filiations with Government agencies, larly fine example of how one industry
served as direct links to the Department accepted this responsibility is an event
of Defense and the intelligence com- that occurred in Los Angeles during this
munity. summer.
In checking out the allegations con- In early August, the Los Angeles-based
tained in this article, I found many false International Rectifier Corp., through
and unverified statements. But more im- its Rachelle Laboratories. subsidiary, do-
portant, the Innuendo and general tone nated to the American Friends Service
of the charges has unquestionably Committee 4 million capsules of the
greatly damaged the reputation of this antibiotic "Tetrachel"-tetracycline hy-
fine institution which has contributed so drochloride-for use in combating dis-'
much to national and international af- 'ease and infection in riot-torn commu-
Mr. Speaker, the charges of "bugging"
and monitoring of conferences are com-
pletely false, as was stated by both the
Airlie Foundation and the Government
agencies who responded to the Star's
articles. The accusations of such menac-
ing projects as a radio tower, a clinic for
plastic surgery, and specialized electronic
equipment, place a pall over the credi-
bility of this Institution, its director, its
board, and those who have held confer-
ences here. Among the groups who are
listed in the Star article as having met
For these reasons, Mr. Speaker, I felt there recently are the House Republican
obliged to look into the charges contained leaders, the International Association of
in the article which appeared in last Police Chiefs, the State Department, and
Thursday's. Star entitled "Airlie House others. As I indicated, it was at my sug-
Is Backed by CIA, District of Columbiw gestion that the House Republican
Lawyer Claims." leaders -met at the Airlie center and I
After checking into these charges with, deeply resent this libelous, alse, and un-
among others, the Director of the Central precedented attack upon the institution
Intelligence Agency, Mr. Richard Helms; ? and its director, Dr. Murdock Head.
nities. International Rectifier's Rachelle
Laboratories subsidiary .is the leading
bulk and finished-form manufacturer of
generic antibiotics in the United States.
Having the welfare of people at heart,
and having the foresight to see that
antibiotics might be needed In riot-torn
communities, this firm took the initia-
tive to make a very generous quantity of
this lifegiving drug available to areas
where riots occurred.
Mr. Eric Lidow, the corporation's
executive vice president, in making the
presentation of the antibiotics. to the
American Friends Service Committee,
stated that-
The breakdown of basic health standards,
with its resultant increase in disease and
infection. Is one of the most tragic after-
maths of the recent violence plaguing our
cities. The continuing need to improve
health conditions In poverty areas presents
an obligation and a . cbkallenge to which we
feel we must respond.
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