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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
September 22, 1966
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PDF icon CIA-RDP75-00149R000300510072-7.pdf98.92 KB
NEW YO )R K TrMFS Approved For Release 2000/($ 72 C RDP7 Defendant in Illicit E' j to ~'c r~t By DQ'It7GLAS ROI INSOti ' Speelal to The New'?ork'Iylil #S ' . African territories. __.__- CtF?r dui la-!` A.ero Associates, Inc., of Tueahe trial n. Ariz. He is now living o it NQ a 7 7 t jury that the flights, far from the island of Jamaica. Firzon of Buffa.1, aN r; dic3 n 7 7 7 being clandestine, were carried Mr.Marger contended in hisloiltc an opening s atemen(_ out in the open. statement that the Government l'or the Govern enl llI , "We have flight plans filed allowed Mr. Board to leave thel~t:rtes Attorney l in 'I' (leer, by Mr. Hawke as well as fuel country. Ile also charged that .,:lid that the pros) cation win H ? hills and custom declarations," " oj~cndaiti Federal authorities had done all thn,., _ he asserted. The pilot evert ac- nothing to get him back for......, guilty of viol Ling Feduial to Icy for }. pilot a cu c led of tlleg ying w Tl' ited Stat;e4d y of havin s retl ponsoredh fli hts i y s e g e C tradiction of its own polic l d pil~t, told a urn in Federal Di trict. Court -that tlje Central s oks will appear he told a jil y of 10 men an two women his opening statement. He ex la}ned that ,9 oks" is a c loquialism in some cycles for UT tiignts, which involved the tr nsporting of seven B-26 b, 'bets to Portugal from May to 'August of la, year, were c 'Tied out with the full knowl- e e and cooperation of the in- Yeoii '?" `-' The attorney also riser t(d f a1.e 1"ist s c,ir the Unit rt causing an investigation bSF the; hat ;F'c la rat alCfhbri es_ Yv or:1tS,,rtl?s told United Venous dE'i Federal Aviation Agency I Mr, Hawke. is amoii&tl. ree :{ware of the seven flights and II g ti that the i li, 1wkt ha k b defendants on trial here, efiarged {lid nothing to stop them. He, ,F M1rraed out w}thrn the laic with conspiracy azid yioldtion'said the bombers had 'been in-` 1. P it the Uov, rl cent. .r1trl i..l of the Munitions ,.. Control Act,;pgcteti during refileling :tops ilci,.i,i. no a ie?rats, ittl .1 1 which forbids the export or im- by both customs agents ~a~lth; port of armament war' ii a. r ha de that the he secret had members of the Feder .Bureau: teriel without a license from m ~ ln~en delivered on he secret in- the State De artment. of Investigation. p - 1 l ructions of the l cited Stat, 1 11 "Thee were man me littl { e n y in violation of its ,ledge to the US Wltth in blast suits who spoke .o;Trnited Nations ttat no such It w ..nesrs as learnec,,today tha te him and helped him on his se defense hoped to subpoena*.sev-,;yet way to Europe,. ttr aircraft would be old to Poriu- eral high-ranking present anuMar er.: sa'ida*uf "Mr. Hawke's .11 because of t e -p, ,Llbihtg former officials of the CI.A,,,fligaht.. .nt they might be used ti as well as one or two prominentl The attorney for Mr. Mont- fri,,a. political figures. aiarin, Edward Brodsky of hfew - The other defendants are.york, Lola me Jury that his Count Henri Marie Francojs d''e~iielierit knew Nothing of licensing Mario de Montmarin, arFrcnCturegulatiihs.and had "every reel.- airplane broker, and VS oo e yt to believe that all the neces Wilson Roderick, a former rosi-'Cary papers had Been obtained: dent of Winnipeg, Canada,_saidlby Mr. Board. p aring at that time to cross The alleged leader of the lper Mr. Tfontmarin, who spear t borders of Angola and Mo- ation has been identified as virtually no English, had to w U ,C ,,, ac ed , e Approved For Release 2000/08/27 : CIA-RDP75-00149R000300510072-7